With you reaching the 36 weeks of pregnancy stage, your baby is fully developed and looks exactly like an infant with pink skin. His ears are extra sharp, and he may be able to recognise your voice or your favourite song even after birth. Till this time the baby was really high and seemed like will get into your mouth. But now in the 9th month, the baby will suddenly drop down as you prepare for the delivery. Know what happens in 36 weeks of pregnancy, what are the symptoms of labour, your baby’s growth at 36 weeks pregnant and much more here.

For beginners, we realise how much more real the deal feels when you have actually to live the stories you have heard all this time. Just after the announcement, all the stories start to pile up, all the past and previous experiences gather themselves at your feet and still at the end of the day you are alone fighting your battle.

But when you look at it, a few month’s worth of pain and trouble lands you up with yet another soul mate of your life and while you whine about the emotions spread all across, or the nights filled with insomnia you would soon realise how prized a possession you are holding on to.

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Table of Content:

Months and Trimester Indicating 36 Weeks Pregnant:

For medical assistance and monitoring, the nine-month time frame for pregnancy is divided into a weekly format of 40 weeks. So when we mention the 36th week, you know the pressure is rising. 36 weeks pregnant means you are in the third trimester and beginning of the 9th month of your pregnancy.


See More: 34 Weeks Pregnant

Physical and Psychological Changes in 36 Weeks Pregnant:

1. Lightning:

This is the biggest physical change that one experiences during the 36th week of pregnancy. All this time your baby was up and straight hanging into their original position even though he would still move around at will. All this time, he was up with his feet towards the cervical entrance and his head up your abdomen. With the start of this week, a phenomenon called the ‘lightning’ or ‘dropping’, or even ‘engagement’ would be felt. This is when the baby starts positioning himself to the rectified position, making himself ready for the delivery. As if on a cue of reflex with the weeks rolling by, he would turn himself upside down with his head towards the cervical entrance and feet upwards.

This position is not uncomfortable for the baby since he is perfectly making good use of the pear-shaped ovary of yours. But for the mothers, it might be somewhat challenging. The constant feeling of your baby sliding past and dropping makes you cringe. This persistent feeling just might come true one day since the baby is now fit for survival outside of you.

2. Leaky Breasts:

This is one of the most common symptoms that all pregnant women have to face. This generally happens during the third trimester, which means you are in the right place for experiencing this. These nutrients from the breast are the source of nutrition for the baby during the first hours after its birth. This happens to everyone and is complimentary. So suppose, you are not planning to breastfeed, you will still have leaky breasts. Nursing pads are always there to get you out of this embarrassing situation.

3. Braxton Hicks:

People confuse them with real contractions. They are different. Now, you live in a world connected with smart devices. Put your smartphone to some use and download an application that will allow you to track the contractions. This will allow you to keep a record. Braxton Hicks can be painful and pass-through at this stage as you are almost one month out to delivery, and by now, you have gathered a sufficient amount of willpower. You can bring the Braxton hicks contraction record to the hospital, and the doctors will provide you with some solutions.


36 Weeks Pregnant Baby Size and Weight:

The baby will be growing until the time it comes out, and it is growing now as well. As a matter of fact, a 36 weeks pregnant baby weight is somewhere around 2.7 kilograms heavy and has a height of 46-48 cm. This is the basic measurement that is the same for all the offspring. The baby will be dropping because of its increasing weight, and that is where you will be experiencing lightning as explained above.


Baby and Belly Look Like in 36 Weeks of Pregnancy:

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is fully developed and looks exactly like an infant but in miniature. His skin is pink, and his ears are so sharp that he can recognise the voice from the outside world.

On the other hand, the belly that was so high all this time suddenly shifts and is very low. This is because of the lightning that the 36 weeks pregnant can experience anytime from now. The lower belly indicates that the baby is preparing itself to come into the outside world.


See More: 38th Week Of Pregnancy Care

Baby Positioning During 36 Weeks of Pregnancy:

A baby at 36 weeks pregnant is a fully developed baby and strong enough to survive in the outside world. The following are the developments in the baby at 36 weeks pregnant.

1. Light Sensitivity:

The baby at first in her early days had her eyes shut since they had not yet been formed. With time the eyebrows perfect themselves followed by the formation of eyelids and lashes. Even after the baby flutters those peepers open, the ultrasound will be terrifying as you would stare at a blank white space in between the eye. With time, the iris develops and much later through pigmentation, the pupils receive their due colour. While these ongoing processes were going on your baby developed her eyesight, and now if you flash a light on your stomach, your baby would respond to it by either looking that way or looking away from it.

2. The Internals Perfect:

By the end of the 36th week, you would notice that your baby has developed almost to the point where he can now survive well outside the mother’s body. His skin is now slowly losing the white waxy substance while the other soft baby hairs are covering his body, the lanugos are now doing themselves away. The baby now develops her ears and now can recognise your voice and respond to it. The heartbeat has perfected itself, and so is the lung work. Now no longer does the liver need to filter out red blood cells, her marrow has taken over the job and doing just fine. She is now complete and ready.

