What would happen to our bodies without the essential nutrients? Will we all be able to lead a healthy life? No!. Nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fibre, and most important of all carbohydrates, are essential for our body to grow and stay fit. These help in giving the body, the needed energy and the strength to perform all the vital functions. So, here we know about the top and best carbohydrates foods list in India.
Although carbs get a bad rap, they are essential for healthy body functioning. Carbohydrates enter the body and convert into energy that helps our body to the right fitness to perform daily routine tasks. Also, according to professionals, carbs are about 40 per cent of the nutrients and calories required by the body each day, making it one of the major nutrients on the list.
What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates also known as saccharides are macromolecules. The four classes of them are carbohydrates, proteins, nucleotides, and lipids. Carbohydrates are the nutrients available abundantly. Carbs have various roles to play in living organisms, including energy-transportation. They are also a primary part of plants and insects. The derivatives of carbohydrates are involved in reproduction, the immune system, and blood clotting. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of fuel and help the proper functioning of our brain. (1)
Types of Carbohydrates:
There are three types of carbs Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides, which are classified into two kinds. Simple carbs and complex carbs.
- Simple Carbs: Monosaccharides and disaccharides are simple carbs. They are mostly sugars containing just one or two molecules providing a rapid source of energy. But there is a chance we may soon feel hungry again. Some Examples include white bread, sugars, and candies.
- Complex Carbs: Polysaccharides are complex carbs. Sugar molecules in these nutrients are in long chains that help you keep full for longer. Foods that contain complex carbs don’t lose their fibre content making them more healthy. Some examples include fruits, vegetables, pulses, and wholemeal pasta. (2)
Benefits of Carbohydrates:
Carbs are an essential source of energy for our bodies. The fruit, vegetables, dairy, and grain group of foods all contain carbohydrates abundantly. Foods that contain sweeteners like candy, soft drinks, and cookies also contain carbs. Some of the benefits of carbohydrates are:
- Many types of research suggest that carbs promote the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical that boosts your mood. (3)
- Carbs can help prevent weight gain and even promote weight loss. Many carbohydrates have dietary fibre, which is an indigestible complex carbohydrate. (4)
- Carbs promote good heart health. (5)
- They keep your memory sharp
- Eating a breakfast made with complex carbs, such as oatmeal or cereal, before exercise helps burn fat.
Best Carbohydrates Foods List In India:
Many of us think carbs mean fat. But they are one of the primary nutrients required along with proteins and fat. They are essential for a healthy life and to thrive. Here is a list that gives you an idea about the top 25 carbohydrate foods with high levels of minerals and vitamins that can be included in the diet each day to achieve the goals of perfect health.
1. Sugar-Based Cereals:
Cereals are readily available in every supermarket. These foods have high amounts of carbohydrates and are with a sugar base. Cereals are easily accessible, come in a package, and are ready to eat; it also includes those that are propagated as whole grains. It has 90-95 per cent carbohydrates in many cases.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 73.8 grams
- DV% – 25%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can choose these cereals if you are in a hurry and need instant energy to provide breakfast.
2. Fructose & Granulated Sugar:
Granulated sugar is pure sucrose or also called table sugar. Fructose is the principle of sugar in fruits. Although they are sugars, the way our body processes them varies. Glucose and fructose are directly absorbed into our bloodstream and stored as glycogen. But sucrose must be broken down first and converted to glucose or stored as fat. All sugar foods are rich in carbohydrates.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 99.98 grams
- DV% – 33%
3. Dried Fruits:
Fruits whose water content is removed by drying are called Dried fruit. During this process, the fruits shrink, leaving a small energy-dense fruit. Raisins are most common, including dates, prunes, figs, and apricots. Each of these dried fruits has the right quantity of carbohydrates and, therefore, truly deserves to be a part of this food list. About 70-80 per cent of carbs are present in them. They are also available in a candied form for immediate consumption.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 66.58 grams
- DV% – 22%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- We can consume dried fruits individually, or in the form of a mixture.
4. Gummies and Candies:
The hard candies available in the market and gummies and jellies are just other forms of granulated sugar and, therefore, 99.9 per cent carbohydrate rich foods. There are many varieties available in the market, offering various flavours and attractive designs. Kids and sometimes adults too get tempted to eat one or two.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 98.9 grams
- DV% – 33%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Since there is little or no nutritional value in them, it is better to avoid consuming them regularly.
