Moringa oleifera, a common plant originated from India and found in Africa, Asia, and South America. The leaves of the Moringa plant are cleaned, dried and powdered for daily use. Moringa powder is also known as Munaga ara, Sanjna, Sigru, Murinna, Tella-Munaga, Mulaga, Murungai, Nuggekai and so on. This powder is extremely low in fat and rich in other components like protein, vitamins, and minerals. Thus, this can be a very good substitute for a regular diet. This article explains about moringa powder benefits, nutrition info, dosage and how to use.

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Consuming the right quantity of moringa powder in the right time really helps in both internal and external body fitness. This is also available as organic moringa leaf powder which is the same, processed in an organic manner. The moringa protein powder helps in building up protein inside your body and it can be used for multiple health conditions as a remedy.

What Is Moringa Powder?

Moringa powder is a protein-rich powder extracted from the leaves of Moringa oleifera plant. This raw powder is processed to get the best moringa powder which is rich in protein and low in fat. The moringa powder is a proven remedy for many health conditions and it also helps in hair and skin conditions. This moringa powder is one of the best remedies when used in the right proportion in the right way.

Is Moringa Powder Good For Health?

The composition of moringa powder consists mainly of protein, vitamins, and minerals which are the most needed components and is extremely low in fat. This helps in rejuvenating all the body cells and also it helps in trimming and slimming to your body muscles. The right quantity of the components helps you to shape your body to fitness and this moringa powder helps you in this task.

Moringa Powder Nutritional Information:

The nutritional value of moringa leaf powder majorly consists of a protein which makes it a better food substitute. This leaf is used as a food substitute also at times in India for its medicinal benefits. The basic nutritional contents of the moringa powder are as follows:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin), B6
  • Folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc

The moringa leaf powder nutrition also includes good cholesterol and is extremely low in fat content. This leaf has many medicinal benefits which help you to keep your body clean. The daily consumption of the moringa powder gives many nutritional benefits and helps in fine-tuning your body, skin and also your hair. The health benefits of moringa powder are huge as it can be used for multiple health conditions and also for the regular body cleansing process when used in the right quantity.

How To Make Moringa Powder At Home?

It is as easy as making your pepper powder. All you need is the raw moringa leaves for this powder. The steps for making the basic moringa powder are as follows,

  • Collect the non-infected moringa leaves from the well-grown tree – it is better to cut the tree to the trunk for a better pile of branches.
  • Collect the leaves from the piled up branches.
  • Dry out the collected leaves in sun until crisp and easily breakable.
  • Blend the leaves together to get the powder.
  • Strain and refine for a nice, soft texture. Store in dry plastic or glass container and use it as required.

Best Time To Take Moringa Powder:

The moringa powder can be taken daily along with regular food and the best time to take moringa powder is along with your breakfast as this will kindle your regular body activities early. Taking moringa with breakfast is the best time as it will cleanse your body and add the required nutrients at the early metabolism stage to fine-tune your body fitness.

How Much Moringa Powder To Take Daily?

Though it is good to take moringa powder every day along with your breakfast, how much moringa powder to take daily? You cannot take as much as you want as even the medicine will be effective when taken in the right quantity. The recommended quantity of the moringa powder dosage is one tablespoon a day. This one tablespoon of the moringa powder does the magic of rejuvenating your body system.

Amazing Moringa Leaf Powder Benefits:

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This article explains the moringa oleifera powder benefits which include moringa oleifera powder health benefits with prescribed moringa oleifera powder dosage and also the moringa leaf powder side effects. The moringa oleifera leaf powder benefits are numerous and one of the main uses is that moringa powder for weight loss is effective when taken in right moringa oleifera powder dosage.

Moringa Oleifera Powder Health Benefits:

Here you get top 10 health benefits of moringa leaf powder. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Rich In Anti-Oxidants:

Health benefits of Moringa oleifera leaf powder are derived from the contents of the powder. In such a way, the rich content of anti-oxidants helps in limiting the damage to the radicals. There are different ways on how to use moringa powder. One among the moringa leaf powder uses is to use it as anti-oxidant which is required for everybody.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • The easy way to consume Moringa powder as an antioxidant is to mix a tablespoon of moringa powder with a teaspoon of honey, few drops of lemon and water. You can consume directly.

