Ardha Navasana is commonly known as the Half Boat pose. It is derived from two Sanskrit words Ardha and Nava. Ardha means half and Nava means boat. In this particular pose the body attains the shape of a boat, and all the balance is put on the hips. Half Boat poses are really very much beneficial in curing health problems. A lot of people practice this pose on a regular basis.

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It really helps them in relieving their stress and improves their digestive growth. This yoga asana is very popular among young girls and boys as it helps them to tone their bodies. They keep themselves mentally and physically fit by doing this asana once or twice a day. So to tone, your hips and buttocks follow the simple steps given below.

How To Do Ardha Navasana:

  • First, sit on the mat with your both legs spread straight in front of you.
  • Keep your eyes open throughout the pose. Your arms should be kept firmly on the sides while keeping your palms on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath and slowly start bending your knees. Allow your knees to be on the floor. Just be comfortable.
  • Now, keeping your back straight, slowly lift up your sternum and allow your body to lean back.
  • Now, carefully lift up your feet to the height of your knee. Keep your calf muscles parallel to the floor and let the thighs remain perpendicular to the knee.
  • The arms should be held at the same level and should be in line with the toes.
  • Remain in the final position as long as you can. Keep holding your breath when you’re in the final position.
  • Then breathe out and slowly return to the supine position. Just relax your whole body.
  • Practice 3 to 4 rounds. After each round, relax in Shavasana.

See More:  Yoga Anjaneyasana

There can be variations made once you fully attain this asana. After Ardha Navasana you can simply try full navasana. Though Ardha Navasana is very much beneficial still some people should completely avoid it. People suffering from low blood pressure, menstrual and headaches should completely avoid performing this pose. If the practitioner has suffered any kind of knee injury or neck injury, please avoid performing this asana.

If you’re an asthma patient or if you’re suffering from heart problems, this asana should be completely avoided. Ardha Navasana definitely helps in building your strength and power throughout the torso, but make sure that you perform this asana within your limits. In case of medical concern, please consult physiotherapists who can guide you in a much better way.

See More:  Ardha Matsyendrasana Benefits

Ardha Navasana Benefits:

Ardha Navasana has multiple benefits that have long-lasting effects on its practitioner. Ardha Navasana not only increases the flexibility of your body but also helps in building steadiness to its core. It helps in the stimulation of your abdominal organs. It also helps in improving the digestive system of your body.

It stimulates your body’s metabolic rate and also helps to maintain balance. This pose also helps in strengthening the hip flexors. You can also enhance the alignment of your body by stretching the spine. This posture also helps in improving the blood circulation of your body. It also regulates the function of your pancreas and kidney.

So start practising this asana from today. Make sure that you should do this pose every day. Early morning repeating this asana 3-4 times will not only revitalize your energy but also keep you healthy and fit all day long. In case your morning schedule is busy, start you can even do it during evening hours.

See More:  How To Do Ardha Chandrasana


About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.