In the Hindu calendar and Vedic astrology terms, nakshatras play a prominent role in their expressions, life, and emotions. If your baby is born under a particular nakshatra, it is considered auspicious to name him or her accordingly for a good life. In this series, today we have Mrigasira nakshatra baby names for those born under this star.
If your baby is born under Mrigasira, we have compiled a list of baby boy and girl names under this Mrigasira Nakshatra. Let’s have a look at them!
Mrigasira Nakshatra and Its Characteristics:
The mrigasira nakshatra ranges from 23.20 Taurus sign to 6.40 Gemini sign in its constellations. The name Mrigasira means deer or antelope’s head. Those born under Mrigasira Nakshatra are known to be quite friendly and lovely to people, yet have fickle nature and focus on temporary material comforts and wishes. However, the person is also known to be jovial and gentle with people and always welcoming.
The Mrigasira nakshatra-born babies are ruled by Mars, and their deity is Soma, who is God of Immortality. If your baby is born under this star, he or she is considered lucky, and it is seen as auspicious if one follows the particular syllable to name the child. Let us explore all about that today.
Mrigasira Nakshatra names starting letter/syllabus:
If your baby is born under Mrigasira Nakshatra, it is considered auspicious and good if his or her baby’s name begins with the following: Ve, Vo, Ka, Kaa, Ki, Kee, We, Wo.
See More: Auspicious Rohini Nakshatra Baby Names
Mrigasira Star Names for Baby Girl, Boy, and Twins:
Here we go; let us explore all possible sweet and innovative baby names for Mrigasira Nakshatra borns in here. You can end your search with this and find a perfect name for your little baby.
Mrigasira Nakshatra Baby Boy Names:
1. Kaamat:
The name Kaamat is an Indian baby boy name originated from the Hindi language. Kaamat means someone who is free in spirit and presence, who is unrestrained and without any limits. It is a unique baby boy, Mrigasira star names in this millennium.
2. Kaanha:
If you are in search of a cute and lovely yet meaningful God’s blessed baby boy name, then Kaanha may be apt for you. The word Kaanha is originated and invented from the nickname of the young Lord Krishna. Isn’t it sweet?
3. Kaant:
The word Kaant is again an Indian baby boy’s name. kaant means plesant or pleasant moon. The other name of Kaant also means someone who is precious and everlasting. Now we love both of these lovely and beautiful names, what say?
4. Kaartik:
Kaartik also can be spelled as Kaarthik means joy or someone who has a lot of courage. It is a modern baby boy name yet in popularity and is quite famous for the last two decades. This is quite lovely baby names for Mrigasira Nakshatra.
5. Kaartikeya:
In case you want to name your baby boy after a God or Deity, then kaartikeya is a wonderful choice. The name sounds unique and modern too, and also goes after Son of the Lord Siva. Alternatively, Kartikeya also means someone who is active always and vigorous.
6. Kairav:
The name Kairav originated from the Hindi and Sanskrit language, is a unique and refreshing new baby boy name of this decade. Kairav means white lotus. It also implies to someone who is born of water. Isn’t it a cool and cute new baby boy’s name?
7. Kalap:
Kalap is a new name that most of us haven’t heard of. It is a new invention which is originated from the North Indian languages, which means someone intelligent. Kalap alternatively also means moon or decoration. We love all of these meanings. What do you think of this Mrigasira Nakshatra male baby names?
8. Kanan:
Also spelled as Kannan, it is a popular south Indian name originated from Sanskrit and Dravidian languages. Kannan or Kananmeans forest or a garden. It also alternatively means the mouth of Lord Brahma.
9. Kanav:
The name Kanav is a popular North Indian baby boy name. kanav means wise, and someone who is beautiful and intelligent. The name also is after sage Kanav in the ancient mythologies and times.
10. Kaushik:
The name Kaushik is quite popular and well known across the Indian subcontinent. Many boys are named in this from the last few decades. However, the beautiful meaning is worth to be known. Kaushik means love and affection. It is also another name for the Lord Indra.
11. Kirit:
The name Kirit in the Hindi language literally translates to a crown. It is unique and short as well as a mesmerizing baby boy names.
12. Kiyaan:
Also spelled as Kiaan, the name itself sounds super cute and short with lovely pronunciation. Kiaan or Kiyaan means Kings or someone who belongs to the Royal family and kinship.
13. Ved:
It is an upcoming baby boy name that parents prefer to name in the last decade. Ved is a short and cute baby boy name with amazing meaning- it means sacred knowledge. Ved in Hinduism is four philosophical scriptures.
14. Vedaant:
Vedant, also spelled as Vedaant and Vedanth, means scriptures of Hinduism again. It also implies someone who is knowledgeable or king of all the Vedas, knowledgeable, or has worldly knowledge. It means someone who has ultimate knowledge.
