Avril Lavigne is known not just for her songs but also for her eye makeup. If you have spotted her ...
So you’re getting ready for the big date tonight and have all the right stuff to groom yourself. But there’s ...
We all know the importance of eye makeup in the whole face makeup. No makeup is complete if you neglect ...
Angelina Jolie is much known for her cat eye makeup look. She keeps her makeup quite simple and if you ...
Vampire makeup can be a hit makeup look for your next costume or Halloween party. If you want some drama ...
Eyes are sure the window to the world. They are also the most beautiful organ in your body. So, why ...
Dripping mascara, black eyes and eye lids and a black lipstick, sounds like a nice Halloween party makeup? Yes, it ...
Kim Kardashian is known for her different make up looks. When it comes to eye makeup, she is known to ...
Hazel eyes have a combination of different colors in them like blue, green orange/golden and also light brown. Let us ...
Are you new to eye makeup? Want to know some basic tricks that can help you get a dramatic pair ...