3. Birth Canal:

At 36 weeks, the pregnant baby’s movement reduces as the baby drops into the birth canal. The baby will become a little chubby, and his skin will be protected by the liquid, that he will be shedding from next week and so.

4. Road To Contractions:

There will be some contraction issues such as Braxton Hicks, which will take place in the womb, and you will feel them. This is one of the prime issues with babies who are having contraction problems. This will result in some back pains, and these pains can be severe, and you might want to consult a doctor for this particular matter.

The baby and the mother both have to go over changes for them to perfect each other. While the baby has almost made the cut to perfection, the mother still has to settle down for the changes. With the ongoing days, she heaves a sigh of relief as she settles into her third trimester. The 40 weeks have been categorised into three stems- the first, second and third trimesters and here are some of the changes she will feel this week.


Pregnancy Diet & Exercises During 36 Weeks Pregnant:

There are no such massive changes in your diet. You might have to reduce the proportions of food that you consume at a time. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to eat any less. You will be compensating for that reduced food by having small meals at small time intervals, and this process will be enhanced when you are slowly heading to the final week. Eating well is the trick to staying healthy and keeping the baby healthy as well during this stage.

There are some women who think of going on a diet during pregnancy. That won’t be safe. A diet may ruin your food intake plan and might get you weak from the core, which might lead to a massacre during birth. You are at the 36th week and now definitely don’t want to be low on folic acid, iron, etc. You will also need a proper supply of all the required vitamins and minerals. Try some varied diet techniques, such as inserting new kinds of stuff into your diet. Try including some fruits in your regular veggies diet. The post-pregnancy diet is also sometimes a pain in the rear.

If you want to try some snacks that will help you maintain the right flow of good stuff into the body, the following food items will be suitable for you.

Mixed Fruit Punch:

This is a refreshing way to provide your body with the right vitamins and minerals and give the tongue a different taste.

Mocktails (Healthy):

If you are willing to have some healthy drinks and at the same time have the punch of mocktails in them, then try the alcohol-free ones. These will e generally be vegetable mocktails.

Healthy Juices:

If you are into some healthy smoothies or juices, then the tomato and mint juice will be perfect. This will allow you to have some benefits of juices along with the benefits of the good stuff.


There are many ways to stay fit during this particular week of the trimester. However, the best and easiest way is discussed below.

Stretching is one of the prime requirements and should be done carefully to avoid muscle cramps and also to deal with some weight balance issues.

Walking Daily:

Even if you are taking short walks, don’t stop the daily routine. Daily walking is the most simple exercise that allows one to deal with a lot of exercises.


Believe it or not, sitting can assist in the proper positioning of the baby, and this will also help the baby to travel the shortest distance through the birth canal. The pelvis should be forward and do it with an exercise ball. It will provide you with the proper alignment. This will bring the baby back to your back.


Sometimes you lean just like that, and that does help. Leaning is probably one of the best ways to stay fit during pregnancy.


See More: 37 Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Medical Tests and Scan in 36 Weeks of Pregnancy:

The following are the types of pregnancy tests that need to be taken during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Group B streptococcus screening:

This screening is done between weeks 35 to 37 to detect group B strep Bacteria. Also, this bacteria can be found in 30% of healthy women it can prove fatal in the newborn and lead to mental retardation, hearing loss, impaired vision etc. Women whose reports come positive are treated with antibiotics to protect the baby from catching such infection.

Electronic fetal heart monitoring:

This monitoring is done anytime after the 20th week, during labour and delivery in order to monitor the heart rate of the newborn.

Non-stress test:

This test is done every week in the ninth trimester for pregnant ladies with complications such as high BP, carrying multiples, diabetes etc. It is even used to monitor overdue babies.

Biophysical profile:

This test is done simply with the ultrasound or with a combination of non-stress tests and ultrasound.


Tips and precautions to take during 36 weeks of pregnancy:

The following are the certain tips and precautions that one needs to take during 36 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Avoid allergies as that might create trouble during breastfeeding. Any type of food allergy should be resolved right away.
  • Now that you will be visiting your health provider every week from now use your waiting time by investing in some good books.
  • Don’t panic if your baby’s movements and kicks have reduced. Understand the baby has very less room for movement now.
  • Be prepared to see yourself losing your mucus plug. It’s a thick yellow discharge with a tinge of blood. It can happen weeks, days or even hours before you go into labour.
  • Planning to send out birth announcements? Do your preparations now and keep the envelopes ready. One less thing you’ll have to do when the baby arrives as after that you will be left with very little free time.
  • Pick your paediatrician if you haven’t selected one yet.
  • Keep your birth bag ready – Pack all the necessary things that you might need once you go into labour including your insurance information, comfortable clothes, magazine, camera, charger, headphones, and any other things that you think could be necessary.


Tips To Reduce Stress:

Depression and stress during pregnancy can be one of the most common sights all woman faces them. Stress comes from following the same routine for the past 7 or 8 months, and when the women are finally at the last month’s period, the stress strikes and ruins the mood. You can do the following things.

