The famous internet character Miranda Sings is one of the famous internet personalities ever to be seen by people all over the world. Her real name is Colleen Evans and she is American. She did some funny stuffs on the internet and her youtube channel was one of the popular places visited by people online. Some people wonder how the Shorty Award winning comedian will look without any makeup. This article will be extremely helpful for them as here we will be discussing about some without makeup scenes of this lady. Now she is 30 years old and is still quite popular.
15 Unseen Pictures of Miranda Sings Without Makeup:
Let we have to look at the miranda sings without makeup images.
1. Funny and Beautiful:
Miranda Sings can be said to be funny and beautiful at the same time. This time, she washed off all her makeup and showed her totally real face. In this particular face, we can see the real beauty of this woman. She can look really pretty, even when she takes off that makeup which makes her look hilarious in the first place. This picture can be said to be one of the best Miranda Sings without makeup pictures, that you will ever come through.
2. The Actual Allure:
This is one of the best Miranda Sings without makeup picture. It is probably one of the best ones in this category because it showcases the real allure of this comedian. She truly looks beautiful and this picture can make you fall in love with this woman, who has her heart filled with humor.
3. The Alluring Face:
This particular without-makeup picture is one of the finest ones for you, if you’re looking for some Miranda Sings no makeup pictures. Here, she wears none of her eye-catching and rather disturbing makeup. She simply sports her totally makeup-free face and looks quite beautiful.
4. The Real Look:
This is yet another without makeup of the American comedy girl. She looks really cool in this picture. One can easily see that she looks fine when she sports her real face and she should post more of such picture a little more often.
5. Outdoor Picture:
This is an outdoor picture, which shows that Miranda can look quite alluring even when she takes off that wired makeup. She is actually a good looking girl and she is pretty enough to get a lot of boys just like that. One can simply vote this picture as one of the best-looking pictures out there, if you are looking for some Miranda Sings no makeup picture.
See More: Janet Jackson Without Make Up
6. The Post London Picture:
Miranda Sings was for some reasons kicked out of London and she made a video without putting on her usual funny makeup, while making a video to post her fans about the situation. This is probably one of the best views of Miranda’s face, the real one.
7. The Cute Picture:
Miranda doesn’t look funny like she does in most of her videos and pictures. Rather, she looks really and that too without any kind of beauty product on her face, even though the woman beside her is wearing makeup.
8. The New Look:
Miranda was trying some facial products on her face while making one her regular funny videos. This was quite interesting, as people were eager to see her makeup-free face being transformed to something funny and awkward. Thus, this is one of the best Miranda Sings without makeup picture. This woman can sport her normal face and look quite attractive in that way only.
9. Miranda Singing:
Here we can see Miranda actually sing. She has a good voice and this picture was a snapshot of her video as you can guess. She was wearing minimal makeup on her face but still looked quite beautiful, even when there is no makeup on her face. This is probably one of the finest pictures under the Miranda Sings no makeup category.
10. The Cat Picture #1:
Miranda kind of likes cats. Which girl doesn’t? This is a without makeup picture of this young lady, where we can get a good look of her without makeup face. This is one of the best without makeup picture of the American comedian in which she sports her real face and no beauty product on her face.
See More: Charlize Theron Without Makeup
11. The Cat Picture #2:
This is yet another picture of Miranda sings with her cat. She look lovely in this pictures, as she flaunts her totally natural face. She has hot that kind of energy inside, which attracts people pretty easily. Most people just look for Miranda sings makeup. They never even want to look at her real face. This picture however shows the real beauty of this woman and that is why, the picture can also be said to be one of the best without makeup pictures ever under the category Miranda Sings no makeup.
12. The Casual Picture:
If you want to see some pictures, where Miranda gives herself a break from the wired makeup stuffs that she puts on most of the time, then this particular one might be just perfect for you. Here, we can see the real face of this woman without any sort of beauty application on the face.
13. Humor With Looks:
Miranda sings totally fits the title. She is a lady with good sense of humor and eye-catching looks. She looks really awesome even when she sports no sort of cosmetic product on her face, which is like half of her job.
14. Colleen Evans It Is:
Colleen Evans is the one behind the character Miranda Sings. Her looks and sensible and humorous heart has made her make the Miranda Sings character a grand success and now she is one of the most searched you tubers ever.
15. College Pictures:
Miranda or Colleen does look good in this picture. This pictures serves the haters with shame in a cold platter. The shame is getting a virtual tight slap from the naturally beautifully face of Miranda.
See More: Kirsten Dunst No Makeup
In this article, you have probably gone through some of the best makeup free looks of Miranda Sings, where she looks very pretty. Her fans often debate about the fact that Miranda should come in front of the camera without her makeup a little more often, so that they can appreciate her natural beauty.