5. Cookies & Cakes:
Every one of us has once or twice binged on cakes or cookies, who doesn’t? Both cakes and cookies are foods that are perfectly rich in carbs. These foods are loved and eaten by all, kids and adults alike. That being said, we need to be aware that these belong to the empty calorie food list. Cookies and cakes are about 84 per cent of carbohydrates, and the rest are fats.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 55.4 grams
- DV% – 18%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Eating cakes and cookies once in a while doesn’t affect your health
6. Crackers & Potato Chips:
Potato chips and crackers are very popular with kids and adults alike. They are available in the market with varied ingredients. They are very high in carbs and are very tasty. In this case, these foods are among the highest in carbohydrates. Around 80-83 per cent of this nutrient is in potato chips and crackers. Carbs in crackers vary depending on how they are processed. It is best to avoid eating chips, crackers, and other processed, grain-based snacks if you are on a low-carb diet.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 33 grams
- DV% – 27%
7. Potatoes:
Potatoes are starchy vegetable that has healthy carbs. They are rich in fibre (when we include the skin), low in calories, and contain vitamins and minerals. It is another best source of carbs along with proteins. About 20-30 per cent of carbohydrates come from vegetables in some form or other. Where on the one hand, French fries fall on a larger scale, baked potato has around 20-25 per cent of carbohydrates.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 21 grams
- DV% – 7%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can mix mashed or slices of potato with eggs, celery, and mayonnaise for a yummy salad.
8. Jams:
Jams, also called fruit preserves, as it is a preparation of fruits, vegetables, and sugar. You can store them in glass jars and mason jars. The development of jams is from various fruits, and some savoury choices also can be prepared with tomatoes or squash. All kinds of jams have carbohydrates abundantly. The drier they are and the less water, the more carbs in them. Around 64-70 per cent of carbs are present in jams.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 69 grams
- DV% – 23%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Jams can be eaten with bread, and toast depending upon the choice of food.
9. Pizzas:
Pizza is a savoury dish originating in Italy. It consists of round flattened wheat-based dough with toppings of varying vegetables, and cheese, baked at a high temperature. But we Indians have the talent to add our style or tadka, by adding zingy flavour and veggies abundantly available in India. Indian pizza is another food source rich in carbohydrates. The thickness of the crust of the pizza decides the number of carbs it has; it can range anywhere between 25-30 per cent and is, therefore, one of the foods that need a mention here.
- Serving Size – 100 grams.
- Carbohydrates – 33 grams.
- DV% – 11%.
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Although it is a good source of carbs, eating pizza regularly may cause health disturbances.
10. Salad Dressings:
Who loves eating salads? Many of us make a face with just the name of salads. But dressing the salads makes a world of difference. Whether it is fatty or low-fat salad dressings, using them makes our salads taste better and provide us with necessary nutrients too. It has about 32 per cent carbs making it a genuinely deserving food item in this guide. There are a lot of different types of salad dressings that might have more or fewer carbs than the amount mentioned.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 16 grams
- DV% – 5%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Prepare dressing in the salad bowl for maximum effect, and you can prepare it with ingredients at home like eggs, lemon, etc.
11. Soda:
A lot of soft drinks comprise carbonated water, but drinks like fruit punch are not typically fizzy. The common ingredient in soda is sugar, named fructose, which is considered empty calories. From a can of any drink, you can get around 30 per cent of carbohydrates and that too as an empty calorie and without any other nutrient or healthy agents in it. Sodas are of many kinds, and too much of it has various other consequences, along with making you fat.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 13.3 grams
- DV% – 4%
12. Bananas:
Bananas are one of those fruits that are readily available foods and are a good source of carbohydrates. They contain carbs either in the form of starches or sugars. Bananas are abundant in potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C along with several plant compounds. They are one of the most sugary fruits that you can come across and are accessible all around the world. Unripe bananas have pectin and resistant starch, which help the digestive process.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 22.8 grams
- DV% – 8%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Make a banana smoothie or add pieces of this fruit to your salad. Better yet eat two whole bananas for breakfast.
13. Apples:
Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Apple is an excellent carbohydrates foods. Around 21 grams of carbohydrates are present in one apple, making it one of the foods highest in carbs. Apples are a good source of fibre and vitamins as well. These are popular fruit with a sweet flavour and a distinctive crunchy texture. Eating apples improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 14 grams
- DV% – 4%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Pick up an apple for breakfast or add slices to oatmeal or cereal.
