Tri Yoga, as the name suggests is composed of the three elements of Yoga, which are the asana, pranayama and the mudra. Triyoga is a complete hatha yoga form which was founded by Kali Ray years ago. This practice by nature is transformative and very uplifting. It focuses on yoga asanas, pranayama, mudras, breath control, meditation and exercising. It is a complete revolutionary system and has its roots in ancient yoga. This is the best form of Yoga which unites the breath with the mudra, along with a sequential flow of asanas. In this article, we shall provide an in-depth understanding of What is Triyoga and its amazing benefits.
What is Triyoga and How Did It Originate?
Triyoga is the art of combining the three techniques of Yoga which are asana, pranayama and the mudra. It was founded by Yogini Kaliji, popularly known as Kali Ray. Yoga practitioners belonging to more than 40 countries have embraced this form of Yoga and reaped amazing benefits. It helps in synchronizing the breath with mudras and asana to create a rhythmic flow in the body.
Principles Of Triyoga:
Tri Yoga has 3 main principles:
- Postures or Asanas
- Pranayama
- Mudras
Let’s discuss about each in detail:
1. Yoga Postures:
The first basic and most valuable aspect of Tri yoga is yoga postures. They are body positions which have several health and spiritual benefits. They have a huge collection of advanced, seated and standing poses, twists and stretches that are good for your heart, soul, body and mind. The founder of Triyoga Kali Ray had made sure that the Triyoga postures would be so dynamic that no would feel like they haven’t learnt much at the end of the session.
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2. Pranayama:
Pranayama or rhythmic breath is the second aspect of Triyoga. It is an ancient practice and has been incorporated in this field of yoga because of the energy and enthusiasm it gives you. It teaches you to control your emotions; particularly your breath.
3. Mudra:
The third aspect of yoga is mudra or focus. It is a spiritual gesture which was and is still used in Hinduism and Buddhism. Although it requires the entire body, most of it is performed with the help of your hands and fingers. There is vast collection of mudras which are practiced and plenty of them are used for Triyoga.
How To Triyoga?
The Technique:
Triyoga includes breath control, flexibility, building strength and knowledge of postures. It has various movements and techniques which have also been modified for those who are not comfortable with the professional level. It has about 1000 hand gestures or mudras which help you gain understanding about the flow of postures.
Choosing Your Level:
There are seven levels in Triyoga. Each level has about five series. They correspond to the famous five elements namely earth, water, fire, air, space and the chakras. The basic level contains about 108 postures whereas level two has 350 and level has three has about 450.
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Getting Trained:
Before an instructor begins to teach his students Triyoga, he or she takes about 150 to 200 hours of training. The training programmes include practical anatomy, natural alignment, and the different kinds of postures, knowledge and benefits from them. Those who want to study Yoga with Kali Ray must have an average of twelve years experience.
The Art Of Balancing:
Triyoga has several basic exercises and one of them is balancing. Those one legged poses or just arm balancing will help you to increase your body strength and flexibility. They will build your potential and challenge you to do better.
Another valuable thing you will learn in Triyoga is inversions. It includes headstands, handstands, forearm and shoulder stands. Even legs up the wall and standing forward folds have been included in inversions. It improves your heart conditions, neck injuries, epilepsy and helps you live a better and prosperous life.
Benefits of Triyoga:
- Tri Yoga increases your knowledge at every level.
- It builds your endurance, flexibility, breath control and flow of postures.
- It gives you mental clarity and also makes you a healthier and fitter person.
- Doing this daily shall surely give you brilliant results.
- It helps in better body balance and posture control
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Precautions and Contraindications:
- Following certain precautions can help you prevent unnecessary problems:
- Tri Yoga must be performed under the supervision of a trained instructor
- Food must be taken atleast 2 hours before the Yoga session
- Certain poses are very difficult to achieve. You need to know your level and expertise before attempting them.
- Remember to begin slow and increases your levels with practise
Unlike the Bikram Yoga, which includes either the asana or breath or mudra, Tri Yoga includes all aspects. It is important that you take proper guidance from a certified Yoga instructor to ensure you attain perfection. Tri Yoga is a beautiful experience that makes your inner self dance with joy and attain the ultimate point of relaxation. IT represents the unification of the human body with the universe. Tri Yoga helps in expanding your inner awareness and helps you stay focussed at all times.