Dark Circles! Is it makes you older? Do you want to look young? At the present time, many people’s including youngsters are facing the problem of dark circles throughout the world. The dark circles disrupt the appearance of the person and even make you look pale. Sometimes it lends a notion that you are ill which is not true. So once you can figure out that dark circles have start appearing you should immediately pay attention to it and take necessary actions to cure and even take all the preventive measure so that it does not occur in the future.
The reasons why dark circles occurs could be some lifestyle mistake, hereditary factors, nutritional deficiencies, illness, lack of sleep, prolong hours if sitting in front of computers, ailments as well as stress is responsible for the occurrence of dark circles. The skin surrounding the eyes is very thinner as well as fragile than nearly all other areas of the face.
Shahnaz hussain is a legendary for beauty products and a cosmetic guru. She invented herbal products which is appreciated both in India as well abroad also. Her ideology is that everyone can easily take good care of the skin. The dark circles disrupt the look of a person and is cause of concern also. So people who are affected by dark circles under the eyes should treat them cosmetically as well apply some remedy to reduce dark circles under the eyes. This would not only reduce dark circles but also help to get a radiant, sparkling skin.
The portion under the eyes needs special attention along with care. Hence, in order to treat these dark circles, in this article I share some tips suggested by Shahnaz Hussain. External appearance is very essential as you are characterized by how you look.
Shahnaz Husain Tips for Removing Dark Circles:
Now, below we have listed some best beauty tips that are helpful to get rid of dark circles. They are as follows;
1. Amazing Orange Peel:
The orange peel is full of Vitamin C and fruit acids which is present in the peels. Wash the peel and dry them in sun, till it completely gets dries. Then blend them like a powder. Then every day make a paste with milk and apply on the affected area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes awash it normal water. Apply daily and see the changes.
2. Massage with Sweet Almond Oil:
Sweet Almond oil is a great moisturizer and it works beautifully on the dark circles under the eyes. The oil is also a natural bleaching agent, its reduces the pigmentation under the eyes. It evenly tones the skin texture and brings a glow on the skin.
You can mix equal quantities of both sweet almond oil and honey and apply it on the affected area, leave it overnight. Next day wash it normal water, apply daily for 15 days and gets noticeable changes.
See More: How To Eliminate Dark Circles In 5 Days
3. Mask of Sandalwood or Chandan with Neem Water:
As neem is highly antiseptic and has antibacterial properties it cleans the blemishes and dark circles which appear under the eyes.
Make a paste of sandalwood powder available in market or with stick which is easily available to you. Apply on the face and let it get dry then wash it off with the solution of neem soaked water and strained. Apply thrice a week and do it before bedtime and mark changes in a month time.
4. By Using Rose Water:
Soak the cotton balls in cool rose water on the eyes to treat dark circles. Allow this for a little time and with regular use you will see the dark circles are vanishing away.
5. Tomato Paste:
When it comes to shahnaz husain dark circle treatment, Take a fresh and small tomato and blend it with a certain amount of lemon juice. Smear this smoothly round your eyes. After 10 to 15 minutes, mildly wash by clean water. Apply this method, for 2 or 3 times in a week. By this, your skin tone under the eyes becomes lighter in the way to fade away completely.
6. Orange Juice and Glycerine:
Combine 1 part of orange juice into glycerine plus smear it on a daily basis on eyes. It is a successful technique to throw away dark circles. It also helps your skin to glow and makes your skin near the eyes softer and smoother than before.
7. Potato Slices and Cucumber:
Placing slices of fresh potato or cucumber is the best treatment for dark circles. It helps to make certain a calming touch to your eyes that further avoid the frequency of dark marks round the area.
8. Mint Leaves:
Putting crushed mint leaves above and around your eyes provides a relaxing effect and also helps you to dispose of dark circles. Allow the paste intended for 5 to 10 minutes. Next, quietly clean it off by a fresh and cold cloth. This not only helps you to feel relaxed but also decreases under eye circles.
11. Natural Oils:
Apply castor oil or almond oil under your eyes before going to bed. In morning wash it off by cold water. If you do this regularly for 1 month then you will see the good result.
Shahnaz Hussain Beauty Products for Dark Circles:
Use Shahnaz Hussain products and easily remove dark circles and get a radiant skin.
1. Shahnaz Hussain Shasmooth-Almond Under Eye Cream:
This cream contains pure almonds extract combined with organic ingredients. It helps to reduce dark circles, puffiness, and fine wrinkles. It deeply nourishes the skin and lends a youthful look.
Apply this cream on the affected area with fingers and leave it for 15 -20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water or wipe it with clean cotton. Apply twice for a week and see the changes.
It cost around Rs 773 and it being rated 3.5 /5 by the users.
See More: Dark Circle Under Eye Removing Tips.
2. Shamilk Under Eye Day Lotion:
This lotion contains sandalwood, almond oil and olive oil which effectively reduces dark circles, and wrinkles around the eyes. It deeply nourishes the skin and lends a smooth look and feel.
Apply the lotion during day on the affected area with fingers and leave it for 15 -20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water or wipe it with clean cotton. Apply daily, get remarkable changes.
It cost around Rs 735 and it being rated 4 /5 by the users.
3. Shanaz Hussain Shahweeds Plus Seaweed Under Eye Mask:
This product contains Seaweed, Calamus and honey which reduces the dark circles in an effective way. It’s a total moisturizer mask minimizes the fine lines and reduces pigmentation.
Apply the mask under the eyes and on full face and leave it so that it gets dries. Then wash it in normal water and apply thrice a week for effective results.
It cost around Rs 708/- and it being rated 3.4 /5 by the users.
Extra Tips to Maintain:-
Help from Yoga:
Yoga as a part from shahnaz husain tips for dark circles, Do yoga as well as meditation to maintain the mind as well as body stress-free and improve skin glow. It also helps to eliminate dark circles. The top yoga remedies for reducing dark circles are Sarvangasana, sutra neti and jal neti.
Balanced Diet:
Balanced as well as nutritional diet plays an important role for reducing the dark circles. So, involve yogurt, fresh fruits, sprouts, green vegetables and salads in your regular diet together with skimmed milk, beans, cottage cheese or paneer, lentils and unprocessed cereals.
Fresh Juices:
Try applying fresh juices of cucumber or potato around your eyes using soft cotton balls. You can also apply juices for entire night for quicker and more effective results.
Drinking Water:
If you want to remove dark circles then it is vital to get plenty of water every day. So, drink around 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
By Using Creams:
It is very necessary, to clean the skin round the eyes by means of cleansing milk or rehydrated gel with moist cotton. After that, smear under eye cream. This cream should contain lanolin plus almond because almond aid to get rid of dark circles because it is kind natural bleach. Take away the cream by wet cotton wool later than 10 minutes.
So now you have lists of eye dark circle remover creams and tips by beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain. Apply them regularly as indicated and get a glowing skin free of dark circles and pigmentation.