Do you feel that your ponytail is getting thinner each day? Is your hair turning from “thick” to “limp and lifeless”? Despite investing inexpensive hair care products that claim to thicken hair, many of us end up getting disappointed! This shows that the problem lies somewhere else and we are not addressing it correctly!
In this article, we shall help you understand the causes of thin hair and how to make hair thicker naturally. So, if you have always dreamt of flaunting a voluminous mane, read along!
What is Thick Hair?
The words “thick” or “thin” are used to measure the width of each strand. People with thick hair have wider strands and hence have a fuller-looking head with lesser visibility of the scalp. Thick strands are usually stronger and have better endurance capacity than thin, fine hair.
However, you must never associate thick hair with coarse hair, as they are two different types. Even thin hair can look coarse due to dryness and frizz. Thick hair can look smooth and glossy with proper care and maintenance.
What Causes Thin Hair?
Here are some of the key factors that cause thinning of hair:
- Genetics: Genes play an important role in determining the thickness of your hair. If a majority of your family members have thin, fine hair, you might end up with the same type.
- Poor Nutrition: Not eating a healthy, balanced diet can deprive your hair of key nutrients like iron, folate, vitamins and minerals, which are needed for healthy hair growth.
- Overuse of Chemical Products: Subjecting your hair to a lot of chemical and heat treatments can lead to thin spots over a period of time.
- Lifestyle Habits: Factors like poor scalp hygiene, smoking, certain medications etc. can impact the thickness of your hair.
- Stress: A excess release of stress hormones can cause stunted hair growth
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How to Get Thick Hair Naturally?
Unless it is a genetic problem, most hair thinning cases can be easily treated at home using a combination of natural Hair Packs and lifestyle changes (listed in the tips section):
Hair Packs for Thick Hair:
Here are some of the best hair packs for thick hair that are worth giving a try
1. Fenugreek for Thick Hair:
Fenugreek or Methi is one of the widely used Ayurvedic home remedies for thick hair. Even modern science agrees that Fenugreek can effectively treat hair loss and thinning. These tiny little seeds are packed with many proteins, vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your hair from the roots. The high amounts of fatty acids present in them can nourish the strands and encourage them to grow thicker and faster.
How to Use Fenugreek for Thick Hair?
- Fenugreek Seeds – 1 Cup
- Water – To soak and grind.
- Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight
- Next day, drain out the water and grind them into a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste on your scalp and cover the roots properly
- Leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Wash thoroughly with a mild shampoo and water
Frequency of Usage: Twice a week for best results
2. Aloe Vera for Thick Hair:
Aloe vera is an excellent natural remedy to make your hair thicker and stronger. It contains about 99% of water content which can replenish the lost moisture levels in your hair and make it look healthy. The high enzyme content in Aloe vera can protect your scalp from many infections like dandruff and encourage hair growth at the same time. You can mix aloe vera with wheat germ oil to stimulate even dormant follicles and enable them to grow faster.
How to Use Aloe vera for Thick Hair?
- Aloe vera Gel – 1 Cup (Fresh or Store Bought)
- Wheatgerm Oil – 6-8 drops
- Add some wheat germ oil to Aloe vera gel.
- Mix well
- Apply this mixture all over your scalp and hair
- Massage your hair for 10 minutes
- Leave it on for an additional 25 minutes.
- Wash it thoroughly with water and a mild cleanser
Frequency of Usage: Twice a week for best results
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3. Onion Juice for Thick Hair:
If you are suffering from sudden hair loss and thinning, try using onion juice! This humble ingredient packs a punch when it comes to treating your hair woes. Onion juice has a high sulfur content that can boost collagen levels in your scalp, which in turn improves the rate of your hair growth. Additionally, massaging your scalp with onion juice can improve blood circulation to promote thicker and stronger hair.
How to Use Onion Juice for Thick Hair?
- Red Onion – 1
- Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
- Grate an onion and extract the juice from it
- Now mix it with some olive oil.
- Apply the mixture all over your scalp
- Massage well for 5-10 minutes
- Leave it on for an additional 10 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly using water and a mild cleanser to get rid of the pungent smell
Frequency of Usage: Twice a week
4. Castor Oil for Thick Hair:
Castor Oil is an age-old home remedy that can impart thick and strong hair naturally. The high amounts of fatty acids present in this ingredient can seal in moisture and repair damaged strands. Vitamin E present in castor oil can strengthen the strands and nourish them from within. It can also prevent and treat inflammatory scalp conditions like dandruff that damage your hair.
How to Use Onion Juice for Thick Hair?
- Castor Oil – ½ Cup
- Take some castor oil in a bowl and warm it slightly.
- Now apply the oil all over the scalp and the roots.
- Massage well with fingers to increase blood circulation
- Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Use a mild shampoo to get rid of the greasiness from your hair.
Frequency of Usage: Thrice a week
5. Egg for Thick Hair:
The egg is considered as a superfood for hair. It is rich in amino acids that can repair damages in your hair shafts and seal them properly. Other nutrients like Vitamin A, E, Biotin and Folate present in eggs can support healthy hair growth. The fatty acids present in eggs can moisturize and condition your strands to prevent them from breaking off.
How to Use Egg for Thick Hair?
- Egg –2 (depending on the length of hair)
- Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp
- Beat the eggs and whisk them well with some lemon juice
- Once the mixture turns forthy, it is ready to use
- Apply the egg mixture all over the scalp and hair
- Cover your hair with a shower cap
- Leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash thoroughly with cool water and a mild cleanser
Frequency of Usage: Once a week
NOTE: Never wash an egg hair pack with hot water, as it can cook the egg and leave a horrible stench behind.
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Tips To Achieve Thick Hair:
Regular maintenance and care alone can help you attain a fuller-looking voluminous mane. Follow these tips to know to get thicker hair:
- Understand that beauty comes from the inside! So, it’s essential to eat a healthy, balanced diet that comprises of proteins, omega-fatty acids etc. to support thicker hair growth.
- If required, take supplements to deal with nutritional deficiencies, thereby preventing hair loss and thinning.
- Choose your hair care products carefully. Invest in a shampoo and conditioner that can build volume and give a fuller appearance to your hair.
- Avoid chemical treatments and heated tools that damage your shafts. Limit your styling to special occasions.
- Keep trimming the ends to remove the dry and frizzy parts. This gives a healthy appearance to your hair.
- Use a detangling brush to remove the tangles from your hair. These brushes are designed not to damage or pull our your strands.
- Try the reverse combing technique that can add volume. Avoid using heavy serums that can flatten your hair and make it look thin.
Final Thoughts:
So, now you know how to get thicker hair, don’t you? However, remember that the outcome of these packs or products might not be the same for each of us. It’s important to understand the root cause of your hair problem and choose a suitable action plan to tackle it. Finally, have patience and keep up your efforts!
1. Does thick hair mean denser hair?
Many people use the term “thick hair” to indicate voluminous or denser hair. While this is also true, the fact is that even thin hair can have more density and volume. Thick or thin hair refers to the width of the strands rather than the quantity.
2. Can you grow back the hair from thin to thick naturally?
Yes! If the problem behind hair loss or thinning is temporary, such as pregnancy, hormonal changes, short-term medications etc. it is possible. Your hair will regain its natural texture and appearance. You can also eat a healthy diet to boost its growth.
3. How do I style my hair to make it look thicker?
During the process of hair growth, you might have some styling issues. Just try to lift the roots using the sharp end of a comb and go for a low-heat blow-dry to set them in place. Avoid going for very tight braids or high ponytails as they can make it look even thinner than the actual size.