Ranveer Singh is the most promising actor who has carved a niche for himself in the Indian Film Industry that is dominated by the Kapoors and Khans. The actor made his first debut in 2010 under Yash Raj Films production house in the movie ‘Band Baaja Baarat’. The film also fetched him the prestigious Filmfare Awards under the category of Best Male Debut. Even though the actor does not have an acting background, he stood apart owing to his spontaneity and natural acting skills.

After his acting career kick-started, there was no looking back for him. He starred in various other commercially hit movies like ‘Lootera’, ‘Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela’, ‘Gunday’ and many more. His acting skills were greatly appreciated in the film ‘Bajirao Mastani’, and he also bagged the Filmfare Awards once again, and in this in the Best Actor category. Ranveer Kapoor easy-go-lucky charm is what lures the masses to him, and he is not afraid to make public appearances the way he is.

10 Best Ranveer Singh without Makeup Photos:

Take a look at these top 10 Ranveer Singh without makeup pictures, and you will start to love him even more.

1. Thumbs up for The Smile:

This is one of the best Ranveer Singh no make up pictures, and the actor looks absolutely adorable. He only needs his charismatic smile to woo his fans. Ranveer is spotted in his car wearing a cool logo t-shirt. A total thumbs up for this one.

2. Happy Birthday to Buddy:

In this picture, Ranveer Singh is posing with his friend and buddy Arjun Kapoor. He is looking super cool in his natural looks. The actors were spotted partying together for Arjun Kapoor’s Birthday, and we believe they had a really good time.

3. We want a Selfie:

This is another Ranveer Singh no makeup picture taken at the airport while he was travelling to Florida to attend the famous IIFA Awards 2014. He is completely a man of masses and is not hesitant to take a selfie with his fan, even when he is casually dressed without makeup.

See More: Allu Arjun Without Makeup

4. With The Wonder Boy:

In this image, Ranveer Singh sans makeup is spotted with Deepika Padukone, Shah Rukh Khan and not to be missed the wonder boy, Moin Junnedi. The actor met him during the World Junior Games held at Puerto Rico, in the USA.

5. Comfort Forever:

Ranveer is a man who loves to live life his way. The actor is seen spotted wearing a blue t-shirt and a moustache look. We love this Ranveer Kapoor no make up the picture.

6. The Cool Dude:

Ranveer Kapoor is the best-dressed man in the Indian Film Industry. His sense of fashion and style is bold and unmatchable. In this Ranveer Singh no make an image, the actor is spotted arriving at the studio for the film ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’.

See More: Varun Dhawan No Makeup

7. Just Relaxing at Home:

In this picture, Ranveer Singh without makeup is with his wife, Deepika Padukone during the relaxing in the house.

See More: Pictures Of Deepika Padukone Without Makeup

8. Bollywood Hunk:

Ranveer Singh’s style and magnetism are unmatchable. Ranveer Singh has proved time and again that he does not need to make up to stand apart; his attitude is all that he needs.

9. The Boyish Charm:

This is the completely clean shaven look of Ranveer Singh. He finally bid goodbye to his heavy moustache look and is seen visibly embarrasses for the same. We love his clean no makeup look even more!

10. Bromance his Childhood Friend:

Ranveer and Arjun are the most chilled out buddies. This is great selfie picture of the duo without any makeup

Hope you had a great time looking at these Ranveer Singh no makeup photos. His versatility and charm do not need any artificial coverage, and we adore him for that.


About Varnika

Varnika is among our main content writer from last three years. She has been in the same field from around a decade. With her immense knowledge and abilities to managing the content, she has been creating and working on articles specializing in trendy hairstyles, makeup, nail art, and celebrity trends. She is hooked to create unique and interesting content through timely research and analyses of the reader’s interest. To know more about her works and profile do check out.