Have you been diagnosed with Fatty Liver? Wondering what is it and what are its consequences. Well, you are at the right place! Fatty Liver disease, as the term says, is having more fat deposits than normal levels in your liver. The problem happens over a period of time and, when neglected, can lead to serious health problems. Thankfully, there are many fatty liver home remedies which can reverse the condition and reduce the risks associated with the disease.
Before we learn about these home remedies for fatty liver, let us first understand what fatty liver is, its associated risks, grades and other important information.
What is Fatty Liver?
Fatty Liver, also called Hepatic Steatosis, is a condition in which there is an excess fat buildup on the liver. These deposits interfere with the normal functioning of the liver and slow down the production of insulin or bile needed for the body. In extreme cases, your liver can undergo permanent scarring and, eventually, liver failure, leading to a life-threatening and irreversible condition called Liver Cirrhosis.
What are the Two Types of Fatty Liver Disease?
There are two types of Fatty Liver disease -Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease.
1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFD):
This is a condition in which fatty liver doesn’t happen because of alcohol. NAFD can be of two types – Simple Fatty Liver, in which the fat accumulation is harmless and Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), in which the Liver inflammation can lead to Cirrhosis or Cancer.
2. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease:
This condition is also called Alcoholic steatohepatitis, in which the primary reason for Fatty Liver is the consumption of excessive alcohol. In the process of breaking down the alcohol in the body, toxic substances are released, which damage the liver cells and cause inflammation.
What are the Grades of Fatty Liver?
Fatty Liver disease has four different grades or stages, which are associated with different symptoms and risks.
1. Grade 1 (Steatosis):
This is called a Simple Fatty Liver, in which the excess fat cells cover the liver, but pose no harm.
2. Grade 2 (NASH):
This is a slightly dangerous condition in which inflammation is noticed in the liver. However, this can be cured in the early stage, and as the stage progresses, it might be irreversible. Patients with Grade 2 Fatty Liver may experience dull pain on the right side of their abdomen.
3. Grade 3 (Fibrosis):
In this stage, some of the healthy liver tissues are replaced with fibrous tissue that can lead to partial functioning of the organ.
4. Grade 4 (Cirrhosis):
This is a dangerous stage in which the size of the liver shrinks and is filled with clumps of liver cells. This irreversible stage progresses into complete liver failure over a period of time.
How Do You Identify Fatty Liver?
Fatty Liver is diagnosed with physical screening tests and blood check-ups. Previous medical history is also taken into consideration. While many patients with Simple Fatty Liver may not have any symptoms, in advanced stages, this condition can pose certain health complications:
- Jaundice
- Ascites and Edema
- Severe Pain
- Hepatitis
Is Fatty Liver Risky?
A Simple Fatty Liver in its early stages is benign and may not pose major risks. However, advanced Fatty Liver can pose serious health risks, including:
- Diabetes.
- Jaundice.
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding.
- Liver Cirrhosis.
- The Liver failure.
- Liver cancer.
Extreme causes of Liver Cirrhosis are quite dangerous and can ultimately lead to death.
Read Also: Causes and Symptoms of Fatty Liver
9 Best Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease At Home:
There are many natural remedies for fatty liver that use simple, everyday ingredients. Following them, along with the prescribed medication, can bring in positive outcomes and speed up the results of your treatment:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best home remedies to cure fatty liver, thanks to its amazing detoxification properties. ACV works by flushing out the harmful toxins from your liver, which disrupt its functioning. A study reveals that Apple Cider Vinegar can cause weight loss and a significant reduction in the lipid profile levels in the blood (1). It can also reduce inflammation and promotes the overall health of the liver.
What You Need:
- Apple Cider Vinegar – 1tbsp.
- Warm water – 1 Cup.
How To Take:
- Add ACV to a cup of warm water.
- Drink it every day in the morning.
- Too much ACV can lead to stomach burns. Be careful with the quantity!
2. Lemon:
Lemon is another best natural remedy for alcoholic Fatty Liver. A study has revealed the astonishing benefits of lemon in reducing the harmful effects of this disease. It is known that lemon has a hepatoprotective impact on the alcohol-induced fatty liver and helps in bringing down lipid profile levels (2). Also, it is rich in Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent free radical damage to the liver cells.
What You Need:
- Lemon – Half.
- Water – 1 Cup.
- Honey – 1 tbsp (Optional).
How To Make:
- Extract the juice of half a lime.
- Add some water and honey.
- For the best benefits, drink it early in the morning.
Side Effects:
- Lemon juice may cause acidity. So, if you have a sensitive stomach, stay away from it!
Read Also: Best Ways to Keep Liver Healthy
3. Turmeric:
Turmeric is one of the best Indian home remedies for fatty liver. It contains a chemical called Curcumin which can protect liver cells from NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) when taken in recommended doses (3). The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this ingredient can bring down the inflammation of liver cells and prevent oxidative stress by combating free radicals.
What You Need:
- Turmeric – 1 Pinch.
- Water – 1 Glass.
- Lemon – 1 tbsp (Optional).
How To Make:
- Boil some water and add a pinch of Turmeric.
