Blackheads might sound like a silly problem, but in actual, it is a real struggle for many people. Any attempt to get them removed at a salon can leave us in a pool of tears and “red-faced”. There is no point undergoing so much trauma every time when you have these quick and easy home remedies to remove blackheads. Yes! You heard that, right!
Unlike the parlour treatments, which involve poking and stabbing of your pores, these natural methods do not cause any pain. They gently work on the roots and leave your skin in a flawless condition. Read along to try these fantastic masks at home and find out the results yourself!
What Are Blackheads?
Blackheads are caused when the skin pores are clogged with excess sebum or oil, dirt, dead cells, hair follicles or bacteria. With them, they get oxidised and turn into tiny black coloured lesions. They are more likely to appear on the nose and the T-zone of your face, because of the high concentration of sebaceous glands in those regions. As they are caused beneath the skin’s surface, getting rid of them with a regular face wash or a mild scrub cannot be effective.
Here are some of the common signs of blackheads for easy identification-
- Dark spots on the skin, which are slightly raised
- No inflammation or pain associated with them
- Adds a coarse texture to the skin when you feel them with your hand
Top Home Remedies to Removing Blackheads
Fortunately for us, there are a number of everyday ingredients which can work wonders in blackhead removal. Since they are all-natural, you need not worry about side effects:
1. Raw Potato for Blackheads:
Potato is considered one of the best natural ways to remove blackheads at home. It works by soaking excess oil and cleansing it from deep inside. The skin lightening properties of Potato juice can give you a renewed face.
- Raw Potato – 1
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Thinly slice a raw potato
- Place them on your face and evenly massage on the affected areas
- Let it dry for 15 minutes
- Rinse with water and pat dry
How Often Should I Do? Twice or Thrice a week
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2. Fenugreek and Turmeric Mask:
Fenugreek is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, which can clear your skin of infections. Adding a bit of turmeric can control the excess production of oil, along with de-clogging the pores. Here’s how to use it
- Fenugreek Powder – 1tbsp
- Turmeric Powder – 1
- Water
Preparation Method – 5 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix all the ingredients together
- Apply it evenly on the skin as a mask
- Leave it for 20 minutes
- Wash with normal water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
3. Coriander Leaf Paste to Remove Blackheads:
Coriander is a miracle ingredient that offers plenty of benefits to the skin. It is also the best remedy for blackheads with its detox properties. It contains plenty of antioxidants which can fight the oxidative damage caused to free radicals. Also, coriander can lighten your skin and remove pigmentation and patchiness
- Coriander Leaves – ½ Cup
- Water – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 5 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Make a paste out of coriander leaves and water
- Apply it evenly on the nose and forehead areas
- Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
- Wash with cool water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
4. Almond and Besan Scrub:
If store-bought scrubs are not giving you the right results, you must try this homemade recipe, which surely works. The exfoliant action of besan and almond powder gently remove blackheads from the roots and also drain out the accumulated dirt and grime from your skin pores. Using it regularly can make your skin shiny and smooth.
- Almond Powder – 1 tbsp
- Besan – 1tbsp
- Rose Water – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 3 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
- Ensure that the consistency is neither too solid or runny
- Apply it evenly on the skin
- Let it dry for 15 minutes
- Use little water and gently massage in circular movements
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
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5. Lemon and Sugar:
Another best way to remove blackheads at home is by using a combo of lemon and sugar. Sugar can scrub away the lesions and give you smooth skin. Lemon is a natural astringent, which can close your skin pores and reduce the appearance of these lesions.
- Lemon – ½ Half
- Sugar – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Slice a lemon and dip the pulpy side into sugar
- Place it on your nose and rub gently in circular movements
- Leave it for 3-5 minutes
- Wash with cool water
How Often Should I Do? Once a week.
Precautions: This method is not suitable for acne-prone or sensitive skin, as it causes abrasions.
6. Oatmeal Powder Mix:
Oatmeal is a gentle, yet effective way to remove blackheads from face naturally. The cleansing properties of this ingredient can un-clog the pores and loosen them. The exfoliant nature scrubs away these particles to leave a shiny nose and clear skin.
- Oatmeal – 1 tbsp
- Water – ½ Cup
Preparation Method – 5 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Boil water in a pan
- Add oats and cook until smooth
- Remove from heat and let it cool down
- Apply it evenly on the skin and let it dry for 15 minutes
- Use circular movements to remove the mask
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Once a week.
7. Witch Hazel:
Witch hazel is a plant that is widely used in cosmetics. It contains certain compounds called tannins, which are believed to be natural Home Remedies For Blackheads astringents. Along with clearing the impurities in your pores, they also sell them to lower the risk of blackheads in future.