2. Lowers Cholesterol:

The important benefits of taking moringa powder are to lower the cholesterol. As the moringa powder is extremely low in fat content, the daily intake of moringa powder helps in reducing the fat level in the body and also helps in the storage of good fat required for the body.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • You can consume a tablespoon of moringa powder directly mixed with water in a diluted way every morning along with your breakfast to control your cholesterol level.
  • The consumption of moringa powder every day has proven to reduce the cholesterol level in the body.

3. Controls Diabetes:

The moringa powder consumption has proven the reduction of blood sugar level and it helps in maintaining the sugar level also. Moringa powder is considered as a better substitute in the breakfast menu for diabetes patients. The isothiocyanates in the moringa leaf helps in regulating the blood sugar level and keep it under control.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • You can add a tablespoon of moringa powder to your daily smoothie and consume it directly every morning.
  • This can also be added to your everyday diabetic shake and consumed.
  • There are also moringa capsules available especially for diabetes.

4. Boosts Energy Levels:

The health benefits of Moringa oleifera leaf powder include boosting energy and stamina. The vitamin and protein contents in the moringa leaf powder improve the energy and stamina. It also boosts the strength and helps in improving bone strength.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • The moringa powder can be mixed with regular smoothies and also to the regular roti dough and consumed.
  • The rotis made with moringa powder gives extra flavour to your dinner and also it makes your dish look pleasant.
  • The quantity is again restrained to one tablespoon a day and nothing more or nothing less.

See More: Moringa Oleifera Benefits

5. Detoxifies The Body:

The organic moringa powder benefits the consumer by detoxifying the body. The regular consumption of one tablespoon of moringa powder every morning detoxifies the body and also rejuvenates every cell. Detoxification enables better metabolism and stamina development.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • One tablespoon of moringa powder added to boiling water gives an extract.
  • This extract should be consumed on an empty stomach before the breakfast which will help in detoxification of the body.
  • This should be done every-day at-least for 2 weeks for better results.
  • This helps in tuning the body general fitness.

6. Treats Depression:

The moringa powder uses is not restricted only with physical health. This also helps in treating depression and helps in restoring mental health also. The moringa powder contains components which help in fighting depression, refreshing the mental stability and it helps in generation of more positive vibes in the mind.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • Moringa powder soup helps in fighting depression. The one tablespoon of moringa powder should be added to water and boiled.
  • Once the content is cool, add some pepper and salt and you can consume it like a regular soup.
  • If needed, you can also add vegetables of choice to make it taste as per your preference.

7. Good For Pregnant Women And Lactating Mothers:

The moringa leaf powder is good for pregnant women as it helps in regulating blood and also a new generation of red blood cells. It also contains vitamins and proteins which is more required during pregnancy time. The most important benefit of moringa leaf powder during pregnancy is that it helps in building strength and the iron content helps in generating more number of red blood cells.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • Add a teaspoon of moringa powder to a teaspoon of honey, few drops of lemon juice and a few drops of ginger.
  • Then add this paste to the required amount of water and consume it along with the breakfast.
  • This will help pregnant women.

8. Improves Immunity:

The moringa powder helps in rejuvenating the cells and it also plays a major role in generating new white blood cells which help in developing immunity. There are moringa capsules available in the market which can be consumed directly like any other tablet and it is suitable for any age group people.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • The moringa powder can be consumed along with regular breakfast or it can be consumed as capsules.
  • The quantity is again the same one tablespoon and it should not exceed it.
  • Anyone from kids to adults can have these capsules.

9. Controls Blood Pressure:

The benefits of moringa powder include containing the blood pressure inside the line. It controls the blood pressure level and also regulates it according to your diet. The blood pressure level can be easily maintained and regulated with a tablespoon of moringa powder a day.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • The moringa powder can be mixed with regular smoothies and also to the regular roti dough and consumed.
  • The rotis made with moringa powder gives extra flavour to your dinner and also it makes your dish look pleasant.
  • The quantity is again restrained to one tablespoon a day and nothing more or nothing less.

10. Moringa Leaf Powder For Weight Loss:

Moringa powder is an easily available powder for weight loss and it can be used for weight loss. This powder helps in reducing the weight by reducing the fat and water content in the body. This also helps in maintaining the weight for a particular time. Moringa powder and weight loss is a popular topic.

How To Consume Moringa Powder :

  • The moringa powder smoothie helps in this process. It is easy to prepare this juice as all it requires is just warm water, a tablespoon of moringa powder and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix the moringa powder with warm water and add a teaspoon of honey and consume it an everyday morning.
  • This will help in reducing the weight and you can see the best results in two weeks.

