Now a day’s designing tattoos have become a trend. Still, after the inking, the most important thing is to take care and undergo all the prevention and cure methods so that the tattoos look as beautiful as they were being designed even after years. So it’s very important to follow the instructions of tattoo aftercare given by the artist so that you don’t face any problems after inking.
9 Best Tips For Aftercare Of Tattoo:
Here we present you some top 9 steps or methods which can sure shot help you to take care of your Tattoo after the process of designing is over.
1. Adhere to The Instructions Given by The Artist:
First and foremost, you should listen and adhere to the instructions given by your artist so that your Tattoo stays and look good the way you want. It might be a different artist have other different ways, but you should always listen to your artist methods.
2. Should Not Depart The Bandage:
After designing, the artist would clean and put some antibacterial ointment or lotion and cover the area with a bandage. Do not hurry up and take out the cover or bandage as soon as you leave the studio or reach home. Leave the bandage for at least 4-6 hours after tattoo care as instructed by your artist.
3. Safely Remove The Covering:
Once the stipulated time is over, do not rush to remove the bandage. First, slowly and steadily dip the area in the warm water so that the bandage is not stuck to your skin and it comes out smoothly as soon it has got wet.
4. Steadily Wash The Area:
As per your artist recommendation, use warm or lukewarm water and mild liquid Soap like Carex, DiaGold, or Tattoo Goo Deep cleaning Soap as per your choice. Try to use the hands gently and remove the bloodstains. Be careful and do not use a loofah or any scrubber to remove stains, and don’t place the Tattoo directly under the running water. Try to dab water on the area with your hands.
5. Dab The Area with Soft Cloth:
Once you have neatly cleansed the area, then slowly, with light hands and a light, clean towel, pat the area so that a towel has soaked the excess moisture. Even by mistake, don’t rub the area as it may cause some irritation. Try to keep the place open for an hour, so the area becomes fully dried.
6. Apply a Moisturizer on The Tattoo:
Once you feel the area is dried, apply unscented moisturizer creams like Bepanthen or Bacitracin and ensure you apply a thin layer and slowly rub it till it has got absorbed into the skin.
7. Ensure Daily Cleaning of Tattoo:
It would help if you used both Antibacterial Soap and moisturizer until the Tattoo is fully healed. Ensure you clean the tattoo area at least thrice a day and if your clothes are rubbing on that area, then cover the area with thin gauze or medical tape.
8. Avoid Exposure to Sunlight:
If it is not necessary, do not expose the Tattoo to sunlight, and especially if it’s a coloured tattoo, it can fade. If you have gone out in sunlight, apply sunscreen lotion or cream to protect it from the UV rays. A lotion like Clarins Sunscreen or Riemann cream can be applied before going out in the sun.
See More: Tattoo Aftercare Products Available in India
9. Do not Itch and Have Patients:
The Tattoo dry can cause some itching; dare not itch it directly as the ink can get removed in that area, or some patches can form instead daily to moisturize the area to keep it moist. It would help if you were patient enough as the healing process takes some time, depending on your design size. Just follow the instruction laid down by your artist so that the Tattoo stands out the way you want. Lastly, you should visit the studio for any touch-ups if required.
Tattoos have always been considered one of the trendy styles to convey your message and ideas without a speech involved. But it’s essential and mandatory to follow the aftercare tattoo instructions given by your artist. Hence, the Tattoo heals properly and appears fantastic the way you wanted it to look.