Indian at her best, Rani Mukherjee has been classified as a veteran actress that has ruled the B-town industry in her prime, and even though she now has reduced her on-screen appearances to a minimum, her sudden comebacks have left us speechless. Still holding on to the market with her infamous skills and talents, Rani Mukherjee is also one of the best-known Bengali actresses. Being one, you know, a saree-clad Rani would look equally mesmerizing. Here is a list of all the times Rani decided to uphold her bong side and make us swoon.
Gorgeous Rani Mukherjee in Saree with Photos:
Here are the stunning Rani Mukherjee in saree pics.
1. Black in Red:
One of the most haute colour combinations forever ruling the fabric combos is nothing better than a sultry hot red topped with black, and that is exactly why Rani decided to mix and match the two in this beautiful designer saree. What we heart most about the saree is the simple red glow without any embellishment, which keeps the saree sober, while the black and dull gold detailing along the border depicts a touch of fun.
2. The Sheer White:
In one of her previous interviews, Rani admitted that white was her favourite; therefore, she never misses out on a chance to wear a white ensemble, just like she did here. The saree has a moist glimmering appeal in white while downward arrow marks pointed downwards forms the border right underneath the red.
3. The Soft Pink:
Girliest of all colours, pink is a beautiful feminine and empowering colour, and this “Mardaani” star is all about letting her girly side show. In an award show, Rani, dressed in pink, waltzed down the aisle holding the co-actors hand while the pink saree in black and mauve borderline glittered at the top.
4. The Ensemble:
Here is a great saree straight from the wardrobe of Rani Mukherjee, where she, in her cream and black net saree, dazzled like a star. The saree from the down low starts sober with a basic cream satin finish, and while it approaches up towards the pallu, a distinct design on the black net with white is seen.
5. Once Again Pink:
Here again, we see Rani in pink but this time in a much-bejewelled state. The saree is heavily ornamented with embellishments tainted in blue, the lightest the shade can provide and then topped with white sequins. This busy pink saree is more of her party look as Rani herself dressed up with the pink shadow gleamed and glowed.
6. The Matte Gold:
Rani, Queen in English, is indeed one in real. She is elegant, graceful, strong, and brave, and hence when she dressed up in matte gold with a satin soft red border-lined saree, she swept us off our very feet, and as we drooled on, she stood statuesque and proud.
See More: Shilpa Shetty In Saree
7. The Simple Black:
This picture of Rani was somewhat younger when Rani decided to wear this classic black simple chiffon saree. The saree is soft and sober, with no ornaments but a statement piece.
See More: Kareena Kapoor Images In Saree
8. The Perfect Eve:
For a great evening look in a completely traditional way, take a cue from Rani, who has oh so slightly combined the two most favoured colours of this season and came out looking all glam and gold. Once again, the saree has her favourite pearly white hue with a simple gold border lining.
See More: Vidya Balan In Saree
9. The Hotchpotch Look:
Sabyasachi, one of the gallant designers of the Indian film industry, decided to give Rani here a severely trendy look that mixed in the latest culture of checkers in a saree. The outcome was this very cool saree with a satin red colour and dull checks that were counteracted by a golden touch towards the end.