Premature greying is not something to worry about as many reasons such as hereditary issues and genetics are most of the tie a cause for this problem. Though premature greying occurs quite frequently it can be easily dealt with as it is not that big an issue. There are plenty of home remedies available around the globe that help you to easily deal with the premature greying of hair that comes and goes. Now to fully understand premature hair greying.

One must first understand that premature greying occurs in two different ways which include excessive greying and scare greying. Excessive greying occurs most of the time due to genetics and needs stronger methods in order to reverse whereas scarce greying is more of a gradual and slow process that if nipped at the bud will stop permanently. Hate being called an old hag because of the grey hair you’ve been forcefully blessed with? We have magical solutions for you to use. Hence please read on and be well-informed for the same.

Factors And Causes For Premature Graying Of Hair:

Before we talk about the remedies, let us also check for the causes and factors that make hair grey before time. By learning what causes the graying of hair, we can then work on solutions that would help us in the long run. The market online or otherwise is flooded with a list of items, products and services to use, most of which have chemicals in them. This could make things worse for you, hence let’s look at a holistic approach for the same and treat the premature grey hairs too.

What you cannot prevent would be natures cycle of hair graying, however, you can always slow down it’s effects. Premature graying happens because;

  • Lack of nutrition.
  • Vitamin B deficiency in the body.
  • Lack of minerals such as copper and iron or even iodine intake.
  • Hereditary.
  • Stress.
  • Dirty scalp.
  • Chemicals in shampoos.
  • Chemicals in soaps.
  • Hairstyling products.
  • Hot irons for curls and straightening of hair.
  • Thyroid.
  • Lack of Vitamin B12.
  • Vitiligo.
  • Menopause too soon
  • Smoking and more

Home Remedies for Premature Greying Of Hair:

There are a few great home remedies that will not only help you to fight premature greying of hair but it will help you to get rid of it permanently. These tips will help to slowing down the Greying of Hair:

1. Use Lavender:

Drops of lavender and bay oil can help with reversing premature greying. However, the base for the hair masque should be four ounces or more of sesame or almond oil; even soybean oil would be good. Massage this into your hair every day and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

2. Rosemary and Sage Helps:

Rosemary and sage since time immemorial have been used as an anti-dote to premature greying. Even jojoba oil too is known to promote hair growth, to nourish the hair and to keep it black and shiny as well. This is especially important for people who colour their hair often and have dandruff issues too. Massage any of the oils individually in a warm and diluted state thrice a week for the best output. This is one of the best and extreme natural home remedies for preventing premature greying of hair and promotes lustrous hair.

3. Aloe Vera Wonders:

The paste of aloe vera would help clean and heal the scalp, rids the scalp of fungus and itchiness, moistens the scalp and balances pH levels too. When mixed with coconut oil or milk, or even wheat germ oil, the concoction reverses premature greying to. The process should be done thrice a week for the best results and for thirty minutes each time

See More: How To Get Lustrous Hair

4. Amla Tonic for Premature Greying of Hair:

Amla has been known as a tonic which reverses premature greying and preventing hair from falling. A few pieces of the fruit are all you need as a paste, or you could get it dried and fried in coconut oil till darkened. Apply the paste on the scalp and keep it for half an hour, every day. Wash it of with a mild herbal shampoo for the best effects.

5. Amla Helps:

Amla mixed with lime juice and kept overnight would be good for reversing premature greying, say experts. Massaging the scalp with this potion would bring back the lustre, shine and sheen, and it prevents premature greying too. Do this thrice a week for the best results

6. Curry Leaves:

Curry leaves when consumed or boiled in hot coconut oil and applied would be good for premature greying reversals. This adds strength to the hair and vitality too. Application of the concoction every alternate day would be best, for half an hour. Health hair sans premature issues would be a reality for you to enjoy

7. Henna for Premature Hair Greying:

In India, women and men use henna to condition the hair. It also works well for premature greying too, since it gives the hair a natural coffee colour, prevents the follicles from breaking and beings back the crowning glory too.

Read More: Henna Pack For Grey Hair

8. Fruits and Veggies:

Have a lot of fresh fruits and veggies with plenty of water. The toxins would be washed of from the insides, making blood circulation possible to the scalp. Foods rich in minerals and proteins should be consumed as daily diets. Zinc and its absence cause hair to grey soon and fall too. The scalp needs melanin to keep the natural hair colour intact as well. Poultry and dairy products, fresh and used internally and externally work wonders in reversing the premature greying. For vegetarian followers, buts, fruits, olive oil and sources rich in omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids would work well

9. Mustard and Almond Oil:

Mix almond oil with mustard oil and castor oil, 2:2:1 measuring. Now warm this mixture well and let it cool. Use a clean cotton tab to rub gently over the scalp and hair roots. Use a hot turban therapy after this for half an hour and then wash it off with a mild herbal shampoo. This should be done thrice a week, since it nourishes the hair roots, follicles are strengthened and the scalp is kept moistened too. Please ensure to use the exact measure as given, since castor oil is strong and thick. Do this as often as possible, leave it on your hair overnight, wash it off the next morning.

10. Lemon and Almond:

Lemon juice and almond oil when mixed helps with the prevention of greying hair. Mix the two in equal quantities and apply. Keep it on your hair overnight, use a shower cap or else you would stain your pillow. Wash it off the next morning with herbal shampoos and condition it with amla and shikakai mixture. Do this thrice a week for the best results to see.

See More: How To Reduce White Hair Naturally

11. Castor Oil:

Castor oil is great ways to help get rid of premature greying of hair. Though not many people know this castor oil is filled with several ingredients that make hair more luscious and give it a glow that not many oils can provide for you in a fast period of time. With castor oil you can do no wrong when it comes to fighting excessive greying of your hair. Apply it on a daily basis before going to sleep and wash it off every morning with cold water in order to achieve the best results possible. Many people ask how to prevent premature greying of hair and this is the most basic answer.

12. Plenty of Water:

Though it seems like a very menial point on the contrary drinking water may be the strongest defence you have against premature greying of your hair. This is because water is filled with nutrients that keep your hair luscious and help you maintain colour for prolonged periods of time. Premature greying can be easily curbed if you consume the right amount of water on a daily basis. Make this a habit and see the difference in no time.

13. A Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet is yet again one of the strongest weapons you have against hair discoloration. This is because the food you consume is rich in vitamins and minerals all of which are very necessary in regards to staying healthy. Healthy growth of hair followed by good colour is a sign of healthy hair and a healthy diet will surely help provide for this gradually. This is one of the best home remedies
for premature greying of hair, there is.

See More: How To Get Long Lustrous Hair

14. Egg and Honey:

Two of the most natural products you can find for your hair, an egg and honey mask can help rejuvenate your hair in order to fight against premature hair greying easily. This is one of the best homemade premature grey hair treatments with the most effective results. The concoction works like henna which adds colour to your hair for long periods of time if used regularly and correctly.

15. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C deficiencies at times cause premature greying of hair that is why in these situations it is always better to apply vitamin C concentrations to your hair and leave it overnight. You can use lemon juice which is a great Vitamin C constituency. It can help when looking for how to stop premature greying.

This article talks about the best ways to get rid of premature greying so as to embrace the natural colour of your hair. There are plenty of homemade remedies for you to choose from all of which have no side effects so there is nothing to worry about when you delve into the treatment of premature greying hair.


About Suvarna

Suvarna is a freelance content writer with over 8 years of professional writing experience. She specialized in developing research-based content on Beauty, Skin, and Hair Care. Suvarna believes that beauty is one of the key factors for every personality. She always strives to bring more authenticity and credibility to her articles.