15. Vedansh:
The name Vedansh is another name variation for the above two names. Vedansh means a part of Veda and is derived from the Sanskrit language. This is modern-day mrigasira nakshatra Vrishabha rasi baby names.
16. Vedik:
In case you are looking not just for a cute and short name but also modern and not very famous already for starting with, then Vedik is the one. Vedik is the name of a River in India and also means altar or someone’s consciousness. Such a beautiful and deep meaning isn’t it?!
17. Veekshit:
Also spelled as Veekshith and Veekhsit, the name means someone who is always brave. It is derived from the Hindi and Sanskrit languages and is among known names of a baby boy already
18. Veer:
For someone who is looking for a casual and meaningful name, Veer can be an amazing choice. The name says it all – Veer means someone who is brave and courageous. Isn’t it cool?
19. Veerabhadra:
Now, if you want something which is ancient and philosophical, then Veerbhadra can be a good choice. Veerbhadra is Lord Siva, who is ruler and supreme of the entire world. It is a mythological Hindu baby boy’s name.
20. Veeramani:
The name is quite unique. Veeramani in Indian languages means someone who is brave with a bell around his neck. Isn’t it a unique and mesmerizing baby boy name under Mrigasira star?
21. Venu:
The name Venu is a popular south Indian name that originated and derived from Dravidian and Sanskrit areas. Venu means flute. It is such a cute, short, and yet timeless classic name, to name a baby boy. What do you think?
22. Kishore:
It is another popular baby boy name in several parts of India. Kishore, or also spelled as Kishor, means Lord Krishna. The name also implies a young boy or lad.
23. Kirin:
Kirin means a poet. If you want something artistic, creative, and innovative baby boy name, Kirin can be ideal with such a beautiful meaning. What say?
24. Kinshuk:
It is a popular south Asian and Northeast Indian baby boy name. Kinshuk means a flower or always bloom. This is quite a beautiful and unique modern-day baby boy name choice.
25. Karunakar:
The karunkar is derived from the name Karuna, which means someone who is always merciful or full of mercy. The name is a known baby boy name in several parts of India, derived from the Sanskrit language. The other variation or possibility of the same name is Karunakaran.
Mrigasira Nakshatra Baby Girl Names:
26. Kajal:
Also spelled as Kaajal, the name is quite popular in India for north Indian regions. Kajal means Kohl or eyeliner. The name also symbolizes someone who has decorative and beautiful eyes. This is among very known after Mrigasira Nakshatra female baby names.
27. Kaamya:
Kaamya in the Hindi language means someone successful. The baby girl name under this star sign is a new and unique modern-day name, which also implies someone who always wins or lovable.
28. Kaanti:
Also spelled as Kaanthi, the name literally means and implies ornament or light. It also means desire and someone who is beautiful. It is a popular baby girl name in both the north and south Indian parts.
29. Kaarunya:
Kaarunya is a beautiful and creative baby girl name which means someone who is kind, compassionate, and merciful always. The name is a unique and meaningful baby girl’s name to try out. This is one of our favorite baby girl names for Mrigasira Nakshatra.
30. Kaaveri:
Also spelled as Kaveri, it is the name of the river in India. Alternatively, the name Kaveri also means turmeric or someone who loves water.
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31. Kaavya:
Also spelled as Kavya, the name is again quite well known and famous already in India, from decades together. Kavya means music, as well as poetry. It is originated both from Hindi and Sanskrit languages and is a lovely Mrigasira Nakshatra 1st pada names.
32. Kaira:
The name Kaira means someone who is unique and always calm and peaceful. It also symbolizes pleasant and beautiful. It is a new and contemporary rare baby girl name to try out. This is also lovely Mrigasira Nakshatra names for a girl.
33. Kalapi:
If you want something which is again rare and not at all known for naming your little baby girl, then this name would be beautiful as well as unique. Kalapi means peacock and nightingale. It is a modern-day baby girl’s name to try out. Isn’t it sweet?
34. Kalavati:
Also spelled as Kalavathi, it is derived from Hindu religion’s mythologies, which means Goddess Parvathi. Alternatively, Kalavathi means artistic as well.
35. Kalpana:
The name Kalpana is derived from the Sanskrit language, which is popular in several South Indian states. Kalpana means creativity, idea, and imagination.
36. Kalyani:
The name Kalyani for girls and women is a pretty ancient and oldage name. However, it remains meaningful and timeless with its classic hues. Kalyani means auspicious or fortune.
37. Kamala:
Kamala is again one such name many know. However, it always remains special and artistic, given its meaning – Kamala means flower or lotus flower. It also symbolizes passion, beauty, and prosperity. Isn’t it cute and sweet?
38. Kanchi:
The name Kanchi is a meaningful yet not very well-known name in India. Kanchi means brilliant. It is also a place name of pilgrimage in the state of Tamil Nadu
39. Kanya:
The name Kanya in Hindi means daughter or pure lady. It is a rare but well-known name in the north Indian regions.
