Do not be worried at all about your pimple. Acne breakouts are common among teens. An acne breakout occurs because of inflammation of the oil glands in your skin and hair follicles. Curing acne is a process, not a two-day affair. Acne is caused by overactive oil glands that clog pores.

Pimples and pimple spots are naturally occurring boils on your skin, mostly on your face, where the toxins and the dirt collected daily accumulate underneath, causing the reaction to swell up or turn red. There are hormonal changes and puberty that can be blamed for the ugly red rashes. Either way, a pimple is forever unwanted, especially right before a special occasion. Therefore, this article lists some of the fastest ways to get rid of acne within 2 days.

You can get acne on your face, chest, back, shoulders and even buttocks. There are many ways by which you can remove pimples in 2 days. Set to wondering how to remove pimples and pimple marks in two days.

Best Ways To Remove Pimples In 2 Days:

Below we mention 15 different classical and best treatment methods for removing pimples and marks in 2 days naturally without getting side effects.

1. Ice Cubes:

Ice will assist in the reduction of the size of the pores by contracting the blood vessels below the skin. If your acne is sore, it must also assist in relieving the pain—smear ice cubes on the tender acne. Massage an ice cube above the acne on your face until the area goes numb. Allow your face unaided, awaiting it’s warm again.

2. Toothpaste:

Try toothpaste to your question on how to remove pimple marks in 2 days. Toothpaste involves silica which is the drying agent you discover in bags of beef jerky, among other things. Uncertainly, toothpaste can help to dry off your pimple during the night, lessening it in size, though it’s not a winning way of cleaning your skin.

3. Moisturizing:

Keep your skin moisturized. The habit you are about to create can cause drying, chiefly to the spot where your lesion emerges. A cleanser by moisturizer fitted, or an oil-free moisturizer, will seal moisture into your skin and avoid drying and flaking. Products which contain ingredients like urea, glycerine, plus alpha hydroxy acids absorb water from the air plus keep the skin moisturized.

4. Avoid Touching:

Just don’t touch it! The oils from your hands and bacteria from items similar to a cell phone plus gym equipment can quickly source redness and stop the pimples from clearance. Picking plus popping lesions will worsen the look of your skin moreover delay your spots from healing. This could probably be the fastest way to remove pimple marks immediately.

See More: Best Home Remedies for Acne

5. Exfoliating:

Exfoliate your skin. Get into the habit of exfoliating through an acne scrub every week, literally every week. Exfoliating is nothing but softly wiping away the top layer of dead skin cells that accumulate on the epidermis, clearing the way for a new layer of vibrant, acne-free skin. Once you wash your face with a gentle exfoliant, be careful not to rub too hard.

6. Honey:

Over and above being tasty, honey is a natural antibiotic that makes it ideal for healing plus decreasing pimples. As a bonus, its tackiness helps eliminate surplus dirt and impurities from your skin. You can operate honey by building a simple mask. To perform this, blend two tablespoons of the golden elixir with a teaspoon of cinnamon moreover smear it on your face. Let the mixture set for about ten minutes before washing it off with warm water.

7. Chlorine – Swimming:

Take a dip. If you have a pool willingly obtainable, try going for a swim. Chlorine is recognized to dry your skin which is good news for getting rid of pimples. Just be sure to properly moisturize the rest of your skin plus condition your hair to stop damage.

8. Banana Peels:

Banana peels help treat insects, plus mosquito bites. Moreover, they might be beneficial in decreasing the size of some pimples. Gently massage the banana peel above the affected area. Moreover, try putting the banana peel in the blender with a dash of salt, a teaspoon of vinegar, and a tablespoon of maple syrup. Smear on your face, plus leave for 7 minutes. Clean with a face wash plus dry.

9. Aspirin Paste:

Powder an aspirin tablet and add sufficient water to create a paste. Paste the pimple(s) evenly with the aspirin, and cover with a Q-Tipering entirely. Let dry. Aspirin is one more anti-inflammatory; building it will assist the skin fight next to inflammation, making the pimple marks less visible. Allow the aspirin paste to brawl the spot during the night.

10. Turmeric And Gram Flour Paste:

Turmeric is a popular spice in many Indian dishes to induce flavour. However, not many people are aware of the medicinal properties that turmeric possesses. Here’s how to remove pimple marks in 2 days.

  • Turmeric in its powdered form mixed in chilled milk and gram flour not only lessens the redness with its anti-inflammatory property but also reduces the acne germs, thereby reducing it overnight.
  • Leave the mixture overnight, and in case you forgot to apply it on the night, let it dry for 20 minutes

See More: Pomegranate To Treat Acne

11. Baking Soda Applicator:

Baking soda is yet another miracle product that does wonders on your skin, especially in case of rashes, inflammations and acne. The medicinal properties of baking soda make it a fit component to combat acne overnight, possibly vanishing it within two simple days. Simply take the baking powder in a water solution; the water content is more. A thick paste and on-point application will immediately reduce the size and redness of the pimple and will probably be the solution for removing pimple spots from the face in 2 days.

12. Vicks Vapo Rub To The Rescue:

Vaporub, often used for congested chest or runny nose, is a great way to deal with pimples in the fastest way possible. Vaporub is concentrated and strong, making it a fitness component for heavy congestion. The minty fresh smell immediately works its action as the cooling crystals calm the pimple toning down the redness. Within two days, you will see your acne drying up.

13. Cinnamon Cure:

Once again used widely for flavouring dishes, Cinnamon is another ingredient that can make your pimple vanish within two days. Here’s how to clear spots in 2 days using cinnamon. For this, you would need

  • Grounded or powdered cinnamon, honey and rose water.
  • Make a thick paste of it and apply it to the spots affected.

Keep it overnight after dabbing in the area. Wash off with cold water in the morning.

14. Hot Mint Steam:

How to remove pimples naturally in 2 days without getting messy with topical applicators and treatments? Use steam therapy, where the steam opens up clogged pores and forces out the dirt and toxins that accumulate underneath, thereby causing the acne to reduce. Use mint or tea tree oil in the steam bowl for added assistance.

See More: Almond Oil for Acne Scars

15. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is known for both its alkaline and acidic properties. Therefore, the mix of the two acts as an excellent acne remover. You must be wondering how to get rid of pimples in 2 days using apple cider vinegar.

  • In a small bowl, use concentrated apple cider vinegar and water to dilute the solution before using cotton to dip and dab on the acne spots.
  • Leave it overnight and wash it off the following day.
  • You can see immediate results right after application.


This article has selected some of the best homely products available in and nearby your surroundings. Acne or pimples can be crushed immediately with these full-proof methods that allow you to treat your pimple within two nights and make it in time for the event with flawless skin.


About Suvarna

Suvarna is a freelance content writer with over 8 years of professional writing experience. She specialized in developing research-based content on Beauty, Skin, and Hair Care. Suvarna believes that beauty is one of the key factors for every personality. She always strives to bring more authenticity and credibility to her articles.