Pink lips enrich your smile and exceptionally enhance the beauty of your face. But is it easy to turn your dry, chapped lips into supple pink lips? Of course, yes! You have to know how to protect your lips from pollution, harsh weather, and cosmetics that cause pigmentation. Here are six must-try home remedies for pink lips with five fab tips and six superfoods, specially compiled for easy steps. So stay here on this page to know secrets on how to turn your dark lips to pink.

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What Stops You From Having Pink Lips?

Like you already know, facial skin is sensitive, but did you know that the skin on lips is the most sensitive of all? This is because the skin layer on your lips is thin, delicate, and is prone to damage very quickly. Right from dehydration, which occurs due to less intake of water or liquids in your daily diet, to massive exposure to heat, pollution, harsh weather, and stress can cause your lips to dry and chap. So if you are facing this depressing problem, then “How can I make my lips pink?” is the constant question bothering you every day. Well! Your worry ends here. You will find your answers just below. Read on…

The answer to ‘how to make your lips pink naturally?’ is right here!

5 Fabulous Tips to Supple Pink Lips:

1. Exfoliate:

Exfoliation helps remove the dead skin cells on your lips and make them look fresh and rejuvenated. Use natural scrubs like ‘sugar with honey’ or ‘turmeric with milk’ or ‘lemon juice with sugar’ or ‘crushed strawberry.’ To exfoliate, mix the scrub ingredients based on which scrub you choose and gently massage the scrub mixture onto your lips with your fingertips. After scrubbing for a minute or two, rinse with water. You can do this twice a week or once in two days based on how dry your lips are. Exfoliate regularly, and you can get pink lips naturally in 15 days.

2. Protect Yourself From Heat:

You may unintentionally ignore your skin and walk out into the sun without proper sun protection in your busy work schedule. Unfortunately, this can also cause your skin, especially your lips, to dry. Use any natural lip balm with the essence of oranges or strawberries coupled with bee wax to protect your lips from heat. If you already have sun-burnt lips, then use a cold compress or cotton dipped in cold milk to apply on your lips. You can do this whenever you wish to pamper your lips and get your natural lip color back.

3. Stay Hydrated:

Hydration doesn’t mean you keep wetting your lips. That’s the worst thing to do to your lips. Yes! Most people do keep licking their lips to keep them moist, but that’s not good. Moisturizing your lips from outside may not be long-lasting. Instead, the best way is to hydrate your lips and skin from within. Drink a sufficient amount of water or juices to keep your body healthy from the inside. When you stay hydrated, a natural glow on your skin is visible, and your lips also turn supple, pink, and rosy! So, how to get pink lips in one day? Stay hydrated!

4. Daily Habits:

Lifestyle and daily habits significantly impact your skin and, most importantly, your lips. For example, if you smoke, then pink lips can remain a dream for you! So, quit smoking and try healthy juices to deviate your mind from the temptation to smoke and watch your dark lips turn pink eventually. Use natural lip masks like ‘turmeric with milk’ or ‘beetroot juice’ or ‘a thin slice of dragon fruit’ so you have no scope to smoke but to resist the urge to do so. Sounds interesting, right? It’s undoubtedly worth a try!

5. Diet:

What you eat is who you become, they say! That’s so true, especially when it comes to having pink lips. When you eat nutrition-rich food with all the vital vitamins and nutrients, then there is no way you cannot have pink lips. So choose foods that are good for hydrating your body, like all the gourds and those for enriching the texture of your skin like beetroot, carrot, tomato, etc., and add them to your daily diet. Also, fruit juices can help in enhancing nutrient intake. So you can turn your dark chapped lips into natural pink lips by adding some healthy foods to your diet.

Take a Sneak-Peek into 5 Superfoods That Turn Your Dark Lips to Pink Lips!

1. Coconut:

Nature’s biggest blessing to humanity is coconut. The benefits coconut tree offers are truly exceptional. It consists of vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6. In addition, coconut is rich in fatty acids like lauric acid and myristic acid. Regular consumption of coconut can magically add shine, glow, and suppleness to your skin and turn your pale and sensitive lips into smooth, naturally pink lips.