40. Karishma:
Karishma in the Hindi language means charm and beauty. The name also symbolizes favor or a miracle. Such a meaningful and mesmerizing baby girl name isn’t it.
41. Kartyayani:
The name kartyayani is an ancient mythological name, which means Goddess Parvathi. It is a creative and intrinsic name choice to name a baby girl under this star sign.
42. Kashvi:
Kashvi, or can also be called Kashvika, means someone who is always happy, bright, shining, and glowing. It is a beautiful baby girl name derived from the Hindi language.
43. Kaushiki:
Kaushiki, also spelled as Kaushikhi, means Goddess Durga. The name also symbolizes women’s power or someone who is courageous. It is a Hindi mythological ancient name.
44. Kavitha:
Also can be spelled as Kavita, it is a famous and quite known south Indian baby girl and women’s name. Kavitha literally translates to poetry or poem in the Sanskrit language.
45. Kiara:
The name Kiara is a modern-day and contemporary name choice for many young and new parents. Kiara means dark-haired or a crown. It sounds sweet and short with cute pronunciation and meaning
46. Kinjal:
It is named after Hindi language origins and is a rare North Indian baby name choice. Kinjal means the river of the bank.
47. Kiranmayi:
The name Kiranmayi is quite popular in the Southern Indian states from the Sanskrit language. Kiranmayi is derived from the name Kiran which means light. Kiranmayi means rays of light.
48. Kirti:
The name Kirti, which can also be spelled as Keerthi, means fame or happiness. It also symbolizes a reputation. It is a popular and known baby girl name choice.
49. Kiya:
If you are searching for a very short and cute baby girl’s name, this is it! Kiya! Kiya means melodious and symbolizes a cooning of the beautiful bird. Isn’t it cute?
50. Vedantika:
The name vedantika means someone who has worldly knowledge and wisdom on Vedas. Other possible alterations of this name are Veda, Vedasri, and Vedanta. If you want a traditional meaning yet modern-sounding name, this Mrigasira Nakshatra 2nd pada name can be a good choice.
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Unisex Baby Names Under Mrigasira Nakshatra:
51. Kiran:
The name Kiran is quite a popular Indian name that originated from the Sanskrit language. Kiran means light, rays, or sun. It is a popular baby unisex name.
52. Kalki:
Kalki is a rare and unique baby unisex name that means Kali Yuga. The name is derived from the words, Kal, which means time. It is a modern name with mythological and deep meaning.
53. Kirti:
The name Kirti is pronounced as kir-ti. It means happiness and fame; however, it is a unisex variation and name idea for the girl name Keerthi.
54. Vedya:
The name Vedya is a modern and contemporary name with religious and spiritual meaning. Vedya means celebrated, knowledgeable, and wisdom. This one is popular Mrigasira Nakshatra Mithun rasi names for female babies.
55. Kaamuk:
It is another new day modern name which can be named for both baby girls and boys. Kaamuk means someone who is desirable, passionate, and has lots of love. Isn’t it cool?
Mrigasira Nakshatra Twin Baby Girl and Boy Name Ideas:
56. Kaali-kaalika:
This is a twin baby girl name choices for both sisters. Kaali means night, and also another name for Kaalimaata, who is Goddess Durga. Kaalika means earth, fog, and someone who is courageous. These are brave and unique name choices for baby girl twins.
57. Kahini – Kahita:
These are twin baby boy and girl name choices. Kahini means someone who is always young and strong. Kahita, on the other hand, means a saying. Both are unique and new twin baby name choices under Mrigasira Nakshatra.
58. Vedika-Vedanshi:
These are twin baby girl name choices in the most cutest sense. Vedika means consciousness and someone with a strong belief. Vedanshi means a girl who has worldly knowledge and wisdom about Vedas. This is a meaningful yet mesmerizing short cute baby twin Mrigasira Nakshatra 3rd pada name.
59. Kalash-Kalashree:
Kalash means a water pot or bowl full of water. It also symbolizes depth. Kalashree or Kalasri means someone who possesses art and is creative. The baby boy and girl twin names are quite meaningful and derived from the Sanskrit language
60. Kanak – Kanan:
Both are twin baby boy names. Kanak means gold and wheat. Kanan, on the other hand, means dark forest or garden. Both are contemporary and meaningful, yet rare baby boy name choices to try out.
With these Mrigasira nakshatra baby names, we hope you have found the perfect and ideal fit to name your little one. Names are always special, and lots of research goes into finding the right and suitable name. With our meaningful and modern-day name choices, we hope you have found the ‘one.’
All the names given above have their meanings as per context and time. These meanings and symbols may alter according to different cultures, countries, regions, and languages. We advise conducting your extensive research before to understand the several interpretations attached to the name.