- Witch hazel essential oil – few drops
- Cotton Ball – 1
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Wash and dry your face
- On clean skin, apply a cotton ball soaked in Witch hazel oil
- Leave it for a few minutes
- Rinse thoroughly with water
How Often Should I Do? Once a week.
Precautions: Always do a patch test if it is your first time with Witch Hazel
8. Baking Soda for Blackheads:
One of the most popular ways to remove blackheads at home is Baking Soda. This works by drying out the affected area and eliminating the impurities in the clogged pores. You can easily prepare this natural blackhead removal mask by using just two ingredients. Here is the method
- Baking Soda – 1 tbsp
- Water – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix both the ingredients to form a smooth paste
- Apply it evenly on a clean, dry face
- Leave it for 10 minutes
- Rinse with water
How Often Should I Do? Once a fortnight.
Precautions: Avoid baking soda treatment if you have dry or sensitive skin.
See More: How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Nose
9. Honey for Blackheads:
Honey is one of the most effective home remedies for blackheads. It is a sticky substance, that can attract the impurities and eliminate them from your skin. Being a natural moisturiser, it can hydrate your skin and reduce inflammation.
- Honey – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 1 minute
How to Prepare and Use?
- Apply honey directly on clean, dry skin
- Leave it to dry for 20 minutes
- Gently rub it to remove the dirt and grime
- Rinse with normal water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
10. Honey and Almond Scrub:
The goodness of honey, combined with the coarse texture of almonds makes for a fantastic blackhead removal scrub. Both are gentle ingredients which can work towards giving you a spotlessly clean face. The moisturising properties of these agents can make your skin soft and supple.
- Honey – 1 tbsp
- Almond Powder – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minute
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix honey and almond powder
- Apply the paste on clean, dry skin
- Gently massage on the affected areas for 2-3 minutes
- Rinse with water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
11. Yoghurt Mask:
Lemon and Yoghurt have anti-acne properties to give you radiant skin. Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which has to clarify properties. Lemon, on the other hand, is loaded with Vitamin C and other natural antimicrobial agents to get rid of infections that cause blackheads.
- Lemon Juice – few drops
- Yoghurt – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minute
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix Yoghurt with a few drops of lemon juice
- Apply it on clean and dry skin
- Spread it evenly and leave for 20 minutes
- Rinse with water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
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12. Olive Oil Masks to Treat Blackheads:
For those who have extremely dry skin, but also combat blackheads, olive oil and the lemon mask is the best remedy. It can remove the dirt and grease, without drying out your skin. Also, adding olive oil to lemon juice can reduce the acid content and make it safe for topical use.
- Lemon Juice – few drops
- Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Add lemon juice to olive oil
- Mix well to bind them both together
- Apply it evenly on the affected areas
- Leave on for 15 minutes
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Twice a week
12. Cinnamon and Honey:
Honey, when combined with cinnamon, is the best way to remove blackheads at home. While honey has antibacterial properties, cinnamon improves the skin’s blood circulation. Together, they can kill the bacteria and also reduce the inflammation on the skin.
- Honey – 1 tbsp
- Cinnamon Powder – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix both the ingredients together
- Apply it on the affected region
- Leave it on for 10 minutes
- Wash with water
How Often Should I Do? Once a week
Precautions: Avoid this treatment if you have sensitive skin
13. Turmeric and Mint:
Turmeric is one of the renowned natural remedies to remove blackheads. It is loaded with anti-septic, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties to clear infections in your skin pores. Add a small amount of mint juice can give a cooling sensation on your skin and reduce redness.
- Turmeric – 1 tbsp
- Mint Juice – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Make a smooth paste out of turmeric and mint juice
- Spread it evenly on the affected region
- Let it dry for 15 minutes
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Once a week
14. Corn Meal:
Cornmeal is a good abrasive agent for the skin and is, therefore, natural treatment for blackheads. It works by loosening the clogged pores and getting the impurities out. Cornmeal also has antimicrobial properties to gently kill the germs and lower the occurrences with regular usage.
- Cornmeal Powder – 1 tbsp
- Water – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Make a paste with cornmeal powder and water
- Apply it on clean, dry skin
- Leave it for 20 minutes
- Wash off with water, using mild scrubbing movements
How Often Should I Do? Once a week
15. Epsom Salt:
Epsom salt is instant blackhead removal home remedies. It is enriched with numerous benefits for skin, which includes detox, cleansing, and clarifying properties. Using Epsom salt directly can absorb the impurities and soften them. Being a natural disinfectant, it can kill the bacterial growth, which leads to this embarrassing problem.
- Epsom Salt – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- First, wet your skin.
- Take some Epsom salt and gently work on the affected areas
- Massage for a few seconds
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Once every fifteen days.
Precautions: Direct usage of salt on sensitive or dry skin can lead to severe damage. In such cases, avoid this treatment.
