Among the very common issues of the body, one of the known ones that a lot of people have to go through on a daily basis is that of constipation. Constipation can be defined as the inability to excrete the stools properly and cleanse the system. It leads to many associated issues and should be treated instantly for comfort and a smooth lifestyle. Before you can work towards getting the right results for the body to keep constipation at bay, it is significant to know the two main aspects of it. One should always be aware of the causes that lead to the crisis and the symptoms that come along.
Causes and Symptoms of Constipation:
This list below will give you a detailed idea about both the causes and signs of constipation that you should definitely know about:
Causes of Constipation:
1. Lack of Water:
Usually, the lack of water usually dehydrates the body including the intestines. This leads to hard stools free from water and causes difficulty in excretion leading to constipation. It is one of the very common causes that you should know about.
See More: Constipation Medicine India
2. Hypothyroidism:
A medical problem in the form of hypothyroidism is frequent in many people. As a side effect, these people experience constipation problems. This health condition is known to be the main cause of the inability to excrete. It happens because the thyroid affects the metabolism in a negative manner.
3. Certain Medications:
Among the medications with constipation as a side effect, painkillers and antibiotics are some of the most prevalent. These affect the digestive system and cause it to slow down thus leading to feelings of constipation.
4. Over Consumption of Chocolate:
A lot of professionals have proven that there are enzymes in chocolate that can lead to constipation if eaten on an excessive and regular basis. This, however, is quite a difficult task to control.
5. Calcium/Iron Supplements:
In many cases, calcium and iron supplements are one of the major causes that lead to constipation and inability to pass the stools. One can consult a professional and get a change in the supplements if possible. This is also valid for some forms of vitamin supplements.
See More: Home Remedies To Cure Constipation
6. Laxatives:
Laxatives are good to be taken for treating constipation only under controlled circumstances. For those who adhere to excessive consumption of the same can have a negative impact that only aggravates the constipation further and makes it a long-term problem.
7. Lack of Fiber in the Diet:
Fibre is one of the essential nutrients that adds bulk to the stools and makes it easy to pass. However, those who do not include this in their daily diet will surely have to face constipation issues at some point.
8. Stress:
Stress and mental pressures negatively affect the body’s functions as the digestive system and metabolism. This makes stress one of the significant causes that leads to constipation without any doubts.
Apart from these, certain medical conditions, depression, dairy products, antidepressants and many other causes of constipation also exist.
How To Overcome Constipation Problem
Symptoms of Constipation:
1. Stomach Aches:
Cramps and pain in the stomach because of the lack of stool are common signs of constipation.
2. Hard Stools:
One of the first signs that can be directly associated with constipation is that of extremely hard stools that are too difficult to excrete. In most of the cases, it is also painful to pass the stools.
3. Lack of Bowel Movements:
If there are no bowel movements for 2-3 days at a stretch then it is a symptom that constipation is knocking at the door. It is one common sign that you have to be aware of.
4. Feelings of Nausea and Vomiting:
Another of the frequently occurring symptoms of constipation is a sick feeling that causes nausea as well as vomiting tendencies.
In conclusion, constipation is a common digestive issue that various factors can cause. While occasional constipation is normal and often resolves on its own, chronic or severe constipation may require medical attention. Understanding the causes and symptoms of constipation can help individuals take proactive steps to prevent and manage this discomforting condition.