Talking To People:

Talking to others about your mental condition and emotional problems will surely help in reducing them. This kind of self-executed therapy always comes in handy.

Proper Exercise:

Sometimes exercise does help in reducing stress. Do some collaborations with your friends or your partner, and this will allow you to deal with the stress quite easily.

Preparing For Birth:

If you prepare for birth early, then it will reduce the tension and will help with the proper reduction of stress-caused issues such as depression. A lot of women are stressed thinking about how they will be able to perform when the real period of giving birth comes. If you are one of those, don’t think about that as you will be fine if you have already gone through this point.


Checklist During 36 Weeks Pregnant:

The week’s activities are almost the same, and the woman with her child in her tummy will be able to go through these few changes quite easily as she has gone through a lot already. There will be changes in the weekly exercise routine such as you won’t be taking long walks from now on. So reading leads to laziness until you finally give birth. The baby is developing slowly and at its peak stage of fetal development. The room in the bowel is limited, and some kicks may be offered. You will also have to exclude all kinds of abdominal exercise from your workout routine since you are in the trimester stage. There will also be some slight diet changes.


Medical Treatment and Regular Checkups:

There might be some medical conditions, for which you will have to avail medicines and solving this kind of medical condition will help while giving birth. Safe medication processes should be availed during the 36th week of pregnancy. Certain medical conditions and their essential medicines are discussed below.


If you are suffering from constipation issues, then Metamucil might be the perfect thing for you. Doctors also prescribe pregnant women with this medicine who are dealing with constipation problems.


This is probably one of the most sighted medical conditions among pregnant women. Indigestion and heartburn can be fixed with the help of Tums.

Regular checkups for tracking the movements should be availed at this time.


Sex During 36 Weeks Pregnancy:

A lot of people, whether is it safe or not have sex, when they are 36 weeks pregnant. It is safe. Sex will assist in giving birth. It deals with induced labour, which in turn allows the woman to go into labour more quickly. The baby’s head will be moving slowly towards the cervix and the last thing you will want is for the baby to get dislocated. Thus, you can have some safe lovemaking even when you are 36 weeks pregnant.


36 Weeks Pregnant Pains and Discomforts:

Back Pain:

Suddenly one morning, you woke up with serious back pain and wonder why it is there. The day passes, and again the next morning, you feel the pain intensify. Here is the way to it. All this time you have been sleeping on your back, making the baby feel a shortage of space. As you continue to sleep, the baby does too, and while he grows in his sleep, you would be surprised to realise how he pushes your back muscles and marrow to make space for himself. Try sleeping on your sides and see how the pain flows away.


The baby is now ready to leave his stay, and that is why with time, your body keeps warning you of the coming events. This is usually in the form of false contractions that you feel. This may not be painful but will be a bit discomforting since as of yet your body is not ready or used to these. This contraction called the Braxton Hick’s contractions start slow and with time grows more intense.


At around this time, there would be a final rush to go over the decided baby names and finish painting the nursery. The cribs and the toys should be ready, and so should the baby quilt that you once used to carry around as a kid. The sudden rush to decorate and prepare the place may flush you out even though you suddenly feel the strong energy flowing through your bones. This is usually called ‘nesting’, a feeling the mother would experience. Just go with the flow and do what it takes to make you happy.


So you are at 36th weeks pregnant, and you are doing great till now. Just one month more and you will be victorious with your beautiful and healthy baby in your hand. If you are suffering from some serious health problems, they also are in the right place as we have discussed some of the probable symptoms and tips for overcoming them. And if not, then sit back, relax and thank god for every extra day you get to have a healthy diet which will aid to make your baby healthier and fuller.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. What are the 36 weeks of pregnancy discomforts?

Ans: The following are some of the 36 weeks of pregnancy discomforts:

  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Oedema or swelling
  • Hip pain
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Weight gain

Q2. What are the various 36 weeks pregnant pains?

Ans: The various types of pains that you can experience during 36 weeks of pregnancy are:

  1. Contractions
  2. Heartburn
  3. Braxton Hicks
  4. Lower back pain
  5. Fatigue

Q3. Is it safe to deliver at 36 weeks pregnant?

Ans: In cases where a condition like preeclampsia is involved an early delivery is the safest option. But risks are still present for babies born before the full term. However, at 36 weeks the baby is considered to be late pre-term, and the risk is much lower than the babies that are delivered in 35 weeks.

Q4. What does my baby look like in the womb at 36 weeks?

Ans: At 36 weeks, the baby is fully developed in the womb, and his skin is pink in colour. The baby is 18 inches tall and weighs almost 6 pounds in weight. At the end of this week, your baby will be termed as early term and ready for being delivered with very little risk.


About Yashasvi

Yashasvi developed a deep passion for writing ever since she was completed her Master’s in Mass Communication and Journalism from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and has chosen a career that is driven by creativity. A Parenting expert who believes in communicating effectively with a personal touch, she writes about pregnancy, baby care, lifestyle, and just about anything else.