Do you have a hard time sleeping after dinner? Are you looking for a healthy and long-term way to deal with this issue? Don’t worry; we have got you covered. The bedtime yoga poses mentioned in this article will help you get a good night’s sleep by relaxing your body. Many people find it difficult to get quality sleep, whether it is because of premature and unhealthy eating habits or stress. However, you can have non-disrupted sleep patterns by incorporating a few excellent bedtime yoga postures into your routine.

Therefore, whether you are a light sleeper or suffering from insomnia, practising specific yoga poses can significantly improve sleep duration and quality. Read on to know more!

Best Bedtime Yoga Poses for Beginners at Home:

We have listed some of the best, easy bedtime yoga poses that beginners can practice at home easily.

1. Adho Mukha Svanasana:

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Ado Mukha Svanasana, or the downward dog pose, is one of the yoga poses which can be performed any time of the day. This pose affects the abdomen aiding in better bowel movements, and it is easy to accomplish this asana. In addition, performing the downward dog pose helps your body relax, making you sleep better.

How to do:

  • Keep your knees and palms shoulder-width apart.
  • Proceed to raise your hips while keeping your toes tucked in.
  • Place your hands on the floor while bending your upper body forward. Remember that your shoulders and palms should be aligned in a line.
  • Lift your knees off the floor while keeping your toes curled in.
  • Face downward so that the floor and heels shouldn’t touch each other.
  • Keep in mind that your knees, feet and palms should be essentially balancing your body.
  • Take a couple of breaths while keeping your knees and elbows bent slightly.
  • You will feel stretch in your hamstrings as you straighten your knees and elbows and lengthen your tailbone, bringing the heels downward.
  • Take a few breaths as you hold yourself in this pose.
  • Then gently get back into a sitting position by slowly bending your knees and elbows.

2. Uttanasana:

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Suppose you are looking for an asana that positively affects the gastrointestinal tract. In that case, the Uttanasana or the standing forward behind pose can be an ideal choice. This asana helps relieve bloated feelings and constipation by pushing food along the tract.

How to do:

  • Stand straight and keep both your palms on either side of your body.
  • Now slowly bend forward and grasp both your knees. With practice, you can touch the floor where the palms are touching the ground.
  • Remain in this pose as long as you can, which can result in tension in your hamstrings.
  • Now slowly return to a standing position.

3. Ustrasana:

Image Source: shutterstock

Ustrasana or the camel pose, besides being an excellent exercise for the back, also aids digestion after eating.

How to do:

  • Support your body on the bent knees and toes as you kneel on a mat.
  • Slowly take the arms behind you as you lean backwards.
  • Point your fingers outward and thumb towards the toes as you fix the palms to the ground.
  • Now slowly push your body outward and upward while lifting the pelvis above the waist while inhaling.
  • Now gently allow the neck to fall backwards.
  • Remain in the posture as long as you can.
  • Now slowly return to the initial position.

4. Dhanurasana:

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Dhanurasana, or the bow, is another yoga poses for sleep because it can ease a bloated stomach and relieves constipation keeping you relaxed. Furthermore, this asana also contributes to body flexibility and tones your abdomen and back.

How to do:

  • Lie down facing downwards on your yoga mat.
  • Now slowly bend your knees and use your hands to hold your toes while exhaling.
  • Lift your head, chest and thighs as high as possible and remain in this pose as long as possible.
  • Keep your ankles joined, and lower your stomach to maintain your body weight.

5. Balasana:

Image Source: shutterstock
Child’s pose or Balasana is another yoga asana for insomnia relief which can also help ease indigestion and clear a bloated stomach. It is considered an effective asana to perform after dinner.

How to do:

  • Sink your hips back towards your heels from the tabletop position.
  • Place your knees out wide or close together.
  • Allow your relaxed chest to sink into your thighs.
  • Relax your spine while you place your arms and stretch forward, palms facing the ground.
  • Remain in this position for at least five minutes.

6. Pawanmuktasana:

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Pawanamuktasana is a yoga asana for better sleep designed to make you break the wind and helps you get rid of bloating.

How to do:

  • Sleep on the floor with hands on both sides and knees straight.
  • Now slowly hold your knees against your chest while inhaling.
  • Lift your head as far as possible.
  • Remain in this position as long as your body allows.
  • Slowly return to the initial position.

7. Savasana:

Image Source: shutterstock

Savasana, the lazy person’s favourite pose, is an ideal bedtime yoga to improve body processes. Performing this asana helps recover all the lost energy and get revitalize.