14. Starchy Veggies:
Starchy vegetables, as the name suggests, are full of starch. Starting from peas to squash and even corn has about 30 grams of carbs in just one cup. This makes any of the meals full of carbohydrates if you consider having even 1-2 cups of any two of them each day. The good idea is to adhere to vegetables like broccoli or any other green vegetable that is free from starch and, thus, a healthier substitute with vitamins and minerals as a dual benefit.
- Serving Size – 90 grams
- Carbohydrates – 23 grams
- DV% – 20%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add starchy veggies like corn or potatoes to salads in a limited amount.
15. Whole Grains:
Carbohydrates foods are essential and associated with the right kind of weight gain. Whole grains are the best fit in that category. The complex carbohydrates that each grain contains are as high as it gets and they are of excellent health overall. A few of the grains that are rich in carbs are rice, wheat, barley, corn, and buckwheat. They do have other beneficial nutrients. Most of them have about 38 mg of carbs for every 100 grams. Whole grains also have fibre, which promotes good bowel movement and hence overall weight management. The grains might diseases like fever and cold, much like other vegetables and fruits. The endosperm of each grain is known to contain the most carbohydrates and hence should be taken in small amounts per day.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 43 grams
- DV% – 14%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can make yummy and healthy pancakes with whole wheat flour.
16. Grapefruit:
It is a popular carbohydrate-rich food and has been established that it belongs to the citrus family and is hence rich in Vitamin C. However, it also has dietary fibres and carbs, which serve as the primary energy source. The most simple carbs fructose and glucose play a significant role in the fruit. Every 100 grams of fruit contain about 18.5 grams of carbohydrate. It also has several vitamins, minerals, and compounds of plants that aid in several bodily functions.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 11 grams
- DV% – 3%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can make a fresh glass of juice or a few slices with your morning breakfast.
17. Berries:
Berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants. But their health benefits aren’t entirely limited to that. Apart from being sweet and juicy, they also help with stabilizing your carbohydrate levels. When speaking numerically, each bowl of blackberry contains about 14 grams of carbohydrates. On the other hand, strawberries brag of 12 grams of the same glucose. Blueberries reach out for a higher count and stand tall at 21 grams of carbohydrate per cup. Berries also contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant responsible for reducing the cancer cells in the body. The benefits of berries are just what makes most doctors trust the small wonders for almost every weakness that is associated with the disease. Your body draws in its mechanism for protection against infections when you take in a handful of the best berries. Need we say more?
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 14 grams
- DV% – 4%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Eat a handful, or you can even add them to your yoghurt
18. Bread:
The nutrition of bread varies depending upon the type we use. Whole wheat bread is a healthy and smart choice too. On the one hand, white bread has high levels of carbs, even a slice of multi-grain bread has about 20 grams of this nutrient, making it one of the foods that deserve mention here. Bread intake should be reduced seaweed; orchard leaf wraps are a healthy substitute for this.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 49grams
- DV% – 16%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Make a toast for a quick breakfast, or a vegetable sandwich with fresh shredded veggies.
19. Watermelon:
Watermelon is mostly fat-free. A lot of nutrients in this fruit are in the form of fluids, thus helping prevent dehydration. Watermelon is food with a carbohydrate content that soars high, with a content of 5.5 grams of glucose per 100 grams of serving. And though it has a high Glycemic index of 72, its load is less. This means watermelons are right for diabetic patients as well, although too much of the fruit can prove to be harmful to them.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 8 grams
- DV% – 2%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- A cup of freshly cut up watermelon is good at any time of your day.
20. Sweet Potatoes:
While carbohydrates are essential as a nutrient for your body, it has a more significant role to play in building your muscles. Not only does it tone up your body, but it also makes your food tastier. The only problem here being potatoes and rice gives you more calories than you lose in the process of exercising. A healthy swap and the more convenient option is sweet potatoes. Full of vitamins, they also help keep you fuller for longer and maintain your sugar levels in the blood. It can load you up with 240 calories per serving, but that is indeed less if compared to its peers- the usual potatoes and crackers.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 23.2 grams
- DV% – 8%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Boiled sweet potato can do it, or we can bake wedges with sweet potato.
