Many of us must have heard that drinking a glass of warm lemon water can effectively aid weight loss. Many people suggest beginning the day with Lemon for weight loss. Lemon, lemon water, or any drink that includes Lemon can benefit weight loss. Although there is anecdotal evidence regarding the health benefits of lemon water, there is independent research on both Lemon and water. This is why many restaurants serve lemon water beverages instead of coffee or tea.
So, without further ado, use Lemon for weight loss by burning stubborn fat along with adding deliciousness to your dishes. Go through this article to know more!
Can Lemon Help You Lose Weight?:
The enriching nutrients such as pectin present in Lemon make it one of the best ingredients for weight loss by curbing appetite. Moreover, Lemon also helps in weight loss by accelerating the metabolism due to the presence of flavonoids.
Lemon has Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, citric acid, pectin, potassium, and fibres, making it a powerhouse of nutrients. It also helps promote weight loss with its antioxidant properties and prevents damage to your body because of free radicles (1).
Drinking lemon water also helps flush out the body’s toxins, reducing water retention and inflammation. Lastly, lemon water helps manage high blood pressure and replenishes the lost nutrients by hydrating your body while reducing the water weight with the help of potassium.
How Does Lemon Help in Weight Loss:
Here are some of the ways in which Lemon juice aids in weight loss.
1. Better Digestion:
Lemon aids in better digestion since it contains pectin and citric acid. Pectin helps produce a feeling of fullness for longer by helping slow down the rate at which the food leaves the stomach (2).
When taken early in the morning, lemon water might also prevent constipation by working as a laxative for some people. In addition, the sour taste of Lemon helps stimulate Agni and jump-starts the digestive system, according to Ayurvedic medicine.
2. Vitamin C Rich Agent:
Lemons are citrus fruits whose primary antioxidant is vitamin C that doesn’t let free radicals damage the cells in your body. Though studies are conflicting, vitamin C might help limit the duration of the common cold in some people.
The abundance of Vitamin C in Lemon might also lower blood pressure and reduce stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Lemon provides 18.6 milligrams of Vitamin C, whereas 65 to 90 milligrams are recommended daily for adults (3).
3. Detoxifies Body:
As already mentioned, Lemon has high amounts of Vitamin C that helps flush out toxins, thereby detoxifying your body by scavenging free oxygen radicals. It also helps your colon flush out toxins.
How to Use Lemon for Weight Loss:
Here we present you with a list of some easy DIY Lemon recipes that will aid you in weight loss.
1. Lemon Water for Weight Loss:
The preparation of Lemon water for weight loss is easy to prepare and gives you incredible results.
You Will Need:
- One or two fresh lemons.
- A pitcher filled with 3/4th water.
- Some ice cubes.
Preparation Method:
- Slice the Lemon into slices horizontally and place them into the pitcher.
- Fill the pitcher 3/4th with water.
- You can either refrigerate the pitcher for about one hour or use ice cubes for drinking it fresh.
- You can vary the amount of Lemon as per your taste.
- How Often Should I Do This: You can drink the Lemon juice either before food or half an hour after having food.
[Read: Health Benefits Of Green Tea With Lemon]
2. Boiling Lemon Peels to Lose Weight:
Boiling Lemon peels is yet another option for weight loss because these peels contain a component called pectin. Let us see how we can prepare a drink from lemon peels.
You Will Need:
- One Lemon.
- 30 ounces of water.
Preparation Method:
- Take the peel of the Lemon and place it in a bowl with 30 ounces of water.
- Boil the water for about five minutes and then turn the heat low.
- Now add the peeled lemon juice along with some chunks.
- Let it steep for about 30 minutes.
- Now remove all the lemon chunks.
- You can add half the lemon water to a 30-ounce water bottle to create a perfect drink for weight loss.
How Often Should I Do This: You can drink this concoction once or twice a day.
3. Lemonade for Weight Loss:
Lemonade is yet another popular drink for people of all ages and is famous for weight loss.
You Will Need:
- 1 ½ cups of fresh lemon juice.
- Two cups of water.
- One or two tbsp of sugar.
Preparation Method:
- Take fresh lemon juice into a glass.
- Now add water and sugar to the glass.
- Mix the contents thoroughly until the sugar melts completely.
- Since it is a drink used for weight loss, it is better to use stevia or low-calorie sugar.
How Often Should I Do This: You can drink one or two glasses in a day.
4. Lemon and Honey:
Lemon and honey is a star combination that promotes weight loss. In addition, this drink helps you stay active by giving you a shot of energy.
You Will Need:
- One Lemon.
- One tbsp of honey.
- One cup of warm water.
Preparation Method:
- Take a cup of warm water and squeeze the lemon into it.
- Add the honey to the water and mix them thoroughly.
How Often Should I Do This: Drink this concoction early in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed.
[Read: Lemon And Honey For Weight Loss]
5. Ginger and Lemon:
Ginger and Lemon is yet another combination that aids weight loss. In addition, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight many diseases.
You Will Need:
- ½ lemon slice.
- ½ an inch of ginger root.
