Kipling, a fashion brand that has its outstanding collection in best-designed handbags, backpacks, luggage, purses, wallets, messenger bags, travel accessories, school bags, fashion handbags and more. The fantastic collections introduced by the Kipling brand are available since 1987 and is a part of VF Corporation since 2004. Found in 1987 in Antwerp, Belgium is a world-famous brand today.

Recognized with the crinkled nylon fabric and the zipper with a cute monkey hanging, Kipling has become a hot favourite brand in bags. The monkey hanging with every Kipling bags is, of course, the brand symbol, it arrives from the famous work of Rudy Kipling’s’ the jungle book. Even there is not only one monkey but not less than 425 monkeys all named after the employee from all around the globe.

Different Types of Kipling Bags in India:

Here we present 9 most beautiful Kipling bags along with pictures in different models and sizes.

1. Fashion Kipling Bag:

A trendy one-sided shopping bag is a must for all ladies. Kipling fashion shopping bag in colours look adorable when out for purchases. Side hanging Shoulder Kipling bags is one that should definitely be in the wardrobe.

2. Back to School Kipling Bag:

Kipling bags have a very good variety in back-to-school bags; the cartoony structure looks awesome with girls and school kids. The variety available in back-to-school Kipling bags looks adorable with the monkey key zippers.

3. Multiple Kipling Waist Bag:

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Multiple pockets Kipling bags are very much in demand for those going to work. Routine accessories are perfectly pocketed in the Kipling multiple-pocket waist bags. Fun-loving working men and women will for sure a funny-looking monkey-chained zipper bag to have a pinch of fun in the routine working life.

4. Kipling Handbags for Girls:

Kipling handbags with a variety of colours and designs having attractive straps and pockets look very trendy upon working people. Classic grey handbag with a routine lifestyle gives a touch of rich and attractiveness.

See More: Best Duffle Bag

5. Short Way Travel Kipling Bag:

Short travel Kipling bags have unique features in their making. The easy handles, zippers, and different large pockets are easy packing and spacious for a short tour in a stylish way. Usually travelling with extra luggage can be solved and easily stored in Kipling bags make the tour relaxing.

6. Outdoor Travel Kipling Bags:

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Kipling travel bags also have a large sum of varieties in designs and specialities. Carrier bags, and luggage bags with travelling wheels go easy when travelling long. Small handbags with easy handles also look stylish and attractive.

See More: Jimmy Choo Bags

7. Leather Kipling Bag:

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Kipling leather bags for women have distinguished-looking features and designs. A small handy purse leather material with a zipper with the signature monkey hanging gives a branded image.

8. Kipling Gym Bag:

Image Source: Pinterest

Kipling gym bags with attractive crinkled material and zipped pockets have special pockets for every accessory needed in the gym. Women gym bags and men gym bags have different features as per demand.

See More: Designer Diaper Bags

9. New Kipling Baby Bag:

With the change of demands and likes of people all around the world, the designs of new Kipling bags have beautiful colours and stylish designs making the handbags look more awesome.

Kipling bags have different features even with school bags and travelling bags. The beautiful exteriors of the bags are attractive and eye-catching, leaving behind a signature impact. Several designer pockets also help in the storage facility. Different material used in the making also gives an awesome look and durability. The crinkled nylon fabric and zipper monkey key chain have its unique appearance.

Not only the handbags but also the back to school bags, totes, wallets and backpacks have a distinct impact on the viewers. The high-quality backpacks are well-known for adventurous tours.

Yashita Author

About Yashita

Yashita is a senior content writer in Fashion & Lifestyle. She works involved writing blog posts and articles on diverse topics. She developed a passion for content writing, made it her full-time career. She loves writing for the online media and specializes in fashion, lifestyle and travel-related content. Yashita loves to explore the new places, and the different flavours/foods and photography are hobbies.