Back pain generally originates from the muscles, nerves, ligaments or joints that are attached to the spine. It can be a chronic pain that you are suffering from or an acute pain caused by a fall or injury. Back pain is very much capable of radiating to the lower body and arms and is extremely uncomfortable.
Most Effective Exercises for Back Pain:
1. Stretching:
2. Yoga:
3. Sukhasana:
4. Marjariasana:
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5. Bhujangasana:
Lie down on your stomach. Keep your palms, with your elbows folded, parallel to your shoulder. Now inhale and lift your upper body up using arm strength. Do not hold your breath; keep breathing at a normal pace. Stay in this posture for about 30 seconds and come down. Repeat thrice.
6. Knee to Chest Pull:
Lie on your back. Now bend your knee (any leg you first wish) and bring it closer to your chest while you keep your other leg firm and straight to the ground. Then do the same with the other leg. After performing this posture thrice, pull both your legs towards your chest and hold for 40 seconds and then release while slowly exhaling.
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7. Pelvic Lift:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your body and face straight and your feet parallel. Now slowly raise your pelvic region up, putting pressure on your legs and shoulder. Also keep your arms parallel and keep them on the floor. Try to form a straight line from your shoulder to your knee. Hold this posture for 20 seconds and repeat it thrice.
8. Leg reach:
To do a leg reach, bend down on your knees and palms. Look down at the floor. Keep your body firm and lift your leg or extend it outwards and keep it straight. Your head and foot should be on the same level. Hold the raised leg for 10 seconds come back to the initial posture and lift the other leg. Repeat this thrice with normal breathing.
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