We all love cats and find them adorable. But did you know there is a yoga asana that is inspired by Cat? Yes! Marjariasana or Bidalasana (Cat pose yoga) can be very beneficial and satisfying by giving your body an efficient feline stretch.

It is pronounced as Mar-jar-ee-ahh-Sana, which means Marjari as Cat, Asana as posture according to Sanskrit. Now that we know even cats can inspire us in yogic ways, let us explore this article to learn more about this asana.

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What is Marjariasana or Bidalasana?

The meaning of this yoga pose lies in its name. Derived from Sanskrit words, Marjari means Cat, and yoga means posture, which is why this pose is also called a cat stretch. Bidal is a Sanskrit word meaning cat and asana is posture.

The spine’s concentric and eccentric movement in Marjariasana improves the spinal fluid circulation, making your spine flexible and elastic, making this asana one of the perfect options for people who want to stretch their spine.

Additionally, the Cat pose gives your vertebrates proper mobility releasing the tension from the lumbar spine. It also helps in the functioning of your digestive system by regulating internal organs.

Cat Pose Yoga (Marjariasana or Bidalasana) Benefits:

We talked about the beneficial effects of yoga on our bodies. We present you with Cat pose yoga benefits as follows:

  • By flexing and extending your back muscles, Marjariasana or bidalasana (cat pose) gives you added flexibility.
  • Cat pose helps you get better mobility by regulating the proper circulation of spinal fluid, giving you a more robust version of your spine.
  • Marjariasana or bidalasana helps in better functioning and removal of waste from your body by massaging the digestive organs.
  • The stretching of muscles and vertebrates while performing the cat pose results in improved blood circulation.
  • Performing this pose enhances blood flow, better respiration, and stretching of the spine, which may help you grow taller by making your spine free from stiffness.
  • The series of rhythmic breathing and patterns involved in Cat pose elevate your mood, helping you have a relaxed mind.
  • Marjariasana or bidalasana leads to better posture by helping you stabilizing and stretching your vertebrates.
  • The mobility of your shoulders and attachment of your arms with the thorax depends on the scapula. This cat pose prevents any future shoulder injury by having a tremendous effect on the scapula.
  • Practicing Marjariasana (Cat pose yoga) regularly will flex your spine, contracting your abdominal and core muscles, which reduces belly fat resulting in toned abdominal muscles.
  • Cat pose can relieve your sore lower back muscles by improving flexibility and mobility.

[See Also: Ustrasana (Camel Pose) Steps and Benefits]

Beginner’s guide for Cat Pose (Marjariasana/Bidalasana):

Here is the information you need to keep in mind while performing Marjariasana or bisalasana, especially if you are a beginner:

  • Although Cat pose yoga is relatively simple to perform, you can take the help of a friend or an instructor if you find it hard to round the top of your upper back.
  • It is always better to flex your muscles enough by performing preparatory poses before performing this cat pose.
  • Consume food four to six hours before performing this yoga asana so that the food is digested.
  • You can practice yoga early in the morning or in the evening when your stomach is empty.
  • Keeping your stomach and bowels clean and empty is necessary while you perform any asanas in yoga.

[See Also: Different Yoga Asanas That Every Beginner Should Know]

Steps to Do Cat Pose Yoga (Marjariasana):

Here is the list of steps you need to follow while performing the Marjariasana or Bidalasana pose:

  • Form a tabletop by standing on all fours with the help of your hands and legs.
  • Place your palms facing the floors, and arms should be right under your shoulders perpendicular to the floor.
  • Maintain a hip-width gap between your knees and look straight ahead.
  • Raise your chin while tilting your head backward while inhaling.
  • Raise your tailbone and push your navel down along with compressing your buttocks, creating a tingling sensation in your body.
  • Take long and deep breaths while holding the pose.
  • Relax your buttocks as you arch your back while you drop your chin to your chest while you exhale. The combination of these two movements is part and parcel of this asana.
  • Hold yourself in this position for a few seconds and then go back to the initial tabletop pose.
  • Before you come to a halt, perform movement and counter movement about five to six times.

[See Also: How to Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits]

Precautions for Performing Cat Pose Yoga (Marjariasana/Bidalasana):

Although yoga can be extremely beneficial, taking the following precautionary measure before performing Marjariasana is necessary. They are:

  • It is best to consult a doctor before you indulge in performing cat pose, especially if you have back or neck problems.
  • Even if you get an OK from your doctor when you have neck and back issues perform this pose in the presence of a yoga trainer.
  • Keep your head in line with your torso if you are suffering from a particular head injury.
  • Don’t over-strain your muscles, which may result in body pains.
  • It is better to avoid performing cat pose if you are pregnant.
  • Don’t push yourself beyond your limits.

We all feel that humans are an advanced species, but the things around us inspire us mysterious ways. A cat pose or Marjariasana (Bidalasana) is one of those stretches inspired by cats that can do beautiful things. The interpretation of this asana’s movements and the institution was made by an observant yogi who watched a cat. Don’t forget to let us know how this article has helped you!

[See Also: How to Do Garudasana or Eagle Pose]

Disclaimer: This article’s content is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for professional advice. Consult a trainer before you start anything new, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.


1. What are the preparatory and follow-up poses of Marjariasana yoga?

Ans: Performing any yoga asana needs some initial preparation of your body that helps muscle stretching. Once your body becomes comfortable, you can follow up with other poses. Balasana and Garudasana are the preparatory poses for cat pose, whereas Bitilasana can be a follow-up pose.

2. Can we perform the Cat pose daily?

Ans: If you are entirely new to yoga, start slowly, and then increase the pace and number of times you perform the cat pose. Yoga practice can be beneficial if you perform them as regularly as possible.

3. Is yoga different from stretches?

Ans: Stretching of your body is part and parcel of yoga practice. But unlike stretches, yoga is a combination of mind and body that help you make lifestyle changes giving you long-lasting results. Therefore, without delay, add yoga to your routine and reap the benefits.


About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.