Ways to Consume

  • You can choose to drink one or two glasses of coconut water every day
  • Replace regular milk with coconut milk and make tasty smoothies.
  • If you like coconut flavour in food, add a sufficient amount of grated fresh coconut to your regular curries

2. Tomato:

Tomato is added to many dishes as it is a great taste enhancer. The best part of tomato is it can be consumed both raw or in cooked form. In addition, tomato contains selenium, which adds red color to lips, protects lips and skin from heat and tanning, and is excellent for overall health.

Ways to Consume

  • Add a generous amount of tomatoes to your juices or curries.
  • You can slice tomatoes and eat them raw with other salad ingredients

3. Green Tea:

Green tea is best known for its detoxing and antioxidant properties. Consuming 2 cups of green tea every day can have excellent health benefits, especially for your skin and lips. Green tea contains polyphenol antioxidants that guard your skin against heat and dryness and give you naturally pink lips.

Ways to Consume

  • You get a variety of green tea flavours to make your routine enjoyable. So grab a few flavours of green tea like chamomile, rose, lemon and honey, and mint as per your choice, and sip on!
  • You can make your green tea at home too! Add half a teaspoon of regular tea powder to a cup of boiling water and switch off the stove. Wait for the essence to seep in. You can squeeze in two to three drops of lemon and add honey to enhance the taste. Add two to three leaves of mint for a unique flavour.
  • Sip on it every day to get pink lips naturally at home.

Read More: Green Tea Benefits

4. Beetroot:

Beetroot is one of the true superfoods available on planet earth. Yes! Beetroot is a natural colouring agent – when applied externally as well as when consumed internally. Beetroot is rich in vitamin B9, also known as folate, manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. It is a good source of fiber. In addition, consuming beetroot regularly will increase blood flow in the body, supplying oxygen to every cell, thereby lightening your skin and adding redness to your lips.

Ways to Consume

  • You can grate beetroot and add a generous amount to your raw salad.
  • You can make a tall glass of beetroot juice and have it first thing in the morning.
  • If you like to add it to the main course, you can cut the beetroot into small pieces and add some green chillies and fry to make a tasty curry.

5. Watermelon:

The coolest of fruits is watermelon and is best for keeping your body hydrated. It contains Vitamin A, B1, B5 and B6, C, Magnesium, potassium, and other beneficial plant compounds. In addition, watermelon is rich in citrulline, beta-carotene, and lycopene which add glow, shine, and suppleness to skin and lips. Consuming watermelon is indeed a low-cost, healthy and easy way to get naturally pink lips within no time.

Ways to Consume:

  • You can eat watermelon cut into cubes or also in the form of juice.
    You can add watermelon as a flavour to your smoothies too!
  • Now you know what superfoods to eat and what tips to follow to get smooth and supple naturally pink lips, here is a bonus for you

Steal These 5 Exclusive Home Remedies for Pink Lips!

1. Honey and Sugar Scrub

Your lips may have turned dark because of dead cells accumulation. It needs a little scrubbing to get rid of dry skin and dead cells on your lips. Regular face scrubs can be harsh on lips and may get into the mouth while scrubbing. Instead, you can use natural scrubs like honey and sugar! Sugar is an antioxidant, and honey is a natural moisturizer, and the combination will give you glossy pink lips!

Preparation Take half a spoon on honey and sugar that is only a little coarse in form. Mix them, and using your fingertips, gently massage on your lips. Let it stay on for a minute or two and rinse with cold water. This helps remove dead skin and rejuvenate your lips’ sensitive skin, leaving them pink and plump.

When to Use – If you have dry and dark lips, use this scrub once in two days.

2. Rose Petals and Milk Pack:

Rose petals have been one of the most used ingredients for skincare since ancient times. This is because rose petals contain natural oils and are rich in vitamin C, while on the other hand, dairy milk consists of lactic acid and is known for exfoliation and stimulates new skin cells. In addition, milk can work as a fantastic toner! So, a combination of these two super ingredients can make your dark lips silky smooth, supple, and naturally pink lips!

Preparation – Take a handful of rose petals. You can choose any colour rose petals, but ideally, pink ones are most used in skincare. Remember to wash them thoroughly before use. Roses are one such flower that drenches in showers of pesticides used by farmers. So, wash them thoroughly before use. Soak the washed rose petals overnight. The following day, take a small cup of raw milk and grind the rose petals with the milk into a fine paste.

