India is the birthplace of Yoga practices, including all hand gestures that offer several health benefits. One frequently used hand gesture during Yoga practice is the Atmanjali Mudra, where you put your hands in a prayer position. In Sanskrit, Anjali means to offer or to salute, and the term Mudra means gesture. Basically, ‘honouring and celebrating this moment is the symbol depicted by this hand gesture. The significance of the Atmanjali Mudra is the greatest spiritual awakening efficiently.
Therefore, go through this article to learn more about the benefits associated with Atmanjali Mudra. Read on!
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Atmanjali Mudra Posture and How to Do It?
Atmanjali Mudra helps activate all the elements in our bodies. For example, the thumb indicates Agni, the index finger is Vayu, the middle finger is Aakash, the ring finger is Prithvi, and the little finger is Jal. All these elements help keep your body balanced when practised regularly. Here are the simple steps you can follow to perform the gesture efficiently:
- Sit down in a comfortable posture.
- Keep your spine lengthened and relaxed while tucking your chin and stretching it.
- Slowly bring both your hands in front of your heart chakra.
- Your awareness is directed to your heart when you bring your hands together. This process controls the energy flow to the heart centre from other body parts.
- You can be more aware of the energy flow in your body by keeping your eyes closed.
- Keep your hands on your lap while taking a few deep breaths and staying relaxed.
- Repeat the same process as many times as possible.
- This Mudra helps combine feminine and masculine energy efficiently, which gives you the feel of balance and harmony together.
- Now lightly touch your thumb to your chest’s sternum. Next, open up the chest more by opening up the arch of your shoulder blades.
- The fingers and elbows should be in line with each other. You can experience the balance heightened without taking up too much effort.
Read: Bhairavi Mudra Meditation
What is the best time and for how long to perform Atmanjali Mudra?
Like the other hand gestures, the Atmanjali Mudra can be performed anytime, anywhere. But for the effectiveness of this hand gesture, 4 to 6 AM is a perfect time. You can practice this hand gesture three times a day for five minutes each, or you can practice it for 15 minutes at a stretch.
Benefits of Atmanjali Mudra:
The Atmanjali Mudra is a way to express gratitude, humility, and greeting and is a fondly used gesture globally. Practising this gesture helps you feel humility and groundedness while internalizing the experience. Here is the list of some of the benefits of performing Atmanjali Mudra:
- Atmanjali Mudra channelizes the thought process with the help of the coming together of both hemispheres of our brain.
- During the practice of this Mudra, you can experience the flow of positive thoughts.
- The circulation of oxygen in the blood and connection to the heart is improved during the slow breathing of the Anjali Mudra.
- It also calms down the agitated mind instantly by balancing the breathing pattern.
- The Atmanjali Mudra balances the working of the pituitary and adrenal glands and improves intuitive capabilities.
- The functioning and coordination of the brain hemispheres are possible with the help of the Atmanjali Mudra.
- This hand gesture also improves the arm joint and wrist’s flexibility physically.
- Regular practice of Atmanjali Mudra helps stimulate the Ajna and heart chakra, which help you deal with your emotions better.
Read: Bhramara Mudra for Allergy Relief
Though simple, Atmanjali Mudra is one of the popular Mudras that can benefit our bodies in several ways. Since it is pretty simple, anyone can perform it with ease. Reap all the benefits associated with Atmanjali Mudra by including it in your daily routine. Don’t forget to let us know if you found the article helpful!
Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is purely educational, informative and not a replacement for medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional or an appropriate certified medical professional before trying anything new.
1. What are the other names of Atmanjali Mudra?
Ans: The synonyms of Atmanjali mudra are:
- Hrudayanjali Mudra
- Anjali Mudra
- Namaskara Mudra
2. When is Anjali Mudra performed?
Ans: Anjali Mudra helps create and seal the deeper, personal intention of the day’s practice when used at the beginning and end of yoga classes. This gesture reminds us to keep the peace while practising Yoga.
3. What are some of the asanas where Atmanjali Mudra is used?
Ans: Some of the asanas that use Anjali Mudra are:
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
- Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation)
- Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)