The Babaji Kriya Yoga is a synthesis of techniques taught by the perfected masters of Siva Yoga, Yoga Siddhas, Agastya and Boganathar by Babaji Nagaraj. Kriya Yoga Babaji is also known as ‘Action with Awareness.’ This is because it enlightens the person about self-knowledge and knowing the truth behind the existence of our being. In BabajiKriya Yoga, awareness is incorporated in the asanas, pranayama, mantras, and meditation and also in our thoughts, words, dreams, and actions. Practising this sadhana has immense potential of making a person more conscious. The techniques, however, require a higher level of purification and perfection to align with the soul’s aspiration.
The essence of Babaji Kriya Yoga is to release oneself from a stressful life and not bother about petty things in life and instead think of better and bigger things that make our life complete. It refers to self-realization and enlightenment. One tries to question the present situation and come up with better alternatives to satisfy oneself and society. Materialistic things do not matter anymore; instead, one tries to be morally and ethically correct. This great therapy is quite therapeutic and was introduced by Baba Nagaraj, who himself got influenced by the age-old 18 Siddha traditions.
The entire aim of this Kriya Yoga is to set the atma also known as the soul free from the body and all sorts of pressure. The way to achieve this stage is through the force of Kriya Sadhana. The original place of the atma is the Mooladhara chakra. However, when Kriya Sadhana is practised, the Atma moves on to the Vishuddhi chakra. If the force is intensified a little more, the Atma moves to the Ajna chakra and later enters into the Sahasrara chakra where it exerts a lot of pressure and comes in contact with the Brahma Randhra. This is the place from where the Atma is said to be completely free from the body and moves toward the Sahasrara chakra which proves that the Atma is now completely free of the body and now lies in a different place altogether. This place is free of all the minute troubles of life and helps the human mind to think of bigger issues and release stress.
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This entire yoga therapy is divided into five parts, named as:
- Kriya Hatha Yoga.
- Kriya Kundalini Pranayama.
- Kriya Dhyana Yoga.
- Kriya Mantra Yoga.
- Kriya Bhakti Yoga.
All these five elements have been described below in detail.
Kriya Hatha Yoga:
This kind of Kriya yoga includes around 18 asanas or postures, which help people to stay fit and relax their minds. Mudras are also considered to be a part of this section. The pressure is exerted on muscles, which helps the body to get toned up.
Kriya Kundalini Pranayama:
This element mainly includes the extensive breathing techniques which help the mind, body, and soul to relax. This sets the atma to travel from the body to the highest level. One has to pay attention to one’s own breath. This will help automatically for the atma to travel from one chakra to the other.
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Kriya Dhyana Yoga:
Meditation techniques are included in this segment. A person can perform this activity to get rid of all the dirt in their mind and look into themselves. This is one of the best techniques to realize one’s own mistakes and to be sure of one’s decisions. The best way to carry this out is in a peaceful environment with nobody around.
Kriya Mantra Yoga:
A small mantra or a word has to be repeated continuously. This helps the mind to clean the subconscious and fills the body with positive energy. One will be able to seek oneself more clearly and accurately. An individual’s mind will also start focusing more precisely and increase the span of attention.
Kriya Bhakti Yoga:
This kind of yoga includes devotional love towards the Gods and Goddesses. Chanting of prayers and saying mantras come under this section. This helps one to believe in the fact that there is a supernatural power, which is much stronger than we humans and is taking care of us. This entire act helps one to be more confident and sure of one’s steps. Idol worshipping and holy trips are also a major part of this act.
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Babaji Kriya Yoga works best when followed regularly. One must have faith in it while practising, only then will it show wonders. The upliftment of the soul will definitely change a human and make him or her feel better and free of all the petty issues of life. The mind will get relaxed, and the soul will get cleansed.
Thus Babaji Kriya Yoga incorporates awareness in the asanas, pranayama, meditation, and mantras and can help you be one with your soul. Do share with us your feedback on how you felt about the Babaji Kriya Yoga and don’t forget to share it with someone whom you feel is longing for self-realization and achieving union with our higher soul and divine self.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question 1: What is Babaji Kriya Yoga Meditation?
Answer 1: Babaji Kriya Yoga Meditation is a synthesis of various techniques that speeds up the process of your evolution. It is the most rapid process that enlightens the human being to know the purpose of his being and thus achieve union with the Atma or the soul.
Question 2: Are Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga the same?
Answer 2: Kundalini Yoga is a part of Kriya Yoga. Babaji’s Kriya Yoga is broadly classified into 5 branches of which one of the branches is Kriya Kundalini Pranayama. By doing the Kundalini Pranayama, one can awaken the Kundalini which is sleeping in the base chakra of a person and forced to travel through all the chakras and reach the crown chakra and thereby enlightening the person. Kundalini is known as fire, it is not physical fire, but yogic fire.
Question 3: What are The Benefits of Babaji Kriya Yoga?
Answer 3: The following are some of the benefits of Babaji Kriya Yoga:
- The practice of various Kriyas strengthens the intuition of the person.
- The power of healing is also increased.
- The immunity power of the person is increased, and he can enjoy a healthy nervous system and a relaxed and peaceful life.
- The energy levels of the person are boosted to the next level.