When to Use – Apply this every day on your lips and leave it. With regular use, naturally pink lips will be all yours!

3. Milk and Turmeric Exfoliating Pack:

Milk and turmeric make an excellent combo that can give you relief from almost anything. As discussed earlier, dairy milk is genuinely an amazing toner, while turmeric is best known for its soothing antiseptic, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, most of us don’t know that turmeric consists of curcumin, which gives turmeric excellent medicinal properties. When combined, turmeric and cold milk turn into a great exfoliating pack that soothes dark lips, heals pigmentation, and gives you naturally pink lips.

Preparation – Take a spoon or two of cold milk – boiled or raw and add a spoon or two of fresh edible turmeric ground without any chemicals to make a thick paste and gently scrub it on your lips with your fingertips. Leave it to dry, and then rinse off with cold water by gently scrubbing the pack off your lips.

When to Use – Use this super pack once in two days for naturally pink lips.

4. Lemon and Almond Oil Lip Balm:

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and is often used as an active ingredient in skincare routines. In addition, lemon is often used in skin lightening treatments. On the other hand, Almond oil is best known for its skin-soothing properties as it is an antioxidant and works as a good exfoliator. Combining these exceptional ingredients gives you a lip balm for plump, soft, and rosy pink lips!

Preparation Take a few drops of almond oil and add a few drops of lemon juice. Give it a good mix. Then, with your fingertips, gently rub this lip balm on your lips and leave it to absorb. Regular use of this lip balm will surely give you naturally pink lips in no time!

When to Use  You can use this lip balm like any other lip balm every day as many times as you want, and if you are looking for home remedies for pink lips in 15 days, you must try this!

5. Coriander Lip Mask:

Did you know that Coriander – the Hara dhaniya, which adds great flavour to your dishes, can also lighten and add shine to your lips? Well! Coriander is rich in beta-carotene and also is a great detoxing agent. So, this coriander mask has the power to lighten, smoothen your lips and give you the plump pink lips you have been longing to have!

Preparation – Take a handful of coriander leaves, wash them thoroughly and grind them to a fine paste. Apply the coriander mask on your lips gently and leave it on for about 20 minutes for the goodness of the ingredient to soak into your lips. Once it is dry, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

When to Use – You can use this lip mask every day, and you will notice a difference within two weeks of use. Naturally, pink lips will be all yours!


1. How to get pink lips for men?

Lips have the most sensitive skin, and the pigmentation on them needs to be treated right away! If you are a man under stress and tension, you can start by changing your lifestyle first. Start drinking lots of water, avoid smoking, use home remedies for pink lips suggested by experts and watch your dark and dry lips turn into pink lips naturally in no time!

2. How to get pink lips in one day?

Your lips turn dry and dark due to pigmentation, which is caused by several reasons. First, the damage to the skin on your lips would have been caused over a while. So, reviving the natural colour of your lips also will take time. However, if your lips have sunburns, you can soothe them by applying ice, beetroot slices, or honey. The best is to use a natural lip balm made of almond oil or crushed beetroot to show off your pink lips, but for a permanent cure, you must use natural home remedies at least for a week to notice the desirable result.

3. How to get pink lips and avoid sunburn?

Did you know that your lips also need sunscreen? Well! Just like the skin on any part of your body, the skin on your lips also gets tanned. Yes! All the more having the most sensitive skin! So, use natural lip balms that have sunscreen protection. Or the best is to cover your face with a hat or use a mask to protect your lips. Further, use natural home remedies for pink lips discussed above to get rid of dark lips forever!


Dark lips are not a sign of any underlying disease and can be treated naturally at home. Stay hydrated, regularly moisten your lips with natural lip balms and rinse-off lip masks, and watch your dark lips turn into silky smooth, plump, and rosy lips! Keep smiling!


About Suvarna

Suvarna is a freelance content writer with over 8 years of professional writing experience. She specialized in developing research-based content on Beauty, Skin, and Hair Care. Suvarna believes that beauty is one of the key factors for every personality. She always strives to bring more authenticity and credibility to her articles.