- You can even a dash of lemon juice.
- Serve it warm.
- Consume it first thing in the morning for the best results.
Side Effects:
- Turmeric can cause overheating in the body and lead to boils. Do not consume in excess.
4. Indian Gooseberry:
Indian Gooseberry or Amla is the best Ayurvedic remedy for fatty liver. Being a rich source of Vitamin C, antioxidant fruit helps in cleansing the liver of toxins and protects it from further damage. According to a study, Amla contains a photochemical called Quercetinm which can reduce oxidative stress on the liver cells and protect the organ from alcohol-induced fatty liver disease (4). Amla also has many enzymes that can curb fat cells and promote better digestion.
What You Need:
- Amla – 2 or 3 Medium Sized.
- Water – 1 Glass.
How To Take:
- Cut Amla into small pieces and discard the seeds.
- Blend them with some water and extract the juice.
- Dilute this juice in one glass of warm water.
Side Effects:
- Excessive intake of Amla can lead to acidity and stomach disorders.
5. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is one of the most effective natural remedies for fatty liver disease. Research was conducted to prove the efficacy of Cinnamon, in which 1.5 gms of this spice was given to patients for 12 weeks, who have shown reduced insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia (too many lipids in the blood) (5). The strong anti-inflammatory properties of this agent bring down the inflammation of the liver caused due to excess alcohol consumption.
What You Need:
- Cinnamon Sticks – 2 or 3.
- Water – 1 Glass.
How To Take:
- Add a few Cinnamon sticks to boiling water.
- Wait for 2-3 minutes and strain the liquid.
- Serve it hot and drink this tea early in the morning for the best benefits.
Side Effects:
- Cinnamon can cause a burning sensation when in excess.
6. Milk Thistle:
One of the herbal home remedies for treating fatty liver is Milk Thistle. Also called Silymarin, this herb has Hepatoprotective effects which benefit patients sufferings from the condition. A 2014 study suggests that Milk thistle can inhibit free radicals that lead to toxicity with its powerful antioxidants and flavonoids (6). Also, Milk Thistle helps in the production of enzymes that detox the liver. However, you must take the advice of a doctor before consuming it.
NOTE: Milk Thistle is available in the form of capsules and powder. Use as recommended by an expert.
7. Flax Seeds:
Flax seeds are not only good for digestion but also offer protection from fatty liver. According to a study, Flax seeds have shown improvement in patients suffering from NAFLD by reducing weight, blood lipid levels, insulin resistance and inflammatory tissues (7). Also, Flax seeds are a rich source of fatty acids that combat oxidative stress on cells and lower hepatic damage. No wonder why it is considered one of the best home remedies for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
How To Take:
- Flax seeds can be consumed in the form of powder or whole seeds.
- You can have them with water or sprinkle some on your salads for enhanced taste and health benefits.
8. Green Tea:
Green tea is a healthy beverage and also the best natural cure for fatty liver. According to a study, green tea was found to be effective in reducing liver enzymes and inflammation in the organ, when combined with other supplements (8). Experts attribute this to the high amount of polyphenols and flavonoids in green tea, which reduce oxidative stress and overall fat content in the body.
What You Need:
- Green Tea – 1 bag.
- Water – 1 Cup.
How To Make:
- Boil 1 cup of water.
- Dip a green tea bag and let it sit for 2-3 minutes.
- Remove the bag and consume the liquid while it is hot.
- You can add some lemon or honey for taste and added benefits.
Caution: Limit your intake to just 2-3 cups per day, as the excess amount can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
9. Dandelion Tea:
Dandelion is a commonly found garden weed that has yellow flowers. Recent studies show that Dandelion tea can treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease induced by a high-fat diet (9). This is because Dandelions contain powerful bioactive compounds that can lower cholesterol levels in the body. Also, certain antioxidants like beta-carotene present in this agent can reduce cell damage. Other studies reveal that dandelion has anti-inflammatory chemicals which can reduce inflammation in the liver. This is why it is considered to be one of the home remedies to reduce fatty liver.
What You Need:
- Dandelion Flowers – 4-5.
- Water – 1 Cup.
How To Make:
- Add Dandelion Flowers to boiling water.
- Leave it for 1-2 minutes.
- Strain and consume the liquid.
Caution: Dandelion is known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Always check its suitability before consuming it.
Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Fatty Liver:
Along with following these home remedies for fatty liver, you must also make certain lifestyle changes to lower the severity of your condition. Read along to know them in detail:
1. Lower Your Cholesterol Levels:
Eat foods with the low cholesterol content. A healthy diet will also assist you with your liver issues. Also, maintaining a proper cholesterol level will keep you fit and will be an effective home remedy for not only liver fat but also other body problems.
2. Drink the Required Amount of Water:
A simple, easy and highly effective home remedy for the treatment of fatty liver is to have about 10-12 glasses of water. Water is a natural cleanser for the organs and removes toxins and dirt perfectly along with improving the blood flow and hydrating the body well. There is also sufficient evidence to prove that drinking hydrogen-rich water can reduce fat accumulation in the liver and reduce body weight (10).
