We all know for a fact that the spinal cord plays an essential role in keeping your body healthy and together. Unfortunately, although it strengthens our bodies, most of us are stuck with many back issues due to unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles. Out of all the problems, lower back pain is prominent. It is time we snap out of the lower back issues with the help of yoga poses for lower back pain mentioned in this article.
We all know the importance of yoga in the Indian culture, and the asanas mentioned in this article are the natural and efficient ways to tackle your lower back pain. Read on!
How Does Yoga Help Lower Back Pain:
Practicing yoga poses for lower back pain regularly will help ease your back pain by stretching and strengthening your hip flexors, hamstrings, and your back. This process makes your muscles more flexible, relieving your pain in the long term.
Along with strengthening and stretching your muscles, yoga practice keeps you calm, easing your stress and anxiety levels. In addition, the blood circulation is stimulated and improves in your body with the constant practice of these yoga poses.
Simple Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain:
Practicing yoga even for a few minutes a day will make a massive difference in your back pain and makes you more aware of your body naturally. This helps bring alignment and balance to your body. This article presents you with the best yoga poses you can try.
1. Child’s Pose (Balasana):
One of the perfect ways to release tension in your neck and back is the gentle forward fold in the Balasana. This helps stretch and lengthen your spine, relieving fatigue and stress.
How to Do This:
- Keep your knees together and sit back on your heels.
- Keep a blanket under your thighs or torso for support.
- Slowly bend forward with your hands stretched in front of you.
- Keep your forehead touching the floor.
- Bring your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up while your arms are in front of you.
- As your upper body falls heavy onto your knees, focus on releasing the tension in your back.
- Stay in this position for about five minutes.
Duration: Repeat the procedure about 10 to 15 times.
Muscles Worked:
- Rotator cuff muscles.
- Hamstrings.
- Gluteus maximus.
- Spinal extensors.
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2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana):
Cobra pose is an excellent yoga pose that helps mobilize your spine and soothes back pain. The muscular engagement helps decrease the stiffness in your back along with strengthening your shoulder and arms.
How to Do This:
- Lie down on the ground with your tummy facing the floor.
- Place your palms facing the floor and your hands at the level of your shoulder.
- Slowly lift your upper body.
- Make sure to keep your transition smooth.
- Now bend backward as much as you can in a gentle manner.
- Slowly come back to the initial position.
Duration: Hold yourself in the pose for about 15 to 20 seconds initially and gradually increase the time.
Muscles Worked:
- Gluteus maximus.
- Hamstrings.
- Serratus anterior.
- Triceps.
- Deltoids.
3. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana):
The Sphinx pose is one of the best yoga poses to help lower back pain and be done by beginners. Performing this pose helps relax your lower back muscles, relieving you from pain.
How to Do This:
- Lie down on the ground, stomach touching the floor, and extend your legs towards the behind.
- Keep your palms facing down, and bring your elbows under your shoulders with your forearms on the floor.
- Slowly lift your upper body towards the back as much as possible, including your head.
- Support your back by gently lifting and engaging your lower abdominals.
- Make sure you are not collapsing into your lower back and ensure you are lifting through your spine and out through the crown of your head.
- Keep your body relaxes while remaining active and engaged while keeping your gaze straight ahead.
- Slowly come into the initial position.
Duration: Try to stay in this pose for at least two minutes initially and then increase the time to five minutes.
Muscles Worked:
- Gluteus muscles.
- Erector muscles.
- Trapezius.
- Pectoralis major.
- Latissimus dorsi.
4. Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani):
Viparita Karani is one of the best yoga exercises for lower back pain relief. It helps relieve the tension in your lower back by improving circulation, stretches your back gently, making you feel super relaxed.
How to Do This:
- Lie down with your legs together in the supine position.
- You can take the support of a wall.
- Slowly raise your legs while keeping them straight.
- Raise your buttock while pushing down on the arms and hands.
- Keep your elbows on the floor and support your lower back with your hands.
- Remain in this position for as long as you can.
- Keep in the process of inhalation and exhalation throughout the asana.
