Constipation is one of the common problems that a lot of people complain about. Simply put, the body cannot excrete the bowels, leading to painful abdominal cramps and discomfort. Though constipation is not a severe problem, prolonged issues of this condition can hamper the daily routine and lifestyle. However, rather than treating constipation, avoiding it is always a better option through certain tips and suggestions for a healthy life. This guide is perfect for knowing the best ways to avoid the crisis of constipation and keep it at bay. Check them out and follow regularly for the outcomes.

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Have Fibre Rich Foods:

Fibre is one of the best ways to clear the stomach of waste and regulate bowel movements to avoid constipation. This goal can be easily achieved by including top-notch fibre foods. Prunes, pears, carrots, broccoli, beans, peaches, figs and whole grains are some of the ideal foods in this regard. A combination of 2-3 foods from here will help you in the right manner.

See More: Medicine for Constipation

Include Flaxseeds in the Diet:

Flaxseeds are one of the best ways to avoid constipation. You can powder this seed and store it. Sprinkle them on top of the dishes and salads each day. Not only does it help regulate the bowel, but it also ensures that a good quantity of omega fatty 3 acids is supplied to the body.

Have Plenty of Water and Healthy Fluids:

Another effective way to prevent constipation is to have good water daily. About 10 glasses of plain and filtered water is preferable. Along with this, you can always include healthy liquids like fresh fruit juices and herbal tea. This will ensure that the body is well-hydrated and there are proper movements in the intestine. It will add bulk to the stool and ensure it becomes softer for easy pass away.

Exercising is Significant:

Exercising helps maintain the body’s functions and keeps the digestive system in proper shape. You can keep constipation at bay by using about 30 minutes of exercise daily, along with many other benefits. Something as simple as walking will also work wonders. Try it out yourself to see the advantage! What more? It will also help you maintain your body weight.

See More: Home Remedies for Constipation in Children

Have Good Toilet Habits:

First, spend some good time in the toilet and be patient for the stools to pass. Give the body some time to excrete. Also, you should never ignore Nature’s call. Ignoring the urges of stool passing will only end up making you constipated. The best time to pass the stools is 30 minutes after the meal or early morning.

Avoid Caffeine:

Caffeinated drinks will only make it all the more difficult to pass the stool. This includes both tea and coffee. Apart from that, it would help if you also stayed away from fizzy and aerated drinks, which aggravate the condition of constipation. Alcohol is another drink that one should avoid if they do not want to experience a constipated feel.

See More: Foods That Cause Constipation

Avoid Medications:

Certain medications, especially antibiotics, lead to constipation as a side effect. If you want to avoid the feelings, it is best to stop such medicines and look for substitutes. This is one of the best ways to achieve the goals of constipation avoidance. Make sure you consult the doctor before doing so.


About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.