You may be eating all that high-energy food throughout. Your diet might start from nuts to fruits, all to keep you active and going throughout. However, you will realize that despite all the best diets you follow, you still run low on energy levels at some point in the day. What do you do then? You may be too tired to eat the same food. So, what about some energy drinks? Energy drinks and pregnancy go together and there is a wide range of drinks for you to try. Here is an article that will enlist all the kinds of energy drinks safe for pregnancy.
Is it Safe to Have Energy Drinks While Pregnant?
Absolutely! Energy drinks are real saviours when you can actually feel your energy levels of the body go down. They compensate for all the fat that gets deposited in the fetal and maternal tissues. It also compensates for the calories you burn for enhanced metabolism. Most women are physically very active during pregnancy. For them, energy drinks help replenish the body and will keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Natural and Best Energy Drinks During Pregnancy:
Here are our 17 good and healthy energy drinks for pregnant women. Let’s have a look at them.
1. Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is a very appropriate energy drink that can be made easily at home with the help of raw lemons. It is a great way to rejuvenate yourself during your pregnancy without delving into caffeine and sugar-rich energy drinks. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which is a very good energy booster.
How To Make:
- Squeeze two lemons and add cool water. Add sugar or honey of your choice, as per your taste.
- Add a pinch of salt too.
See More: Best Juices for Pregnancy
2. Banana and Strawberry Smoothie:
Rather than relying on chemically rich energy drinks try and drink healthy and rich smoothies and juices which are rich in calories allowing for the proper development of your baby. It is said that a baby requires over 230 calories extra every day and thus an extra amount of calories must be consumed.
How To Make:
- Cut banana and strawberry into pieces. Put them in the food processor and add a cup of milk.
- Add sugar or honey as per your taste.
4. Pomegranate Juice:
It is one of the best homemade health drinks that you should enjoy during your pregnancy if you want to help in the development of your baby. The colour is inviting and is a rich source of nutrients and minerals making it a great homemade health drink for all expectant mothers making it one of the best health drinks for pregnancy.
How To Make:
- Simply grind the kernels along with honey or sugar and strain it before your drink.
5. Mango and Apple Juice:
Mango and apple juice is also a great homemade health drink which adds flavour to your pallet allowing you to fight fatigue and also providing the adequate nutrients necessary for the proper development of your baby.
How To Make:
- Peel the apples and cut them into small blocks. Put it along with the diced mangoes and a cup of milk.
- Add sugar or honey as per your taste.
6. Chia Fresca:
If you are looking for a healthy alternative to caffeine or any other energy drink then try out this great health drink that doubles as an adequate energy drink as well. Chia Fresca is a classic energy drink for pregnant women and is an energy drink good for pregnant women.
How To Make:
- Soak a spoon of chia seeds and stir them well. Let the seeds seep down and leave them for about 10 minutes.
- Add fresh lime juice to it for added taste.
7. Tea:
Tea is possibly one of the most rejuvenating liquid consumptions you will ever have. The Tea is a mood elevator and a stress buster for many of us. For pregnant women, it sure can be a good way to relax and let loose.
See More: Safe Herbal Teas During Pregnancy
Best Readymade Energy Drinks for Pregnant Women:
Here are our 10 safe and best energy drinks for pregnancy. Let’s have a look at them.
8. Monster Energy Drink:
Monster is a great energy drink sold all over the world and is also available for pregnant mothers. In moderation, it is an energy drink good for pregnant women. Can pregnant women drink a monster energy drink? Yes, it is the only that excess amount can lead to problems, as it contains caffeine.
9. Redbull:
Drinking red bull in moderation is regarded to be safe. It contains taurine, an amino acid that is considered to be an essential dietary nutrient. It is also present in breast milk and in baby formula.
10. Gatorade:
Gatorade is a safe energy drink whole pregnant, to consume. It helps replenish the body with natural minerals. It has electrolytes and thus will help in dehydration.
11. Sting:
Another healthy drink that pregnant women can consume is Sting. Another repeated caution is to watch out for the quantity you drink. 250ml of the drink twice a week is considered good. However, it contains caffeine and thus is better to exercise some control over the intake.
12. Glucon –D:
The famous Glucon-D has been a very common and usual drink in many households. It hydrates the body and keeps your energy level all-time high. Watch out for your sugar level before you take this. Do not drink too much. 250ml of Glucon D should be good thrice a week.
13. Cloud 9:
Cloud 9 has a caffeine-free variant and we strongly recommend you try that. A can of cloud9 contains 163 calories, this is a good way to ensure you are not low on energy. They come in a series of flavours too.
14. Tzinga:
Another energy drink safe for pregnancy is Tzinga. It is recommended for pregnant women. They contain caffeine and thus limit your intake after consulting your doctor for the ideal dosage limit.
15. Healthy Mama:
Healthy mama is a caffeine-free protein-rich energy drink that works well for you during your pregnancy period covers two very important factors which are the absence of caffeine which can prove to be harmful to your child and protein-rich which is very necessary to keep you and your baby healthy and strong making it one of the best energy drinks during pregnancy.
See More: Protein Powders During Pregnancy
16. Hour Energy:
Is a brand that is quite widely used as an elaborate energy drink. 5-hour energy drink while pregnant is one of the only widely used health drinks that can actually be safely consumed during pregnancy making drinking energy drinks while pregnant a much safer situation.
17. Cobra:
Cobra energy drink is pregnant women is also another safe option to consider when you are pregnant. It energizes you and helps you make the best of your mood.
See More: Drink Buttermilk During Pregnancy
Benefits Of Drinking Readymade Energy Drinks:
- Readymade energy drinks contain the right mixture of electrolytes and other minerals needed for the body, especially when pregnant.
- They are a good source of nutrients and minerals.
- They keep you hydrated.
There is a range of energy drinks for pregnancy available in the market. You have to make the right choice about what to drink and what not to. But if you ask us, is energy drink good for pregnant women? Our answer is yes! They keep you hydrated and have a good source of minerals. Alternatively, you can also try out homemade energy drinks.
1. What Is The Difference Between Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks?
The main difference is the ingredients both contain. Energy drinks contain caffeine and sports drink contain carbohydrates in the form of sugar. However, both have electrolytes and minerals.
2. Can I Drink Energy Drinks While Breastfeeding?
Yes, you sure can! You only need to limit the intake of the drink as they contain caffeine. Excess caffeine in the body is not considered good while lactating.
3. Can Energy Drinks Cause an Abortion?
No, they do not cause abortion. They are safe and are only meant to hydrate the body and increase metabolism.