There is no single definition for a healthy diet or what should one eat and not eat. It is just one that suits your body type and maintains the needs of your body. There is no single diet that suits all body types. We all are different in more than one way and so is what we eat.

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Healthy Diet for Men and Women:

This healthy diet contains healthy food. Our food items are divided into 5 main groups. Here we will see the details of what should we eat and how much from each group is healthy for us. This Indian healthy diet plan is generic, and those looking for a plan for specific motives like weight loss or low calories can alter their choices from this basic plan.

1. Vegetables And Fruits:

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Vegetables and fruits are vital sources of minerals and vitamins. Five portions of various vegetables and fruits daily are ideally required in the body. It lowers the risk of heart problems, cancer and strokes. The consumption of a few plants and their fruits or vegetables was limited to curing diseases. But once the benefits were as clear as day, they have found their way in our daily lives. From fibre to vitamins, studies suggest that the nutrient content of a single serving of these natural gifts is all that can be enough for survival.

Make sure you plan out a judicious healthy diet which uses abundant fruits and vegetables to keep you from starving. They are not only easy to eat without the trouble of cooking but also beneficial in the long run and much more than the canned food you purchase.


An apple, a banana/pear /similar-sized fruit is one portion. One slice of melon or pineapple is one portion. 3-4 tablespoons of vegetables is also one portion.  Alternatively, try including one banana with morning cereal to complete one portion of your fruit intake.

Also Read: GM Diet For Vegetarians

2. Starchy Food:

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Everything we eat has starch in one or the other form. Ideally, starch should be made of one-third of our daily food. So plan the meal according to the amount of starch you want to include in your healthy diet. The main reason you need to stop the high intake of starch is because it leads to a rise in the sugar levels in the blood. People do think only sugar can increase the level of blood sugar, however, studies prove starch can do the same without too much effort. This is because starch is made of glucose, which is turned into sugar in the process of digestion by the body.

When your intake of starch is high, your body can undergo a roller coaster of change in sugar levels, making it difficult for you to maintain a healthy life. This in turn leads to conditions like diabetes or even worse, hypoglycemia. Another problem that prevails owing to excessive starch intake is weight gain.

The excess starch is often converted into fat, bringing in a change in the insulin levels and thus making it more difficult to burn down the fat being generated. If this continues, you will soon become addicted to fast foods and your clothes will cease to fit you if you do not manage your eating habit quickly enough. So avoid this type of fast food from your diet plan chart.

For Instance: Potatoes – contain very high starch and fiber. Eating potatoes with skin also accounts for more fibre and vitamin intake. Other foods rich in starch are whole wheat pasta, brown rice, brown whole meal bread etc. Replace the white variety of these with whole grain varieties for more roughage content.

3. Eggs, Meat, Fish And Beans:

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These account for the protein intake in the body. Proteins are essential for the body to grow and also contribute to the inclusion of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Meat is rich in zinc, iron, Vitamin B & B12. Fish is rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids. Pulses, eggs, nuts, beans and seeds are rich in fiber. And because of all these goodness at least 1-2 portions of these should be included in the regular diet.

The disadvantage of having high amounts of protein daily is that it increases the risks of storing saturated fat. Even though there is an increase in your metabolism, having only protein in your diet makes it difficult for other food to be stored in your body. It is burned down as soon as you eat it. This leaves only fat, which is difficult to burn out easily. The fat gets stored, leading to a weight gain. To make matters worse, the excess protein intake overshadows all the vitamins and minerals.

This is why the regulation of protein in your healthy diet chart is a must. Aside from that, the only thing to be taken care of is that they are cooked properly and the use of fats and spices should be kept minimum to maintain their health value.

Also Read: GM Diet Plan Indian Version

4. Dairy Products And Milk:

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Dairy foods including yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium and protein. It helps maintain the bones healthy and strong. Use of skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk or 1% fat milk should be preferred. Also, cottage cheese, low-fat hard cheese and unsweetened yoghurt should be consumed for health benefits.

Avoiding cheese in your healthy diet isn’t too hard anymore given that there are so many alternatives now. The substitutes not only promote a healthy diet for pregnant women who are craving dairy products but also for men. These products are mostly vegetarian. One is nut cheese, which is perfect for pizzas and sandwiches.

The nutrients present in cheese minus the fat are all found in it. Aside from this benefit, nut cheese reduces respiratory distress caused by too much cheddar or usual cheese intake. Many people are also allergic to cheese and dairy products like milk. To maintain a healthy diet for men who need calcium to strengthen their bones, doctors often suggest safe alternatives to eat with no fitness risks.

5 Sugars And Fats:

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Sugar and fat provide the body with the required energy. It should be taken in moderation so that we also burn the amount of energy that we consume. This will keep us healthy and prevent addition to the body weight. It is essential to maintain the body weight to prevent illnesses like cancer, obesity and cardiovascular problems. Alternatives like fruits and custards can always suppress the urge to consume sugar.

They are not only a healthier option but also minimize the risks of dangers like tooth decay and weight gain. It would be ideal to see that your diet does not have too much sugar and fat since it not only risks the onset of diabetes but also might worsen your condition if you have an undetected case of high blood sugar.  Having fresh foods instead of canned foods is the best way to keep fats and sugar under control.

Read More: GM Diet Side Effects

This healthy diet is the best and easiest possible way to keep the body and mind healthy and fresh all day long. Eating right is more effective if you team it with the right exercise and sleep routine for the body to remain fit. This diet can also be useful for kids to get a healthy body.


About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.