When the hairs at the temple area starts to thin people usually take course to chemical remedies. There are various other methods to fight this problem. Some home remedies can also be tried out.

Temple Hair Loss Treatments:

Below are the 6 most popular homemade methods to treat hair loss at the temple area.

1. Margosa Packs:

This is an easy to make pack. These are easily available and are used without side effects. These are often termed as a remedial measure for those people who have severe problems of dryness or fungal infections. A person can buy dried powders of the leaves which are often sold by well known product selling companies. These can also be done with fresh leaves if those are available in the local markets, a person can buy bunches of those and then keep refrigerated for a week or so. These can be soaked in water and then grounded to a paste which can be applied for about 20 to 25 minutes.

This can be washed off and then cleansed well with a cleanser. This should be followed about 2 times a week to see noticeable results. This is often a harmless way to treat the problems and people who do not get fresh leaves from market, can also buy dried powders and then soak about 6 teaspoons in a cup of boiling water. This should be kept overnight and then next day this can be applied in the same way as fresh neem leaves.

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2. Egg Mixes:

It is seen that supply of protein components to the areas can be helpful. A person can beat up the egg and the yolk in a cup and to this add some more protein of milk like yogurt and beat this into a mix. This can be applied in massaging movements and the results can be seen with regular application. However, some people may have sensitivity to the application of raw eggs, therefore if a person faces boils or eruptions due to the use of this, this should not be used by those people. This should be kept for about 20 minutes for those who are not sensitive to this mixture and then washed off with a good cleanser.

3. Coconut Oil:

This has natural fats. This can be applied by warming about half to a full cup of this oil over indirect heat by keeping this in a bowl and then putting this over water which is boiling. This can then be applied when this is slightly cooled down and massaged well. This can be done on a  regular basis and washed with a good mild cleanser to see beneficial results.

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4. Fenugreek:

This is a mild agent which can be applied in the form of a grounded paste on the scalp. This can be done on a regular basis to see good results.

5. Castor Oil:

This is known to generate new growth easily. Therefore can be applied about a few drops to any normal oil and then used regularly. A person can also apply this before going to sleep at night. This way this will stay on the area for a longer period and then this can be normally washed with a cleanser.

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6. Bhringraj:

This can be bought from good branded companies and then soaked in water overnight. This can then be applied on the temple area which is facing thinning. This can be done on a regular basis about a few times a week and kept on applied for about 20 minutes. This is very helpful and mild to treat this type of hair problem.

Image Source: Shutter stock


About Suvarna

Suvarna is a freelance content writer with over 8 years of professional writing experience. She specialized in developing research-based content on Beauty, Skin, and Hair Care. Suvarna believes that beauty is one of the key factors for every personality. She always strives to bring more authenticity and credibility to her articles.