21. Pasta:
Pasta might not be big on other nutrients, but is most certainly high when it comes to carbohydrates. Pasta is not a healthy option and should only be relied on when you need to gain weight on short notice. Using quinoa pasta instead of the usual white pasta is a better option, just like switching to wheat pasta from semolina pasta is a wise choice. Every bowl of spaghetti can allow your body to gain about 97 grams of carbohydrates. Besides that, whole wheat pasta is just as rich in iron and Vitamin B, thus adding more weight to the list of benefits and nutritional values.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 25 grams
- DV% – 8%
22. Corn Syrup:
Corn syrup is one of the cheapest carbohydrates foods. It has a high content of carbs and isn’t the wisest option for your health. It is associated with food products high in sugar and saturated fat. It is a cheaper alternative to beet and cane sugar. We can mostly find it in processed food, and it can increase both your weight and your craving for sugar. It is also high in calories and hence best to avoid on the whole except once in a while.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 78 grams
- DV% – 26%
23. Sauces:
Some foods rich in carbohydrates provide little to no nutrition at all. Appetizers are on the list because they add substantial amounts of fats and carbs to our bodies. Sauces mostly add flavour to our dishes and need to be consumed in fewer numbers. Because eating a lot can cause issues in our bodies. Maple syrup, ketchup, pesto, tomato paste, and bbq sauce are a few examples of sauces rich in carbs.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 1.8 grams
- DV% – 0%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add sauces to prepare pasta, or add some veggies, and rice with the sauce for a tasty rice mixture.
24. Pickles:
Pickles are an integrated part of every Indian household. Vegetables are diced and added a lot of seasoning and exposed to sunlight so that there is no water content. Mango and lime pickles are the most common ones. Fruit pickles are your best bet to survive the excess oil and fat absorbed by vegetables. While that might not be the most generous in nutrient amounts, it still has a decent carbohydrate and can provide you with the energy that you need to survive the day. Taken with other foods, it can also add great flavour to a salad for your snack time.
- Serving Size – 30 grams
- Carbohydrates – 3 grams
- DV% – 28%
25. Flour:
Flour is a part of all our lives in the form of bread, and it is also used as a critical ingredient to fry meat and vegetables. The number of carbs depends upon the type of flour utilised. The benefits of flour are hard to challenge, and hence it has to be present in the carbohydrates foods list. A good thing about powder is that it is low in sodium, which helps keep the blood pressure in check and is also low in overall saturated fat, which prevents excess weight gain and stretch marks.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 79 grams
- DV% – 26%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Pancakes with various types of flour can be very healthy and nutritious.
26. Quinoa:
Quinoa is a superfood with nutrients and is consumed like similar grains. Though it is eaten like a bowl of cereal, it is called pseudo-grain as it doesn’t grow like wheat, oats, and rice. It has a nutty flavour, and crunchy texture, and is gluten-free, thereby it can be consumed by people sensitive to gluten or wheat. It is abundant in minerals, like magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 21.3 grams
- DV% – 7%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add it to your smoothie to gain that nutty flavour. Kids love homemade energy bars with quinoa.
27. Oats:
Oats are healthy and resourceful whole grains. There are many varieties available such as steel-cut, rolled, and quick oats. Whatever type of oats you consume regular or instant, they all foods have almost the same amount of carbohydrates. It has 27 grams of carbs along with 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fibre. These whole grains are beneficial for cardiovascular health.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 12 grams
- DV% – 4%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can prepare oats with hot milk or buttermilk for breakfast.
28. Beetroots:
Beetroots or beets are root vegetables that have 8-10% carbs, both raw or cooked. Simple sugars make up 70% of the carbs in fresh and 80% of the carbs in cooked beets. Fructose in these veggies is a short-chain carb that may cause some unpleasant symptoms as it is not digested properly in some people. They are also abundant in vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and folate. Beets are beneficial in heart health by providing inorganic nitrates.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 10 grams
- DV% – 3%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- A glass of fresh beet juice with breakfast. You can add dice of these veggies to your salad.
29. Oranges:
The composition of oranges is mainly carbs and water with protein and fat in little amounts. Simple sugars like fructose, glucose, and sucrose are significant components of carbs in oranges. Though oranges are rich in sugars, they have a low glycemic index(GI). They are also abundant in vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium along with fibre. They have several health benefits like heart health and prevent anaemia
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 12 grams
- DV% – 4%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add some tang to your breakfast with this nutrient-dense and low-calorie fruit in the form of juice or slices of fruit.
30. Kidney Beans:
Kidney beans are a variety of grains predominantly composed of starchy carbs. They belong to the family of legumes. They have long chains of glucose that take time for the digestive process, causing a slow rise in blood sugar, making bean starch a slow-release carbohydrate. Kidney beans are beneficial for people who have type 2 diabetes. They are also abundant in vitamins, minerals, some plant compounds, and antioxidants.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 60 grams
- DV% – 20%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Adding kidney beans to salads is the right way. You can bake tikkis too with less oil.