- One cup of boiling water.
Preparation Method:
- Crush the ginger root by using a mortar and pestle.
- Place the crushed ginger in the cup of boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes.
- Strain the liquid into a glass, add lemon juice and mix them thoroughly.
How Often Should I Do This: You can drink this concoction two to three times daily.
6. Coffee with Lemon:
Coffee is one of the popular drinks consumed by many people. However, the addition of a squeeze of lemon increases the metabolism in your body, aiding in weight loss.
You Will Need:
- One cup of warm or hot water.
- One tbsp of instant coffee powder.
- One tbsp of lemon juice.
Preparation Method:
- Pour the required amount of coffee powder and lemon juice into a glass.
- Now add the hot water to the mixture.
- Combine them thoroughly until everything is blended properly.
How Often Should I Do This: Drink not more than two to three cups per day.
7. Cucumber and Lemon Water:
Cucumbers prevent combination and ease pain caused by swelling and sunburn by flushing out the toxins.
You Will Need:
- Six slices of cucumber.
- One Lemon.
- Two cups of water.
Preparation Method:
- Take a bottle and pour two cups of water into it.
- Add the cucumber slices and squeeze the lemon juice.
- You can either refrigerate it or drink it fresh.
How Often Should I Do This: To detox your body, sip this drink throughout the day.
8. Pineapple and Lemon Juice:
Pineapple is a fruit with soluble and insoluble fibre that makes you feel full, aiding in weight loss.
You Will Need:
- One cup of lemon juice.
- ½ cup of sugar.
- One cup of pineapple juice.
- Two tbsp of lemon juice.
- Five cups of water.
Preparation Method:
- Prepare simple sugar syrup by combining water and sugar in a saucepan by heating it. Let it cool down.
- Now take a pitcher and add all the ingredients to it.
- Refrigerate the concoction.
How Often Should I Do This: Drink this mixture twice or thrice a day.
9. Turmeric and Lemon for Weight Loss:
Turmeric is a spice found in all houses and has several health benefits. When combined with lemon, this drink aids in weight loss.
You Will Need:
- ¼ tbsp of turmeric.
- ½ tbsp of lemon juice.
- One cup of warm water.
Preparation Method:
- Add the turmeric and lemon juice to the glass of warm water.
- Combine them thoroughly.
- Drink immediately.
How Often Should I Do This: Drink this mixture twice or thrice a day.
10. Ajwain and Lemon for Weight Loss:
Lemon and Ajwain protect your body from free radical damage and inflammation by detoxifying your body as they are rich in antioxidants.
You Will Need:
- One tbsp of Ajwain.
- One cup of water.
- One tbsp of honey.
- Lemon juice as per requirement.
- A pinch of black salt.
Preparation Method:
- Dry roast Ajwain in a pan and add them to the boiled water.
- Let it steep for a few minutes.
- Add Lemon juice to the strained mixture and combine them thoroughly.
- You can either add honey or jaggery for a better taste.
How Often Should I Do This: You can drink this mixture twice a day.
11. Coconut Water and Lemon Juice:
Coconut water helps keep your body cool, low in calories, and boosts metabolism in your body, aiding weight loss.
You Will Need:
- One coconut.
- Few mint leaves.
- One tbsp of honey.
- One Lemon.
Preparation Method:
- Break the coconut and strain the water into a glass.
- You can scrape the coconut meat, slice it into tiny pieces, and add it to the water.
- Add Lemon juice, mint, and honey to the mixture.
- Combine them thoroughly.
How Often Should I Do This: You can drink this mixture twice or thrice a day.
12. Moringa and Lemon:
The vitamins and minerals present in Moringa leaves have a beneficial effect on our bodies. The addition of lemon juice promotes weight loss.
You Will Need:
- One tbsp of moringa leaves.
- One tbsp of lemon juice.
- One tbsp of honey.
- Two cups of boiling water.
Preparation Method:
- Add the moringa leaves to the boiling water.
- Let it steep for about ten minutes.
- Strain the water into a glass and add lemon and honey to it.
- Combine the mixture thoroughly.
How Often Should I Do This: Drink this mixture twice a day.
Lemon is one of the common ingredients found in any home and can be easily incorporated into our diets. The benefits and quick recipes will help you use lemon for weight loss. Don’t forget to let us know if you found this article helpful!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on pure research and not a replacement for medical advice. It is best to seek advice from a medical professional regarding your health.
1. Are there any side effects of using lemon?
Ans: Although lemon is quite helpful, consuming large amounts might cause side effects such as excessive urine, acid reflux, heartburn, and tooth enamel erosion.
2. What are the useful tips for using lemon for weight loss?
Ans: Here are some valuable tips to follow and incorporate lemon into your daily routine.
- Make sure to exercise to speed up your fat mobilization.
- Be sure to remove any traces of lemon on your teeth by washing the lemon water with a gulp of water.
3. What is the best time to drink lemon water for weight loss?
Ans: The best time to drink lemon water for weight loss is early in the morning with an empty stomach. You can also enjoy it as a pre-bedtime drink.