Pregnancy in itself is a battle. Battle with the body hormones running berserk, battle to keep up with the daily chores, a battle of holding oneself together. Ask any pregnant woman about the nine months in which she carries another life inside her. You’ll always get the same answer. Pregnancy is like a roller coaster. I mean sure you get the beautiful glow along with the happiness of carrying your little angel inside you. But you also get terrible mood swings, pain and don’t forget about the hunger!

Though women usually crave something sweet or sour, sausages are also reported to be one of the most ‘crave-able’ as the saying goes. Since pregnant women worry about everything that goes inside them. As they should, we bring to you the effects of eating sausages during pregnancy.

Effects of Eating Sausage During Pregnancy:

1. Researchers believe that eating sausages while pregnant can be harmful. Because sausages are meats and meats need to be avoided as far as they can. While slaughtering animals, there could be bad hormones accumulating in them. Sudden death could lead to the formation of a not-so-good-natured baby as per research.

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2. Sausages are fat inducing and could be over-the-line spicy at times. Harming the pregnant mom in various ways. It cannot be termed as very healthy. An ounce of sausage contains about 85% of saturated fat which could lead to obesity and complications.

3. Fats and cholesterol are necessary for the proper growth of the baby. Though as it is said too much of anything leads to trouble. So excessive intake of fat by consuming too many sausages during pregnancy might create problems.

4. Also there is a lot of Sodium compound in hot sausage. Thus, eating sausages while pregnant could lead to urinary and coronary diseases and malfunctions for the mom as well as the baby. Though sausages contain zinc, iron and other minerals in them they are quite important for the development and growth of a baby.

5. Toxoplasmosis is a disease which is caused by the bacteria present in an undercooked sausage. Meat attracts bacteria of many kinds and these cause various diseases like nausea, stomach pains and other acute ailments. But for pregnant women, these are hugely effective on their foetuses and may even cause unnatural deaths, premature births and other dysfunctional defects which also include mental syndromes.

6. Scientific research also shows that sausages cause the acid present in the stomach. To go absurd and reflux through the glottis causing angina pectoris. Which is also known as heartburn and is shown with symptoms like severe pain in the chest. This could trigger chronic ailments in the child and also risk the life of the mother and the baby. Causing pressures in the blood to dysfunctional.

What to do about the Cravings?

Cravings should never be just ignored as they could lead to some serious defects in the unborn’s nutrition. There are deficiencies in some minerals or vitamins and so the mother craves particular food.

If the craving for sausages doesn’t fade away soon, the mom-to-be should heat it and eat hot sausages instead of eating the packed and preserved meat. Heating the meat is beneficial as it kills the bacteria. Once, the bacteria are dead, the sausages are no longer contaminated and therefore safe to eat.

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Pregnant women can also benefit from eating sausage in pregnancy as they provide some vital nutrients but more than useful, these are harmful and should be avoided as long as possible.


About Yashasvi

Yashasvi developed a deep passion for writing ever since she was completed her Master’s in Mass Communication and Journalism from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and has chosen a career that is driven by creativity. A Parenting expert who believes in communicating effectively with a personal touch, she writes about pregnancy, baby care, lifestyle, and just about anything else.