“Sunday hoy a Monday roj khao ande” is a phrase we all heard in childhood. But, although eggs are an essential part of our diet, not many of us know the chickens that produce them. You might be surprised to know that there are dozens of chicken breeds worldwide, each of which has a unique trait. For example, some chicken breeds proliferate, producing lots of meat, while others are excellent egg layers. You will find the kind of chicken breed you want from the list we have provided in this article. Read on!
What is Chicken & Its history:
The domesticated subspecies of the red junglefowl with attributes of wild species such as grey and Ceylon junglefowl is called the chicken (Gallus domesticus). The adult male bird is called a cock or rooster, and an adult female is called a hen. The chicken was not kept for food until the Hellenistic period, although initially, they were raised for cockfighting. But now, chickens are primarily kept as a food source and as pets by humans.
With a population of 23.7 billion as of 2018 and up from more than 19 billion in 2011, chickens are one of the most widespread domestic animals. Genetic studies show multiple maternal origins in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. But the clades found in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas have their roots in the Indian subcontinent.
Approximately 8000 years ago, chickens were domesticated in Southeast Asia and spread to China and India 2000-3000 years later, according to an estimate by Genomic studies.
27 Popular Chicken Breeds Worldwide:
We have presented you with a list of some of the famous chicken breeds that are present all around the world:
1. Brahma Chicken:
Brahma chicken is appreciated for its strength, size, and vigour and is often referred to as the “King of all poultry.”These chicken breeds have calm and docile personalities, cannot fly over low fences and are hardy chickens in winter climates. However, these breeds lay most of their eggs October through May, which means the brahmans keep the egg cartons full of large, medium brown eggs while the rest might slow or even quit production for the winter.
Brahmas anatomy makes them susceptible to overheating and, therefore, not ideal for breeding in hot climates.
- Breed type: Meat.
- Weight:9.9 to 12 lbs.
- Egg production:150 eggs per year.
2. Australorp Chicken Breed:
The Australorp is a black chicken breed type developed as a breed around the same time Orpingtons were developed as a breed. The Australorps are known for their egg production without the assistance of artificial lighting. It is a beautiful chicken breed that is jet black in colour and, therefore, can get recognized immediately. This is a chicken breeder that is incredible at laying eggs which are very tasty and light brown in colour.
- Breed type: Meat and eggs.
- Weight:4.85 to 9 lbs.
- Egg production:250 eggs per year.
3. Ameraucana chicken:
Developed in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, Ameraucanas are brought from Chile and descended from Araucanas, hence the name. This chicken breed has muffs, beards, slate or black legs, white skin, and pea comb, and lays blue eggs. These chickens come in various colours: white, wheaten, silver, blue and black. The hens can be broody and are only available through reputable breeders. These eggs make for a beautiful basket making a delight for the children.
- Breed type: Meat and eggs.
- Weight:4.5 to 6.5 lbs.
- Egg production:250 eggs per year.
Read: Types of Farming Practices
4. Silkie chicken:
The silkie chicken breed is an ancient breed from China documented by Marco Polo. Silkie chicken is the way to go if you want a piece of history in your backyard. These chicken breeds are one of the most beloved ornamental chickens because of their white feathers that look more like hair and are beautiful. Silkie chickens appear in various colours and are often exhibited in poultry shows. These chicken breeds are known for their calm, friendly temperament and distinctive physical characteristics.
- Breed type: Ornamental.
- Weight:2.8 to 4 lbs.
- Egg production:1000 eggs per year.
5. Cochin chicken:
The Cochin chicken breed is famous for brooding despite being mostly an ornamental bird. In addition, these chicken breeds are perfect for colder climates because they are covered in an abundance of feathers. Their sweet disposition is another thing about this chicken breed.
The excessive plumage covering the leg and foot is the most distinctive feature of the Cochin chicken breed. The feathers beneath the chicken’s skin are yellow. For the large fowl, the United Kingdom recognized colour varieties such as white, grouse, partridge, blue, buff and black.
