Stress generally manifests as a feeling of worry, tension, overload, and extra mental pressure. We all often experience this at some point in time. Stress can either provide mental awareness and motivation or can be harmful in many cases. Stress can thus affect your mental stability, and physical health and also affect your behavior. This article provides an overview of the different types of stress and how to manage and reduce it.
What are the Different Types Of Stress?
The types of stress mainly depend on the symptoms, time duration and nature.
Each type has specific characteristics and requires different treatment approaches to achieve recovery. Stress management is highly essential nowadays. Stress can be of various types like physical stress, psychological stress, psycho-social stress, and psycho-spiritual stress. But mainly they fall into two categories:
Different Types Of Stress Management And Its Effects:
- Stress from a psychological perspective
- Stress from a physicist’s perspective
Types of Stress in Psychology
There are two types of stress from a psychological perspective,
1. Good Stress or Eustress:
The term ‘Eustress’ comes from the Greek word “EU” which means good. This mainly provides a motivating, energetic and energizing effect which is mainly of short-term. It specially keeps us aware, providing challenges and inducing the right amount of stress which increases the stamina. This increases the performance rate, strengthens our muscles and improves the function of the heart to keep us active.
2. Bad Stress or Distress:
This term is derived from the Latin root “dis”. This is basically termed negative stress. It threatens the quality of life when this exceeds the capability of the person. It has a negative impact on the health of the person. The symptoms of distress are of several types that can lead to health issues. The symptoms noticed are as physical distress symptoms, emotional symptoms, arousal distress symptoms and intestinal distress symptoms. Thus, distress has an impact on both physical and mental health.
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Types of Stress in Physics
There are basically three types of stress on the timeline,
1. Acute Stress:
This stress is usually short-lived and is the most common types of stress. The excess of this short-term stress can lead to headaches, worry, tension, psychological distress and etc. This is one of the thrilling and gives excitement in small doses. Acute stress comes from the challenges and pressures in the present, the recent past or the near future in the workplace or surrounding. But too much acute stress may be exhausting or have health issues. Any deadline or target in the work sphere, an accident, and last minute exam tension, loss of a contract or job is the most common issues that are faced by most of people. This stress type is absolutely manageable and treatable.
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2. Episodic Acute Stress:
This type of stress is common among people who suffer from acute stress very frequently. People with this type of stress are short-tempered, insensible, tensed irritable, anxious and over-aroused. They seem to have stressful events one after the other and the series continues for them. Episodic distress always has a never-ending list of things to do and always engages in blaming. People with this stress are always late on time even though they are in a hurry. Symptoms are migraines, hypertension, persistent headache, etc. Proper treatment by a therapist helps to get recover.
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3. Chronic Stress:
This type of stress is the most dangerous form and has a long-term effect. This affects and destroys the body and mind of people. It is beyond your control and suffering from chronic stress has negative effects on them. The hardest thing which needs to accept is that people suffering from this have to get used to this type of chronic stress and its effects. This type of stress kills through stroke, suicidal attempt, heart attack, high B.P., ulcers and even cancer also. This stress results in misery and helplessness. Most of these are fatal for us. It requires medical treatment as it’s difficult to treat and proper stress, management by a life coach.
While stress is nature’s way of signalling you to respond to a certain event of danger, unloading its body of it is very important. In the modern era, people get stressed out for the most trivial things in their life. The reason? No time for anything and too much to achieve in too little time. The best way is to learn stress management techniques like yoga and meditation. No matter how much we earn, if your life is filled with stress, it’s not worth it!