People in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra celebrate their New Year every year in the month of March or April which falls on the first day of the Hindu calendar month Chaitra. This traditional New Year celebration day is called Ugadi by people in Andhra and Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra called Gudi Padwa. On this day people decorate their house entrance with some amazing colourful kolam or called Rangoli with Ugadi rangoli with dots or Ugadi festival special rangoli without dots. To know more about Ugadi rangoli designs, this article would be helpful.
9 Traditional Rangoli Designs for Ugadi with Pictures:
Here we present the most popular rangoli designs for Ugadi. To try these designs at your home and temples and streets, whatever this article would be helpful.
1. Designed Mud Pot Ugadi Rangoli Design:
The traditional way of decorating one’s house during New Year’s Day can definitely that could be with an eye-catchy rangoli design. Those traditional designs include the mud pot rangoli design with colourful decorations.
2. Simple Flower White Powder Rangoli Design:
A simple white Ugadi rangoli special design could do a lot of changes during any special occasion. One such occasion is Ugadi. The white powder which has a shiny outlook and is designed into floral rangoli is an amazing design.
3. Freehand Rangoli Design for Yugadi:
Freehand rangoli design is the simplest way of sketching rangoli design on the floor. In order to avoid dotted rangoli designs in drawing them, this freehand rangoli design in which are numerous designs, one apt design could be a hanging leaf design.
4. Freehand Peacock Rangoli Design:
Peacock is a most attractive and colourful bird which Indian calls the National Bird. To get happiness and joy into one´s house, a good idea could be to design the house entrance with a freehand design as rangoli for the Ugadi festival.
5. Ganesha Rangoli Design:
Lord Ganesha is one of the main gods among Hindu people, people who are huge fans of Lord Ganesh and love to create rangoli designs then take the traditional function like Ugadi at one the right time as one of the Ugadi special rangoli designs.
6. Freehand Ganesha Rangoli Design:
Rangoli designs for the Ugadi festival can have an extreme level of toughness in drawing them; it can be as simple as drawing a hanging leaf design. This is one of the special freehand Ganesha rangoli designs for the Ugadi festival.
7. Star Rangoli Design:
Ugadhi is a cultural festival that required a lot of preparation at home for the ladies which includes cleaning the house and decorating, making sweets inviting relatives and friends over. To make it simple and pretty one way of decorating a house is a shaped rangoli design.
8. Simple Border Rangoli Design for Ugadi:
In Order to keep it simple and nice, ladies can decorate their house entrance during festive days like Ugadi with this simple border rangoli design which is usually a free-hand floral design or hanging leaf design called “Thornalu”.
9. Deepa Ugadi Rangoli Design:
Ugadi is definitely the most celebrated festival in India; for ladies who like to use Diya as the main theme for drawing rangoli design for them Deepam rangoli design can be the best design type. You can be a highlight with colourful rangoli powder.
Celebrating traditional festivals is one way of remembering one’s traditional values and culture. The best way of retaining traditional value could be following the traditional way of designing one´s house which can be done by sketching rangoli designs for Ugadi this year 2023.