3. Exercise Regularly:
Exercise is the key to keeping fit. Get out of your house and take a walk. Don’t be lazy, get involved in some activities which will keep you fit. Without eating anything, this workout remedy will effectively help you with your liver condition. Exercise regularly and reduce almost all kinds of health issues.
4. Avoid Sugar Foods:
Minimize your sugar consumption if you have fatty liver problems. Sugar is one of the most harmful things that you can eat at this time. There is no need to go totally sugar-free. Minimizing sugar consumption will also do the job. Stop eating too many desserts or foods that have high-sugar preservatives to minimize the severity of the fatty liver disease.
5. Say No To Junk Food:
According to many studies, it has been seen that one of the primes reasons behind excess fat in the liver is the consumption of fast foods. Junk foods or fast foods are loaded with bad cholesterol which harms your health. Rather, they can be the reason behind many other problems such as stomach upsets. Try eating fresh and natural stuff such as fruits and vegetables to treat the liver condition. This is one of the best fatty liver home remedies.
Foods To Eat and Avoid For Fatty Liver:
Diet plays an important role in managing fatty liver disease. Here is a list of foods to eat and foods to stay away from, when you have this condition:
Foods To Eat For Fatty Liver:
1. Garlic:
Many studies have shown that eating Garlic can aid in fat reduction in the body, which is very important to reduce the severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (11).
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
According to research, consuming Foods like Salmon, Sardines, Flaxseed and Walnuts which are rich in Omega-3 Fatty acids, has shown lowered liver fat and HDL cholesterol levels (12).
Read Also: Omega-3 Rich Foods
3. Coffee:
Coffee not only energizes us but also protects our liver from damage. Research says that Coffee can improve metabolism in the body and reduces fat deposits in the liver (13).
4. Whole Vegetables:
Including plenty of green vegetables like Kale, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and Spinach can help in preventing fat accumulation in the liver.
5. Soya and Tofu:
Soya and its products like Tofu are high in protein and low in fat, which may reduce fat buildups on the liver and balance your lipid profile levels.
6. Whole Grains:
Include plenty of whole grains like oatmeal, which energize your body and maintain your body weight with their rich dietary fibre content.
7. Vitamin E Foods:
Studies show that eating Vitamin E-rich foods like Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Spinach, Broccoli, Fortified Cereals etc. can reduce the severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (14).
NOTE: It is known that patients who consume Vitamin E foods or supplements for Fatty Liver for about two years may have an increased risk of insulin resistance. Kindly speak to your doctor before you include this Vitamin in your diet.
Read Also: Proper Diet For Fatty Liver
Foods To Avoid:
Here is a list of foods to say NO to, when you have fatty liver:
1. Sugar Laden and Processed Foods:
Cut down on high-sugar foods like icecreams, sodas, packaged fruit juices, baked goods etc. which can increase blood sugar levels and end up as fat deposits on the liver.
2. Alcohol:
The single, most dangerous cause of AFLD is Alcohol. So, if you are a habitual drinker, it’s time to put an end to this and save your life from life-threatening conditions like Liver Cirrhosis.
3. Foods with High Salt:
Eating foods with high salt content can increase the risk of weight gain and lead to obesity, a common cause of fatty liver.
4. Saturated Fats:
Fatty meats like beef, pork, lamb, packaged meats and dark chicken contain high amounts of saturated or bad fats, which can increase fat buildup on the liver. Instead, stick to lean meats like fish, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
When Should You Consult the Doctor For Fatty Liver?
If you are told that you have Fatty Liver Disease, then the doctor will suggest a strict lifestyle and diet change. As there are no approved medications for fatty liver, you must pay heed to your food intake and maintain a healthy weight to keep the condition in check.
Even after following this plan, if you notice very little or no improvement, you must consult a doctor who can suggest a diet chart or put you on some related medication.
So folks! With these home remedies for treating fatty liver, you can restore normalcy in your life. These natural treatments can reduce or sometimes reverse the condition, depending on the grade of the problem, age and overall health condition. Remember that in a disease like fatty liver, self-discipline and determination in the key to bringing back your good health!
DISCLAIMER: This article does not provide any medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. It must not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
1. Is Fatty Liver Dangerous?
The answer depends on the grade of fatty liver disease. If it is grade 1 or Grade 2, where you have fat deposits on the liver, with or without inflammation, the problem may not pose any immediate health risks. However, negligence can progress these grades into 3 or 4, which are difficult to reverse and may ultimately lead to organ failure.
2. How Much Alcohol Can Lead To Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
According to The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), men who consume more than 21 drinks per week and women who consume more than 14 drinks per week are at a high risk of falling prey to AFLD. In short, the higher the amount of alcohol and the longer you consume, the more serious your symptoms of fatty liver get!
3. Can Weight Loss Surgery Treat Fatty Liver Disease?
Yes! Research has confirmed that patients who lost substantial weight through Bariatric surgery have made a good improvement in NAFLD (15). Doctors state that by fighting obesity, these weight loss treatments act as important tools for preventing cases of dangerous liver diseases like fatty liver. However, the recommendations for the same will be made on a case-to-case basis after considering a number of factors including health condition, age etc. of the patient.