He slogs all day, provides for the family, and sometimes comes home late. You get annoyed because you think he has more time for the world, for his friends and his mother, and doesn’t bother about you. Wrong!! This is an assumption that is running in your head, and such faults can lead to fights and misunderstandings, ultimately, God forbid, a breakup, a split or a separation leading to divorce. Is that what you dream your fairy tale romance would be like? Surely not!!
This is why it is so important to live a life of bliss through understanding, care and love. Now, which marriage doesn’t have its ups and downs? Married couples across the globe have their differences to share with us, but remember what the age-old adage says: “It’s time to fix, not to throw”, and the same should be with your sense of understanding. Here are three ways How to Love Your Husband.
Love Him in Three Ways:
Men, by nature, are children who never grow up. A man looks for a mother in his wife, a sister in his partner and a playmate in his lover. Husbands, therefore, need to be held strong and nurtured, cared and loved for, or else they go astray seeking pleasures of the mind and the body elsewhere.
See More: How To Pray For A Husband
In society, a man is considered the alpha male in each home. This is because of the patriarchal notions that a man has no emotions and must help bring a family around and provide for and protect them. On the contrary, most men need a loving hand to help them across the shores of life, a kind word to motivate them to get up and get going every morning, all of which only a wife can do. Hence, choose your words wisely whilst talking to him.
How To Love Your Husband:
Actions speak louder than words, and in this context, there are many things you could do to make him feel like the king of the castle. For example;
1. When he returns home from work, ensure that pets and kids are not noisy. They should be welcoming, which you, as a mother, can coach and guide them to be. No one wants to return home, a home infested with problems. Make him a cup of tea or coffee, take his bag and get his home wear clothes laid out on the bed. Get the shower ready while he sips his beverage, and instruct the children and pets at home to be kind and less noisy.
2. At dinner, ask him gently about his day at work. Tell him about the funny moments that happened in your life today. Don’t crib, whine or nag. Instead, gently explain to him if there are issues which you need help with. When you ask with love, he will respond.
See More: How To Pleasure My Husband
3. Don’t demand anything in a loud tone from him. He is tired, and because of that, his thought abilities wouldn’t work. He could get snappy, and you would not like it, which could result in a fight. Understand that he, too, is human and has emotions as well.
4. Occasionally, take him to a spa and get him pampered. Even a family day out or a day for just the two of you would do wonders.
5. Finally, ensure you dress well for him; give him a hug and a kiss for a good job done every day.
See More: Telling Your Husband You Are Pregnant
You only know what he goes through daily when you step into his shoes. Good luck, and have a blessed life ahead.