How to do:

  • Lie down on your bed or a yoga mat.
  • Keep a hip distance between your feet.
  • Make sure your head, neck and spine are aligned.
  • Let go of the tension in your body entirely and focus on your breathing.
  • Allow your body to fall heavy and relaxed.
  • Remain in this pose for 15 minutes.

8. Legs-up-the-Wall:

Image Source: shutterstock

Legs up the wall before bed is a yoga pose that will help you sleep better while keeping you relaxed.

How to do:

  • Dit down alongside the wall and sit on your right side.
  • Lie on your back and place your hips against the wall.
  • Keep your arms in a position where you feel comfortable.
  • As you lie on your back, lift your legs against the wall keeping them straight.
  • Focus on releasing the tension in your body while you follow your breath.
  • Remain in this position for up to five minutes.

9. Reclined Butterfly:

Image Source: shutterstock

A reclined butterfly is a perfect yoga before bed because it helps alleviate stress and quiets the nervous system since it is a calming restorative pose. In addition, you can place cushions or blocks under your knees for extra support.

How to do:

  • Remain seated on the mat.
  • Press the soles of your feet together from the seated position.
  • Now open your knees onto the sides.
  • Now slowly lie down on your back.
  • Keep your hands in a comfortable position.
  • Remain in this pose for about five minutes.

10. Yoga Nidra:

Image Source: shutterstock

Yoga Nidra for sleep is a type of guided meditation. You can encourage deep relaxation, improve sleep quality and reduce stress by practising yoga nidra.

How to do:

  • Lie down on the mat or a bed.
  • Keep your mind calm and focus on your breaths which help melt away tension and clear your mind.

Bedtime Yoga Benefits:

Here are some of the widespread benefits associated with the regular practice of Bedtime yoga:

  1. You can manage insomnia symptoms by practising Yoga regularly, which will help you go back to sleep after waking up at night, sleep for longer and fall asleep quicker. In addition, some studies prove the effectiveness of other mind-body therapies and Yoga in promoting better sleep and treating insomnia (1).
  2. There is a link between quality sleep and weight loss with consistent yoga practice. Practising Yoga can positively affect weight maintenance and weight loss because it helps you sleep better. Furthermore, you can also be more mindful of your eating habits as you keep a consistent yoga practice.
  3. Practising Yoga has been shown to have a positive and long-term effect on older adults as per a study conducted by researchers in 2013 (2). Yoga can also be a perfect alternative to pharmaceutical sleep aids.
  4. Regular practice of Yoga also gives a relaxation response by putting your body in a calm state which is the opposite of a fight-or-flight response. You can enter a lower form of arousal and help you relax by doing calming yoga poses.

If you suffer from numerous sleeping concerns, then the bedtime yoga poses can be very beneficial. However, it would help to practise certain yoga postures before bed, whether you are looking for more profound or more sleep. Therefore, go through this article and unwind, relax and loosen up the muscle tension by performing these relaxing poses. However, it is essential to remain consistent for good results. Remember to let us know if you found this article helpful!

Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is based purely on research and not a replacement for professional advice. The website is not responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the information.


1. Are there any drawbacks to bedtime yoga?

  • As long as you perform the poses safely, there are not many drawbacks to doing bedtime yoga.
  • However, you can focus on breathing techniques or meditation if you feel even gentle yoga poses might stimulate your body or mind.
  • Consult your doctor before starting a new practice if you have any medical concerns.
  • Make sure not to push yourself beyond the limits though your body might be more flexible during the night.

2. What tips and tricks can you remember to perform bedtime yoga efficiently?

Here are a few tips that you can follow to perform bedtime yoga efficiently:

  • Even if it is for ten minutes, ensure an attainable time that will help you consistently practice, enabling you to get into bed on time.
  • Promote quality sleep by focusing on inward-focussed, calming and restorative postures.
  • Clear the room of electronics, and use an oil diffuser or candles to create relaxing vibes creating a healthy sleep environment.
  • Use an eye mask or dim lighting in the room where you intend to practice Yoga.

3. Do making changes in routine improve sleeping habits?

Yes! Making simple changes in nighttime habits can positively change sleeping habits. Here are a few things you can implement.

  • Depending on your time and how much improvement you wish to make, create s attainable yoga practice goals.
  • Ensure you stick to your routine and track your progress in a diary or electronically.
  • Even if you slip from your routine one day, be easy on yourself and try to keep going the following day.

About Saanvi

Saanvi Sharma is an excellent web content writer in health and nutrition. Her expertise in the subject stems from in-depth research and knowledge that she gained over the years. Her interest in science coupled with a bachelor's degree in biotechnology proves as an added advantage and further adds value to her writing. She is highly interested in science, thus writing quality content became her virtue.