- Breed type: Ornamental.
- Weight:8.8 to 11 lbs.
- Egg production:160 eggs per year.
6. Polish chicken:
Known for their distinctive crest of feathers, the Polish or Poland chicken breed is a European breed of crested chickens. These chicken varieties are very shy and fearful and are bred exclusively as ornamental birds. These birds appreciate their personal space and won’t get along with you or your children. Although the exact origins of these kinds of birds are unknown, the oldest accounts come from the Netherlands. Additionally, since their crest obscures their vision, they are always in danger of being attacked by aerial predators.
- Breed type: Ornamental.
- Weight:4.4 to 6.1 lbs.
- Egg production:200 eggs per year.
7. Olive egger chicken:
The olive egger chicken is another hybrid egg producer. These chicken breeds lay olive-green eggs, hence the name. You can feel free to experiment because the exact shade depends on their percentage. Since the species is hybrid, the number of eggs laid per year may vary. The chickens are curious, lively, and hardy in any climate and weather, making them a fun breed to raise.
- Breed type: Meat and eggs
- Weight:5.5 to 7 lbs.
- Eggs production:180 to 200 eggs per year.
8. The Sultan chicken:
The Sultan chicken is a magnificent-looking bird which can brighten your backyard beautifully. This breed is a type of chicken that looks more like a white parrot strutting around entirely white with a crest, a beard and splendid muffs. This is a Turkish breed of crested chicken whose name originates from Turkish, which translates to “fowls of the Sultan.” This chicken has a happy personality and has been used primarily as ornamental.
- Breed type: Ornamental.
- Weight:4 to 6 lbs.
- Eggs production:50 eggs per year.
9. Easter egger chicken:
Easter egger chickens lay lots of blue, green and brown eggs, and about 280 per year are two reasons anyone loves these chicken breeds. Thanks to the Araucana blue egg gene, they give you blue-green eggs, a mix of different species. The Easter Egger chicken is an excellent addition to your backyard because this breed is easy to find in any store in the local area.
- Breed type: Meat and eggs.
- Weight:6 to 7 lbs.
- Eggs production:280 eggs per year.
10. Cornish chicken:
Cornish chicken produces meat that is flavourful, muscular yet tender. The appearance of this breed is slender though it is a hefty bird with closely-knit feathers. Iridescent greens, brown, blue, white and buff are some of the colours you can find in the bird’s feathers.
- Breed type: Meat.
- Weight:7.5 to 10.5 lbs.
- Eggs production:180 eggs per year.
Read: Types of Duck Breeds and Names
11. New Hampshire Chicken:
The New Hampshire chicken is a relatively new breed named after New Hampshire in the United States. The American Poultry Association admitted this breed in 1935. This chicken breed represents a specialized selection noted for its vigour and hardiness. These chickens are also carefully selected for early feathering, fast growth, maturity, large egg size, and good meat conformation.
The New Hampshire chicken might not work well with other breeds because they are competitive and aggressive in obtaining food. However, their general temperament is friendly, docile and easy to handle for humans.
- Breed type: Eggs and meat.
- Weight:6.5 to 8.5 lbs.
- Eggs production:200 to 280 eggs per year.
12. Booted Bantam:
The Bantam-type chicken breed is typically smaller compared to a typical chicken breed. However, the gorgeous chicken has more than 20 lovely coloured sets of feathered boots. People keep these chickens as pets and are almost exclusively chickens for exhibition. Bantams lay smaller eggs than larger breeds aside from the size of the chicken. However, these chickens have high egg production.
- Breed Type: Eggs.
- Weight:1.65 to 1.9 lbs.
- Eggs production:160 eggs per year.
13. Aseel Chicken Breed:
The Aseel chicken breed is usually found in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. It is the most popular Indian chicken breed. However, this breed is also found in Iran, apart from India. Although very good, these breeds are pretty quarrelsome, making them an apt option for fights. The persistent qualities, high stamina, majestic gait and pugnacity are some of the well-known attributes of the Aseel chicken breed. Some of the most popular varieties of Asil chicken breeds are:
- Peela (golden-red).