- While using the support of the wall, come into the resting position.
Duration: Try to stay in this position at your convenience and gradually increase the pace.
Muscles Worked:
- Quadriceps.
- Lower back.
- Pelvic.
5. Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana):
Pigeon pose is a perfect yoga position for lower back pain. It helps ease lower back pain by opening up your hips. It also helps stretch your muscles increasing your flexibility.
How to Do This:
- Stay on all fours while ensuring your hands are ahead of your shoulders and knees placed right under your hips.
- Slowly bring your right knee towards your right wrist forward.
- Ensure you don’t have any discomfort in your knee while you stretch your outer hip.
- Slide back your left leg, point your ties while your heel looks toward the ceiling.
- Draw your legs in towards each other while your scissor your hips together. Keep your hips level and if needed, use some support under your right buttock.
- Inhale while you draw your navel in and open your chest; lengthen your spine, come onto your fingertips.
- Walk your hands forward and lower your upper body towards the floor while you exhale. Ensure your forehead and forearms on the mat in a resting position.
- Remain in this position for 5 seconds.
- Try to release the tension in your right hip with each exhalation.
- Push back through the hands, lift your hips and move your leg back into all four to come out of the pose.
- Repeat the same on the other side.
Duration: You can practice this pose for as long as it is convenient for you. It might be difficult for you initially, but with practice, you can attain perfect stretch.
Muscles Worked:
- Lower back.
- Hip flexors.
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6. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana):
Supine spinal twist is one of the best yoga moves for lower back pain. It helps stimulate the internal detoxifying process by stretching the spine, back, shoulder, thighs, and neck. You can relieve back pain and tightness in your shoulder with regular practice of this asana.
How to Do This:
- Extend your left leg out in front of you and bend your right knee, hugging it into your chest.
- Slowly cross your right knee over your midline and onto the floor on the left side of your body. Turn your head to the right and look at your right palm.
- Make sure that both of your shoulder blades are touching the ground, even if that means your knee does not fully touch the floor. While twisting, there is a tendency for one shoulder blade to lift off of the ground.
- Feel the stretch in your thighs, groin, arms, neck, stomach, and back as you hold the pose. With each exhalation, relax deeper into the pose.
- Hold for several minutes.
- Slowly turn your head back to the center and straighten your torso and legs.
- Repeat the pose on your left side.
Duration: You can practice this pose six times on each side for effective lower back pain relief.
7. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
The downward dog pose is one of the best yoga stretches for lower back pain. It helps extend the back body creating length throughout the entire body.
How to Do This:
- Stay on all fours placing your palms on the floor.
- Keep your toes tucked and wrists and shoulders in line.
- Slowly exhale and straighten your legs while you push your hips up and back.
- Keep your shoulders away from your ears, and engage your arms.
- Lift yourself up through your kneecaps while you engage your core and legs.
Duration: Repeat the entire procedure at least ten times. You might not be able to touch the floor without bending the knees. But with practice, you can achieve it.
Muscles Worked:
- Deltoids.
- Hamstrings.
- Gluteus maximus.
- Quadriceps.
- Triceps.
8. Cat Pose (Marjariasana or Bidalasana):
Cat pose relieves the tension in your lower and upper back by reducing the tension and stress in your body.
How to Do This:
- Stay in a tabletop position on all fours.
- Place your knees and hands in a line; ensure your arms and thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
- Raise your head while inhaling, and place pressure in your spine downward.
- Expand your abdomen as much as possible without forcing.
- Stretch your spine upward and lower your head while exhaling.
- Contract the expanded abdomen while you pull in your buttocks.
- Put your head between your arms and stretch the arch of the spine while contracting the abdomen.
- Repeat this procedure.
Duration: Practice this pose for 10 to 15 mines for six sets.
Muscles Worked:
- Triceps.
- Erector spinae.
- Rectus abdominis.
- Gluteus maximus.
- Serratus anterior.
9. Cow Pose (Bitilasana):
Derived from the Sanskrit word, Batila, Bitilasana, or Cat pose relieves any tension in the lower back by promoting mobility and allows for an excellent flexion and extension of the spine.
