Constipation is the indication that there is something wrong with your bowel movement and you need to do something about it. If your bowel movement is not proper it means that most of the body is not functioning properly. Thus, you will have to adapt a healthy diet.
There are some fruit juices which can put your bowel movement back on track.
Best Fruit Juices for Constipation:
Here are the top 9 fruits juices which will effectively treat constipation.
1. Prune Juice:
It has been proved that a glass of prune juice can treat constipation. This fruit juice comes with fiber which can add density to your stool and make it easy to pass. These essential fibers will make the stool smooth and within a very short period of time your body will be relieved from all the stored waste products.
2. Lemon Juice And Warm Water:
We all are aware of the goodness of lemon juice. The juice, when mixed with warm water produces an effective solution which helps to solve constipation problems. All you need to do is squeeze one whole lemon into a glass of medium warm water and stir it. Drinking this juice will relieve you from all sorts of potty problems.
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3. Apple Juice:
Apple is probably the best fruit ever. It is loaded with valuable minerals and vitamins and other naturally healthy food elements which make the bowel function effectively. Intake of apple juice will provide your body with a sugar alcohol which again softens the stool by pushing water into the stool. This makes the stool easy to pass. Apart from apple juice, sweet cherry, and peach juices can also assist in the smooth flow of stool.
4. Heart Beet:
You will have to make a number of healthy choices to make this juice. They are as followed:
• Carrot
• Orange
• Lemon
• Beet
• Apple
Mixing the above ingredients properly will produce a solution which will effectively remove constipation.
5. Peach Juice:
This is a fantastic remedy to remove constipation problems. It will make the remedy a lot of more easy by providing your tongue with a special touch of nature. For making this extremely special juice you will require the following
• Peach
• Apple
• Carrot
• Lemon
• Orange
6. Orange Juice With Mint:
This orange is mint refresh is a masterpiece. For preparing this juice, you will have to peel four oranges first and extract the juice from them. You will also need mint leaves and add it to the glass containing orange juice. Orange has tons of benefits and is used in the preparation of a number of medicines regarding stomach upsets and skin issues.
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7. The Best Mixed Fruit Juice Ever:
• 1 cooking apple
• Some broccoli florets
• Half green melon
• Watercress
Melon is known for its cleansing benefits. Plus, it cools the body effectively which is very much needed while suffering from constipation problems. The juice prepared from the following ingredients will make the process of digestion smooth and relieve you from stomach upsets as well.
You can prepare the juice by simply mixing the ingredients.
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8. Green Apple Juice:
Green apple juice is high in magnesium and potassium and acts as one of the most effective post-workout smoothies. Along with that, it makes the flow of waste material like stools a lot easier.
9. Turmeric Solution:
Ingredients :
• Apple
• Pear
• Carrot
• Celery
• Lemon
• Ginger root
• Turmeric root
Mix the above ingredients properly to create one of the most awesome anti-constipation juices ever.
It is better to stop talking about constipation and start taking fruit juice whatever mentioned above along with good medication which will surely help to back on your feet again.
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