See More: Moringa Leaves Uses

Benefits Of Moringa Leaf Powder On Skin:

Here you get top 3 moringa powder benefits for the skin. Let’s have a look into them.

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11. Anti Aging:

Anti-ageing is one of the important benefits of moringa leaf powder on the skin. Moringa powder helps in skin rejuvenation and also it plays a major role in anti-aging. Everyday consumption of moringa powder slows down the ageing process and reduces wrinkles. This organic moringa powder is believed to reduce blemishes and wrinkles which will, in turn, make you look younger.

How To Apply:

  • The moringa powder can be used as a face mask for anti-aging prevention.
  • Mix a tablespoon of moringa powder, a tablespoon of honey, and a few drops of lemon.
  • Apply it on a face and leave it for 10-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.

12. Makes Your Skin Glow:

Moringa powder benefits the skin by making your skin glow. The regular application of moringa powder reduces wrinkles and slows down the aging process. It also helps in making your skin glow with regular application of the homemade pack.

How To Apply:

  • The moringa powder can be used as a face mask for natural skin glow.
  • Mix a tablespoon of moringa powder, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon.
  • Apply it on a face and leave it for 10-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and clean with a soft towel.

13. Heals Wounds:

Moringa powder has healing powers and it helps to heal open cuts and acne on the face. The moringa powder helps in forming new cells which will help you in the healing process and this also reduces the scar depth.

How To Apply:

  • The moringa powder can be used as a face mask for an acne healing process.
  • Mix a tablespoon of moringa powder, a tablespoon of gram dal powder, and a few drops of honey.
  • Apply it on a face and leave it for 10-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and clean with a soft towel.

Moringa Powder Benefits For Hair:

Here you get top 3 moringa powder benefits for hair. Let’s have a look into them.

14. Stimulates Hair Growth:

Moringa powder helps in hair growth and helps in increasing the thickness and shininess. Moringa powder helps in re-growth of hair and it also develops density in the hair thickness. This powder can be used as a pack, oil or even the extract from this can be used for hair rejuvenation.

How To Apply:

  • Mix the moringa powder with lukewarm water and make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on your hair and leave it for 10-20 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
  • This will make it shinier and soft and also helps re-growth of hair.

15. Aids In Keratin Formation:

Moringa helps in keratin formation by boosting the cells and the rich protein content in the moringa powder helps in keratin formation and also helps in thickening the hair. The moringa powder can be applied directly or the oil extract can be used regularly for hair growth.

How To Apply:

  • Mix moringa powder with coconut oil and bring to boil.
  • Let it cool down and strain the mixture and store it in a cool place.
  • Apply this oil regularly on the scalp and hair for denser growth and also for natural shininess.

16. Provides Nutrients To Hair Follicles:

The high protein content in the moringa powder helps in rejuvenating the hair follicles. This high protein content helps in strengthening the hair follicles and enables new hair growth at a faster rate comparatively.

How To Apply:

  • Add a tablespoon of moringa powder to water and spray it on your hair and scalp before bed.
  • Tie your hair tight and leave it overnight and wash your hair the next day.
  • Continue the same for a month twice a week to make your hair silky and thick.

See More: Moringa Tea Uses

Moringa Powder Side Effects:

Though the moringa powder has many benefits, it also has its own side effects. Some of the moringa powder side effects are mentioned below:

  • The moringa powder is very well known for an increase in breast milk production. However, it is advised to avoid during pregnancy as it might cause miscarriage.
  • Consumption of raw moringa leaf causes heartburns. So, it is advised to cook it before consumption.
  • The leaves of this plant contain a limited amount of laxative and hence, the quantity of consumption is restricted.
  • It is better to avoid taking moringa while under blood-thinning medications.

The moringa powder has many helpful medicinal benefits and this is one of the easily available items at home and neighbourhood. This can be used every day on a daily basis for a positive result. Moringa helps in both physical and mental freshness and strength. The moringa powder helps in attaining the best result in physical and mental strength. This article on moringa powder benefits and side effects, how to eat moringa powder and how to take moringa powder helps you to understand the moringa leaf powder benefits and side effects and utilize it to the best for the best results. Check out our recipes mentioned, try them all and share your reviews and experience so that others can also utilize the same for the best.


About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.