16. Green Tea for Blackheads:
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants which can reduce the cellular damage due to free radicals. It is also known to control excess grease and oil on your skin. By doing this, the pores get unclogged, and the accumulated dirt is removed.
- Green Tea leaf – 1 tbsp
- Water – 1 Cup
- Cotton Ball
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Boil some water in a saucepan
- Add green tea leaf and leave for 3 minutes
- Once the decoction is prepared, remove from heat
- Let it cool down
- Dip a cotton ball in the solution
- Apply it on clean, dry skin
- Wait for 15 minutes
- Rinse with water
How Often Should I Do? Use every alternate day
17. Egg White Mask:
Using egg white is the best treatment for blackheads removal on the nose at home. It works like a peel-off mask to remove the blackheads from roots and leave a spotless skin. Egg whites are packed with proteins to build your skin cells, and along with that, it also offers a tightening effect.
- Egg White – 1
- Paper Towel – 1
Preparation Method – 10 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Separate the whites from the yolks
- Beat it to make it frothy
- Now take a paper towel and cut into vertical strips
- Use a brush to coat your skin with the egg white mixture
- Stick these strips all over the surface and use a top coat
- Leave for 20 minutes
- Slowly peel off these strips to see all your blackheads gone
How Often Should I Do? Use it every week
18. Tomato:
Tomatoes are one of the best home remedies for blackheads on the face. These vitamin C enriched agents can control oil and grease on your skin, along with offering deep pore cleansing benefits. They also make your skin lighter and brighter. You can either use it on its own or other agents like honey for better benefits.
- Tomato Pulp – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 5 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Wash your face and pat dry
- Apply the tomato pulp on the affected region
- Let it dry for 20 minutes
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it twice a week
Precautions: Tomato juice can leave a stinging sensation on sensitive and acne-prone skin
19. Apple Cider Vinegar and Mint:
The combination of apple cider vinegar and mint leaves makes for an excellent toner for your skin. While apple cider vinegar prevents the occurrence of blackheads, mint leaves impart a cooling effect to the skin. ACV also balances the natural pH of your skin and controls the production of excess sebum.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tbsp
- Mint Juice – 1 tbsp
- Cotton Ball – 1
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix both the ingredients together
- Dip a cotton ball in the solution
- Apply it on the affected regions
- Leave it to dry for 10 minutes
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it once a week
Precautions: Not suitable for very dry skin
20. Olive Oil and Sugar:
The combined goodness of olive oil and sugar makes one of the best blackhead removal home remedies. We have discussed the benefits of both of these ingredients above. A combination of them can work well for dry-skinned people, in which the sugar exfoliates the skin and olive oil restores the lost hydration.
- Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
- Sugar – ½ tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Add sugar to olive oil
- Don’t blend them too much and leave it coarse
- Apply on the affected regions
- Using circular movements, massage well
- Rinse with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it once a week
21. Milk and Lemon:
Milk and lemon are the best remedies to get rid of blackheads. The lactic acid in milk can fight impurities and bacterial infections. Lemon, on the other hand, can control the oil production and leave your skin spotlessly clean. You can even notice visibly, brighter skin using this method.
- Milk – 1 tbsp
- Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp
Preparation Method – 2 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Mix milk and lemon together.
- Apply it immediately on the skin; else the milk enzymes can start breaking up
- Leave it on for 20 minutes
- Wash with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it once a week
22. Toothpaste:
Get rid of blackheads at home, naturally with toothpaste. This common ingredient can fight the microbes and eliminate the infections. It can also keep the excess oil production at bay. However, you must ensure that only white toothpaste is used and not the gel or other forms.
- Toothpaste – 1 drop
- Salt – 1 pinch
Preparation Method – 1 minute
How to Prepare and Use?
- Add a pinch of salt to toothpaste
- Apply this mixture on the affected region
- Leave it on for 10 minutes
- Wash off with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it once a week
Precautions: Always do a patch test before you try this method
23. Steam for Blackheads:
Using steam is one of the best Home Remedies For Blackheads from face and nose. It works by opening up the pores and clearing out the debris. You can then use a scrub or a towel to remove them gently. Avoid getting too close to the steam, as can cause severe burns.
- Water – 1 Cup
- Steam Machine – Optional
Preparation Method – 5 minutes
How to Prepare and Use?
- Boil water in a pan or use a steam machine
- Expose your face to the vapours for about 1 minute
- Take a towel and buff away the blackheads
- Wash with water
How Often Should I Do? Use it once a week
Those are some of the tried and tested methods to get rid of blackheads on nose and face at home. These all-natural ways can give you results, slowly, but surely. Also, you must avoid the usage of sharp objects like metal tools or pins to remove them from your skin. These can cause infections and worsen the condition. Instead, choose the safe practices, and with regular use, you are sure to notice the difference!