- Nurie 89 (white).
- Kagar (black).
- Yarkin (black and red).
- Chitta (black and white silver).
- Teekar (brown).
- Reza (light red).
- Breed type: Meat.
- Weight:4 to 6 lbs.
- Eggs production:40 eggs per year.
14. Kadaknath Chicken Breed:
Kadaknath chicken breed’s original name is Kalamasi which means black-fleshed bird. This breed is found in Madhya Pradesh originally. Compared to other breed meats, the Kadaknath breed has 25% more protein. A variety of medicines use this chicken breed as an ingredient. Golden, pensald and jet black are the colours you can find in the broad types.
The eggs of this chicken breed are light brown and resistant to many diseases. However, under intensive rearing conditions, they are prone to Mareks disease.
- Breed type: Eggs and meat.
- Weight:4.4 lb.
- Eggs production:80 eggs per year.
15. Grampriya Chicken Breed:
The All India Coordination Research Project at Hyderabad was developed Grampriya by the Government of India. The tribal agricultural and rural farmers specifically developed this type of chicken breed. In 12 weeks, these chickens weigh 1.5 to 2 kgs. Tandoori chicken is one of the popular dishes made with Grampriya chicken. These chicken breeds lay brown eggs with coloured plumage.
- Breed Type: Eggs.
- Weight:3.3 lb.
- Eggs production:210 to 225 eggs per year.
16. Jharseem Chicken Breed:
The Jharseem chicken breed’s name is derived from the local dialect and is the original dual-purpose breed of Jharkhand. The All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding at Birsa Agricultural University in Ranchi developed this breed. This chicken breed grows rapidly, survives on low nutrition and is a source of income for the area’s tribal population. Each egg of this chicken weighs about 55 grams.
- Breed type: Eggs and meat.
- Weight:4.4 lb.
- Eggs production:170 eggs per year.
17. Pratapdhan Chicken Breed:
The Pratapdhan chicken breed is developed by MPUAT as a part of the AICRP on Poultry breeding. The multi-colour feather pattern of this chicken breed is beautiful. Moreover, these birds have camouflage characteristics to shield them from being prey with the help of their colourful plumage. In addition, they have a broody feature that lays brown eggs, each weighing 50 grams.
- Breed type: Meat and eggs.
- Weight:6 to 6.6 lbs.
- Eggs production:150 to 160 eggs per annum.
18. Chittagong Chicken Breed:
The Chittagong chicken breed is called the tallest and also called the Malay chicken. The chicken has a fearless shank and upright stance, a well-muscled body, and prominent eyebrows. The Chittagong chicken breed has taller necks and feet than other chicken breeds. Buff, White, Grey, Black and Dark brown are some of the popular varieties of this chicken breed.
- Breed type: Eggs and meat.
- Weight:11 lbs.
- Eggs production:70 to 120 eggs per year.
19. Swarnath Chicken Breed:
The Swarnath is a desi poultry breed developed by the University of Veterinary and Fisheries in Bangalore, Karnataka. These chicken breeds weigh 3 to 4 kilograms once they mature entirely in 22 to 23 weeks. You can nurture this chicken breed behind your house with a 180 to 190 egg production capacity per year.
- Weight:8.8 lbs.
- Eggs production:180 to 190 per year.
20. Kerry Shyama Chicken Breed:
The Kerry Shyama chicken breed is a crossbreed between Carrie Lal and Kadaknath. The tribal community in the area uses this chicken breed’s internal organs to treat human diseases because of the presence of deep pigment. Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are the places you can mostly find this poultry breed.
- Breed type: Eggs and meat.
- Weight:1.2 kg for females and 1.5 kg for males.
- Eggs production:210 eggs per year.
Read: Goat Breeds & Types in the World
Interesting facts about Chicken breeds:
Here are some of the essential facts about Chicken brees you might find interesting:
- Initially, chickens were domesticated for cockfights and not as food as everyone thinks.
