The bhujapidasana or the shoulder pressing pose is a yoga asana or exercise. In Sanskrit ‘Bhuja means ‘shoulder or arm’, ‘Pida’ means ‘pressure’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘pose or posture’. This is an arm-supported asana which is excellent for building up strength in the arms as well as the shoulder.
It will relax the upper body and will improve the flow of blood in it. The palms are used to support the upper body as the legs are stretched forward and joined after being passed alongside the shoulders. You will require patience and discipline to master this yoga pose. Balance is one of the prime requirements when it comes to overcoming the Bhujapidasana.
This yoga posture is generally performed after practicing Malasana. Until and unless you perform the Malasana yoga posture, you will not be able to overcome the Bhujapodasana. Stabilizing the shoulder and building up a proper balance in the torso is very important. This yoga exercise will also stretch the hip muscles and will strengthen the lower back muscles. Breathing is also one of the key components if you want to perform this exercise properly.
How To Do Bhujapidasana:
The Bhujapidasana or the shoulder pressing yoga posture is to be performed in the following manner.
This pose should be performed after being done with Malasana. Since, you have performed Malasana already, your hands will be sore by now. So the first thing you will have to do is to place your hands on the ground and bend the elbows slowly. Try to establish equal pressure on both the sides. You will also have to stabilize the shoulder girdle and lift the hips upward.
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Now, take the feet slowly around the shoulders and bring them to front and put almost the whole weight of the body on your hands so that the torso is properly balanced, while the legs are stretched out t the front.
Continue to move the feet towards each other and ultimately join them. You can also cross legs by putting the right angle over the left but do not forget to maintain the bend in the elbows. Maintain proper balance or else you will fall on your back which will be a painful one at this point of time. Maintain this position for five breaths.
Now that the legs are crossed you can lift them. Push the ground with your palms, gather strength and slowly lift the crossed legs of the ground. This is the most important part of this asana where your hands take the weight of your torso and the elevated legs. If you think that your hands cannot take it anymore then slightly bend the elbows but do keep the hips lifted at all times. For a further grip on your balance use the bottom pelvic muscles and the lower abdominal muscles to keep the lower back and the hips lifted.
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Bhujapadasna has the following healthy benefits.
Firstly, it will strengthen the arms and tone the wrist which will build up the grip strength in future. This posture also tones the lower belly and improves the process of digestion.
Just like other yoga poses, the Bhujapadasna boosts the confidence levels and allows the practitioner to focus better on some matters. It calms the mind as well the whole body. This posture is suitable for teenagers as well as old people who are capable enough to perform it.
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