Leather bags are available in all kinds of shapes and sizes for different purposes. These include handbags for women, bags for men, travel bags and many more. The material used for these bags is processed tannin made into various qualities of leather. Some of them are faux leather, pure leather and 100% genuine leather. Some bags also use processed goat leather. The usual colour of leather bags is brown. In addition, for making trendy, fashionable, attractive bags, the same leather is dyed to other colours like black, aubergine, mint, olive-green and other attractive hues.
Leather bags are complimentary to your outfit. People using them are admired wherever they are seen with their pride possession because the bags have a good top-quality finish and look dear. Some of them can be afforded only by the well-to-do people who belong to the elite high-ranking people in the society. Here, I would like to add affordable leather bags to organise and carry your belongings. You would look fashionable and elegant.
These leather bags, once bought, are very easy to take care of, and they last for a very long time. The manufacturing Company always suggest how to take care of the bag you have purchased. As a general rule, you require to polish the bag once in a while and store the bag in a cool dark place when not in use. Try not to wet the bag, but if you are caught in the rain with it, then always dry the leather bag in a place away from the sun, once dry polish and store it.
Latest and Stylish Leather Bags for Women and Men:
Below are the 25 best college and shopping bags in leather for ladies and boys in India.
1. Women’s Fashionable Handbag in Leather:
This fashionable black bag for women is made with faux leather. The dimension of the bag is 18x27x7 cm, and it is a comfortable size for carrying all your essential items when you are going to a get-together with friends or shopping. The bag has metal alloy fittings that hold the bag together. The opening of the bag has a zip you can use to fasten. Two pockets have been provided for you. One is for your cell phone, and the other is a simple pocket where you can keep your valuables. There is a shoulder strap to help you carry your bag.
2. Vintage Duffle Gym Travel Luggage Bag Leather:
Leather World Ltd made this item for men who like working out in the gym. This bag can also be used by men who enjoy sports like swimming, racket sports such as tennis, squash, and badminton. The bag is made of 100% genuine leather, so it is strong enough for carrying your towel, change of clothes, and other belongings. The bag is very attractive and complimentary.
3. Leather Messenger Bag That Has Laptop:
Leather World Ltd designs and manufactures this 100% pure goat leather bag. This item is suitable for storing and carrying your laptop while moving from one place to another. Anyone with a laptop can use this bag.
4. Sling Bag Leather:
A torse Company makes this leather sling bag for men and women alike. The size of the bag is 11.5×9.5×2.25 inches that are good for carrying anything you need to carry. There is a magnetic button for closing the opening. In addition, there is one pocket and two compartments for organizing your things. The bag has pinned and buckles styling and an adjustable strap.
5. Leather Hobo Bag With Adjustable Strap:
This chic leather bag is very appealing to young women. The adjustable handle is in hobo styling and hence the name of the bag. You can carry all that you need to be organized in the single major compartment with a zip pocket and slips pocket.
6. Mint Lawrence Bag in Green Leather:
This Lawrence bag is irresistible because of its unusual mint colour. The material of the bag is faux-lathered. This handbag is very complimentary to any fair-complexioned lady wearing light sea green or mint-coloured sari or dress. They certainly look elegant and attractive. This bag is everyone’s favourite, and hence it is in high demand. This bag has polyamide and metal alloy trims. There are compartments and pockets inside. Also, the bag is fully lined.
7. Leather Nine To Five Handbag:
This leather bag is for working ladies who regularly venture out to work from nine to five. Regardless of where these individuals work, all of them like the bag because of its practical purpose. The finished bag is very light because it is made of black and white faux leather. Inside the bag, there is only one compartment with golden fittings.
This is big enough for you to store and carry things you need during the day. In addition, there is a place for your cell phone and a place for keeping your snacks or lunch boxes. The bag is easy to carry because of the detachable should strap that has been provided.
8. 15” Leather Laptop Crossover Messenger Bag:
Pranjals House designed and made this Vintage handmade leather bag. Externally, the bag is made of brown coloured leather, while internally, there is canvas material. This canvas protects your laptop from shock and vibration. The internal size of 38 cm x 10 cm x 28cm is spacious enough for carrying your laptop. There are three compartments in this bag. The bag can be easily carried using the adjustable buckle and shoulder strap that has been provided.
9. Amy Violet Leather Handbag:
This violet-coloured handbag for ladies is an awesome accessory for ladies when they go to a party. The bag is complimentary for them, especially when dressed in a purple or violet or even lavender dress or sari. This bag is made of faux leather and metal alloy fittings. There is a zip for closing the bag. In addition, there are two pockets – one is a slip pocket for your cell phone, and the other is a zip pocket. The size is 22 x 35 x 12 cm that is good for carrying with you.