- Chickens can get airborne enough to make it over a fence or into a tree; therefore, they aren’t entirely flightless.
- Chickens can eat seeds, insects and larger prey like small mice and lizards because they are omnivores.
- There is more chicken than any other bird species, with 25 billion of them globally.
- Female chickens that are old enough to lay eggs are called hens, while before they come of age, female chickens are called pullets. Whereas baby chickens are called chicks. Male chickens are called roosters, cocks, or cockerels, depending on your country.
- A rooster makes a “took took took” sound, announcing to a flock of chickens that he has found food. If the hens already know there is food around, they don’t pay attention.
- A female chicken can eject the sperm of a particular rooster’s offspring because the chicken can mate with different males. This occurs the most if the male is lower in the pecking order.
- In 2004, the chicken got its genome sequenced, and it was the first bird to get it.
Different Types of Chicken Breeds in India:
21. Bantam Chicken:
Bantam is a small variety of fowl. They look lovely and cute. In case you are looking for some fresh eggs, you need to domesticate them. They just need a sturdy coop that they can call home. Bantam chickens love dust bath, peck and prod, so you only have to make sure they have ample moving space. They have smaller nutrition requirements as they are small in size.
22. Orpington:
In one word, they are beautiful! They are fluffy and friendly. They come in a range of colours like blue, lavender, black and white. Orpingtons lay close to 200 light brown eggs in a year. Their golden shade of colour is attractive and thus fall prey to predators easily.
23. Plymouth Rock:
They are popular chickens grown as farm breeds. They are hardy and like to roam around. Plymouth rocks are also calm and come in various colours like blue, Columbian, partridge, blue, or black frizzle. They lay close to 250 eggs pinkish-brown eggs in a year.
Did you know what chicken you ate? Well! Don’t get confused! There are many types of chicken breeds available in India with the highest nutritional values. Here are some popular chicken breeds in India. Read on to know more.
24. Broiler:
Eggs come from hens, the ones raised especially for eggs. But those chickens that are raised for meat are called broilers. They are white and are bred specifically for optimal health and in normal size in order to produce only quality products for the consumer.
They are typically raised in large. Open structures are called houses. They like to roam, eat, and walk around with other chickens. The colour of the egg depends on the cross of the broiler. For example, a leghorn chicken will lay a white-coloured egg, whereas an olive egger will lay olive green eggs.
25. Giriraja:
Giriraja is developed in Karnataka. It lays about 130-150 eggs per year. Each of these eggs weighs about 50 grams. Their egg colour is brown in colour. They have been seen to show better growth as compared to the local varieties. They are also good scavengers and thus feed on insects and other greens.
26. Vanaraja:
Another breed was developed in Hyderabad by the Project Directorate on poultry. It is grown in rural areas and thus can be grown in the backyard. They are scavengers and thus feed on insects. The eggs and meat are produced depending on their feeding and raring practices. They have multi-coloured feathers.
27. Busra:
It is a medium-sized light feathered bird that is usually alert in nature. It has a wide variation in terms of colours. The beak is yellow with red wattles. Their eggs weigh only about 28-38 grams, and the shell colour of their eggs is light brown. They are found in Surat and other districts of Maharashtra.
To create a backyard coop, choosing the right type of chicken breed is necessary to suit your requirements and needs. Whether in your backyard or a private yard, the chicken breeds mentioned in this article will help you choose the right one. Don’t forget to let us know if you found the article helpful!
1. How much room is necessary to breed chickens?
Although it is necessary to give as much space as possible to breed chickens, per chicken, it is required to have approximately 3 sqft of indoor space and 10 sqft of outdoor space.
2. Is it necessary to consider the climate while breeding chickens?
Yes! chickens usually prefer the type of climate they are accustomed to because different chickens are bred in different climates and countries. For example, some birds prefer heat, whereas some prefer cold conditions. Therefore choose the ones that are suitable for your environment.
The content presented in this article is based on pure research. The website is not responsible for the accuracy and efficiency of the information provided in the article.