31. Chickpeas:
Chickpeas also called garbanzo beans belong to the family of legumes. It is another source rich in carbs that supply most of the calories. A significant portion of carbohydrates in chickpeas is starch and fibre, and a small quantity of sugar is present naturally. They are also sources of many minerals and vitamins like iron, phosphorus, and vitamin B. Consuming chickpeas has heart and digestive health benefits.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 61 grams
- DV% – 20%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Cooked chickpeas can be added to salads with other veggies or can prepare a curry to go with bread or roti.
32. Brown Rice:
Rice is a staple food in many parts of India. Brown rice is a healthy substitute for white rice. This food retains nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and is a rich source of carbohydrates. In many health circles, brown rice is the go-to rice as it is nutritious. It is a whole grain and has more fibre than white rice.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 25.6 grams
- DV% – 9%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Brown rice is a perfect replacement for white rice.
33. Lentils:
Lentils are inexpensive and easy to find pulses rich in carbs that belong to the legumes family. These foods provide a healthy dose of complex carbohydrates. A single serving of lentils gives instant energy to our body. Lentils are abundant in phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and folate. They have a low glycemic index, and it varies with the type of lentils.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 20.1 grams
- DV% – 7%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add lentils to soup or stew to get quick energy.
34. Buckwheat:
Buckwheat has plenty of carbohydrates. It does not have any sugar. Instead, the carbs come in the form of fibre and are also rich in protein. It contains 12 amino acids that support energy, proper growth, and muscle synthesis. And the fibre content in buckwheat aids digestion and improves digestive health, keeping numerous digestive issues at bay.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 72 grams
- DV% – 26%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can replace whole wheat with buckwheat to have a gluten-free diet.
35. Pears:
A medium pear produces approximately 1 cup of fruit. The standard serving size is a 1/2 cup of sliced fruit, so an average medium pear equals two fruit servings. The nutritional fibre in the pear reduces the carbohydrate load, causing a more gradual impact on the levels of blood sugar. Pears are naturally sodium, cholesterol, and fat-free. Fresh pears have vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium in abundance. The low glycemic index of pears with nutritional benefits makes them a perfect choice for a balanced carbohydrate diet.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 15.2 grams
- DV% – 5%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can enjoy a pear with its skin cut into slices. Poaching a pear with water and vanilla essence is also a yummy option.
36. Mangoes:
Mangoes are juicy seasonal fruit that satisfies your taste buds along with providing carbs in abundance. The essential source of energy for our body is carbs, and when the sources are natural fruit like mangoes, you hit the jackpot. Like many fruits, most of the carbs in mangoes come from sugars, but being natural it provides additional nutritional benefits like vitamins A and C, potassium, and fibre
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 15 grams
- DV% – 5%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- Mango milkshake or smoothie with breakfast or as an evening drink sounds terrific.
37. Cabbage:
The different types of cabbage have slightly different nutrient profiles, but they all fall within the same general sphere. As a vegetable, cabbage is low in protein and composed foods mainly of carbohydrates, but the total carbohydrate content is still much lower than that of grains and can even be a part of a low-carb diet. Cabbage is a plant that has a moderate amount of fibre and a moderately high dose of calcium, and vitamin C. Cabbage may lose during cooking, so it should be cooked quickly over medium heat.
- Serving Size – 100 grams
- Carbohydrates – 6 grams
- DV% – 2%
How To Add To Your Diet:
- You can add shredded cabbage to salads. Soups and stews of cabbage are also quick to prepare.
38. Eggs:
If adding carbs to your daily diet is your goal, making a few adjustments can make your simple diet rich in carbohydrates. In their natural form, eggs do not have any carbs, but they have healthy fat and protein in abundance. By just adding some complex carbs like leafy greens, shredded potatoes, corn, or bell peppers, you can prepare scrambled eggs and omelettes.
We all need carbs for the proper functioning of our body, but choosing the right kind is essential. Along with unprocessed carbs, adequate sleep, and physical activity help lead a healthy life. These are the top 38 carbohydrate foods list available in India. Considering them in the diet in small amounts can be beneficial as compared to having large quantities and negatively affecting your health. You can choose a combination of 1-2 carbohydrate foods from the list. So pick one and begin your journey. Let us know how these carbs made a difference in your life.