10. Handmade Genuine Brown Leather Shoulder Bag:
Pranjals House Vintage manufactures this genuine leather shoulder handmade bag that is brown in colour. The canvas is inside the bag, which protects anything you keep from vibration, shock, and even getting stained by the leather. The size of the bag is 30 cm x 10 cm x 40 cm. There is only one compartment that can be closed using the zipper provided. There is a double handle provided for you to carry the bag.
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11. Bucket Drawstring Leather Sling Bag:
Koovs manufactures this leather bag for fashionable ladies. This item is made of faux leather. There is only one compartment, and the bag’s design is made so that it can fasten the bag by drawing a string. In addition, there are golden trim details and adjustable shoulder straps.
12. Tassel Drawstring Closure Sling Bag:
Paris Belle makes this trendy leather sling bag for ladies. They look sophisticated, elegant and fashionable when they use this accessory. This item is made of PU (Polyurethane) leather. The single compartment is very spacious. The bag can be fastened with a string.
13. Red Punching Bag:
This item is also very trendy and complementary to your outfit when you go to a party. The handbag is made of faux leather. There is a flap closure in front. On opening the bag, you will find a pocket with zipping inside. You can keep your requirements in this bag.
14. Lunatik Genuine Leather Sling Cross Body-Bag/ Messenger Bag:
This item is in black colour. It is made of genuine leather. The bag can be used by men, women, girls and boys. The bag can be used for multi-purposes such as messenger handbag, sling bags or cash pouch bags. There are two compartments, namely one pocket with zip enclosure and two side pockets. The bag can be carried easily by using the adjustable strap provided.
15. Tashi Ranch H Black:
Tashi makes this ranch leather back that is black in colour. The bag is suitable for travelling. For all practical purposes, this bag can be expanded as and when required. There is only one main compartment with a zip pocket inside. The good thing is your belonging will always be protected from the rain because of the waterproof lining present inside the bag.
See More: Laptop Bags For Women
16. Jackson 02 Leather Bag for Travel:
Hide Design makes this ranch leather travel bag available in regular brown colour. The bag has adjustable shoulder straps. In front of the bag, there is a slip pocket and a zipped pocket. Inside the bag, there are two slip pockets. The single main compartment with dimension 40 x 35 x 20 cm is spacious for carrying your belongings. This compartment is a zip-around closure.
17. Ettore 02, Brown leather Luggage Bag:
This classic leather travel bag is available in regular brown. The dimension of this bag is 48x31x19.5. This is spacious enough for carrying all your belongings. The bag has two methods for you to carry. One, there are handles for you to grab and carry. The other adjustable shoulder straps are provided for you to carry the same bag on your shoulders. On top, there is a zip opening with pullers, and in the basement, there are additional compartments for carrying small items. In addition, a slip pocket with magnetic dot closure, a zip pocket inside have been provided.
18. Hidesign Slider 03, Brown Bag in Leather:
This item is a leather cross-body leather bag you can use on a regular basis when you go out. The dimension of this bag is suitable for carrying an iPad/tablet. Both sides of the bag have a slip pocket and a zip pocket for your convenience. You can use the adjustable leather shoulder strap with buckles and shoulder pads for carrying the bag.
19. Bertoia 03 Men’s Leather Bag:
This Siberia Soho leather cross-body bag is made for your daily use. The numerous pockets help you to organize your things. There is a main compartment of 25 x 26 x 6 cm that has two slip pockets and one zip pocket. The opening flap has a front buckle.
20. Genuine Leather Overnight Laptop Roller Case AMD02:
Scharf makes this item. The leather bag is suitable for carrying laptops having screens up to 17” including accessories. This bag is excellent while you are travelling. You can use this bag in combination with a trolley-strap bag for convenience.
See More: Best Leather Bags For Men
21. Hide Kraft 100% Genuine Leather Sling Bag for Ladies:
This beige or navy genuine leather sling bag is for women. There is an adjustable strap for changing the length according to the height of the owner or user. There is only one main inner compartment you can use for keeping your essential items. Also, there is a central zipped compartment and a mobile pouch.
22. Style98 Genuine Leather Travel Passport Sling Bag:
This item is made of genuine leather and has a brown colour. The bag is for carrying travel documents such as passports, cards etc. There are three compartments that you can use for organizing your things. Both men and women can use this.
23. Style98 Unisex Leather Premium Quality Shoulder Bag:
Men and women can use this leather bag. The bag is ideal for carrying cards, passports, tickets and other travelling documents.
24. Luxury Duffle Bag in Leather:
This brown leather luggage is a Duffle bag that is made especially for your travelling. The bag is made very strong and durable by using nylon strapping and premium leather. The bag is good to take on short-flight trips.
25. Hi Design Ladies Leather Shoulder Bag:
This item is made of brown coloured leather. It is a shoulder bag of dimensions 24 x 30 x 12cm. This handbag is practical and attractive. It would certainly make you look elegant.
After reading this article, you probably like one or more. Yes, they are excellent to buy and keep in your wardrobe for that special moment when you need them.