If you are suffering from knee pains or pain in the joints, then just try doing Bhekasana. The name is derived from Sanskrit word Bheka meaning frog and asana meaning postures. Bhekasana is named as Mandukasana which has different variations. Because of our sedentary lifestyle and poor work posture, physical activities are being neglected.
How To Do Bhekasana In Simple Steps:
1. First, sit in an easy posture. Keep your legs crossed and loosen your body, just be in a comfortable zone. Now slowly start bringing your hands behind you, start lifting your chest and be at your fingertips. Just let your collarbones widen up. Start expanding your chest muscles and lengthen your neck.
2. Now lie upside down, putting the weight on your belly and modify your body into bhandasana posture. Keep your feet flat and hips distance apart. Make sure that your toes are kept pointed, facing towards the ceiling.
3. Now start stretching your arms behind and clasp both your feet with your hands.
4. Carefully now start lifting your chest as high as you can. Start breathing slowly. Also, while lifting start squeezing your shoulders with one another. Just keep in mind that the higher you lift your chest, the easier it would become for you to hold your feet.
5. Keep yourself in this posture for say about 1 minute. Then slowly start releasing your body. Once you realize your body just lie on the ground and relax for some time
A lot of people in the early stage start with Ardha bhekasana pose or half frogs pose because getting into a full frog pose may not be easy for you. You can also vary your asana by bolstering under your rib cage. It makes the asana simpler.
This asana should be totally avoided if you’re facing any kind of back or should alignment. Even people suffering from knees inquiry should try and avoid this pose. During this pose just try to inhale and exhale as much as you can. It really helps in maintaining a healthy balance.
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Yoga practices are very good for your health. Practicing difficult poses like Bhekasana certainly extend our everyday experience. Even for people who have been practicing this pose for more than 25-30 years gets to experience something new and challenging. This pose not only increases the flexibility of your body, but also develops the flexibility of your body, wherever required.
Bhekasana is very well known to stimulate your energy. If you’re a sport person then you should practice this asana every day. It not only helps in stretching your muscles, but also eradicates the body from all kinds of stiffness. This asana is considered to be very effective in relieving stress and anxiety. It is also considered to be therapeutic for menstrual cramps.
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Bhekasana not only strengthens but also stimulates the organs of the abdomen. You must have heard that rejuvenates the knee joints and also increases the blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. It enhances your spinal column alignment, thus improving the overall body posture.
So in case you are looking for a healthy and stress free life start doing yoga from today. But if you want to activate and strengthen your core muscles and make it more versatile then, Bhekasana is the best asana for you. Don’t delay further, just get started.
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