How to Do This:
- Start in a tabletop position on all your fours.
- Ensure your wrists and shoulders are in the same line and keep your knees under your hips.
- Gaze towards the floor and hang your head in a neutral position.
- Open your chest and lift your buttocks towards the ceiling. Ensure your abdomen moves towards the floor.
- Look towards the ceiling by lifting your head.
- Remain in this pose for a few seconds.
- Come back to the initial pose slowly by bringing your head down and chin touching the chest.
- Repeat the pose at least five to six times.
Duration: For effective lower back pain relief, repeat this pose five to six times.
Muscles Worked:
- Triceps.
- Gluteus maximus.
- Serratus anterior.
- Rectus abdominis.
- Erector spinae.
10. Locust Pose (Salabhasana):
Locust pose is one of the postures for lower back pain but can be achieved only with practice. This asana helps strengthen your back, arms, legs, and torso relieving your lower back pain efficiently. It also helps improve your posture significantly.
How to Do This:
- Lie down while your stomach faces the floor.
- Lift your legs, forming a diagonal.
- Slowly curl up using your upper body weight and throw your hands towards the back.
- Balance your body on your stomach while your hands and legs remain in the air.
- Stay in this pose as long as you can.
- Gently come back into the initial position.
Duration: Practice is necessary to perform this pose successfully. Initially, you can practice this yoga pose for a few minutes and then increase the pace.
Muscles Worked:
- Triceps.
- Erector spinae.
- Gluteus maximus.
- Trapezius.
11. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):
The bridge pose is one of the best yoga positions for lower back pain as it not only helps stabilize your spine but strengthens your lower back and hip muscles.
How to Do This:
- Sleep on the floor with your back facing the ground.
- Place your hands on either side of your body.
- Keep your upper body and feet nailed to the ground while you lift your hips.
- Remain in this pose as long as you can.
- You will know the asana is working once you feel the pressure in the waist and shoulder muscles.
Duration: It might be challenging to attain perfect posture initially, but you can ease into the posture and perform this yoga pose ten times.
Muscles Worked:
- Gluteus muscles.
- Erector spinae.
- Hamstrings.
- Transverse abdominis and rectus.
See Also: What Causes Lower Back Pain?
12. Knee to Chest Pose (Apanasana):
This knee to chest pose can be an effective solution to treat lower back pain. It helps reduce the lower back pain by stretching and stabilizing your pelvis and lower back.
How to Do This:
- Lie down on the floor.
- Keep the back facing the floor.
- Now slowly place your knees against your chest creating pressure on your lower back.
- Keep your knees fixed on the chest and stretch your hands forward to reach your toes.
- By stretching your arms, you create pressure in your shoulders and upper body.
- Remain in this position for 10 seconds.
- Come back to the original position slowly.
- Repeat the routine about ten times.
Duration: Try to perform this pose with a single leg initially and then ease into two legs.
Muscles Worked:
- Pelvis.
- Lower back.
If you are still in a dilemma about whether yoga is suitable for your lower back pain, we hope this article has cleared away all your doubts. The asanas might feel challenging initially, but with practice, you will be able to ease into the postures and quickly make them part of your daily workout routine. If you find the article helpful, don’t forget to share your experience with us.
Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is based on research and not a replacement for professional advice. The website is not responsible for the suitability, validity, and accuracy of the information in this article.
1. Can a beginner practice yoga for back pain at home?
Ans: Yoga is an effective way to make your body flexible and can be done in the comfort of your home. Although yoga is considered safe, it is always better to take guidance from a professional if you are a beginner to avoid any injuries.
2. Can anyone practice yoga? Should we take any precautions?
Ans: Yoga is a universally safe form of exercise that anyone can do irrespective of age and gender. Although yoga is safe, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, make sure to consult your doctor before starting a Yoga practice. Take instructions from a professional, begin slowly initially and gradually increase the pace.
3. Can we practice yoga anytime?
Ans: The best time to practice yoga is during early mornings and evenings when your bowels are empty. Try performing asanas in open and airy spaces to get maximum benefits.