Pirate baby names! Fun, loving, adventurous, and fascinating! These pirate names choices and ideas for newborn babies are the new trend and fashion, and if you are among the new parents who are fascinated by pirates, their skills, bravery, and valor, then these are perfect. They are unique, and indeed are charming and personal.
These names carry a legacy and historical significance and are never to go out of the trend. Today, we will help you list out the most famous pirate names for the kids’ list. Let us go through them together!
The Best and Top Trending Pirate Name Ideas for Boys and Girls
This perfect list of pirate names is indeed is excellent and significant for their cause. They are meaningful, cute, mesmerizing, and are filled with historical elements and importance. So let us go ahead and discover the famous, unique, and rare yet meaningful pirate related names for babies.
Pirate Names for Baby Boys:
These trendy and rarely found pirate names for baby boys are perfect for your little one. They are charming and indeed ideal for a unique feel and fascinating feel. Let us go through these pirate sounding male names first.
1. Ace:
The name Ace has its origins initially from the Middle East regions. Ace implies the first of everyone. It also symbolizes someone who is higher or excellent. This name indeed is perfect for your little baby, who will be number one in everything, and yet with a rare meaningful name choice.
2. Alistair:
Alistair means defender or fighter. The name has Scottish origin and is a very rarely found name choice that is modern and significant.
3. Axel:
Axel means one’s own or peace. The name has Scandinavian origins and is a short cute name choice that is inspired by the world for boys. This is among popular upcoming Pirate names for guys.
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4. Bastian:
Bastian name is derived from the other name – Sebastian. It has English and Latin origins and symbolizes the place name in the Asian continent. Cool, isn’t it!
5. Caspian:
Caspian is actually a sea name in Asia. It is a water body, and hence the name also symbolizes unlimited, or to infinity. We love the beautiful meaning and intensity, though.
6. Dylan:
Dylan means a great tide. The name has Welsh origins.
7. Errol:
Errol means soldier. The name also symbolizes warrior, prince, or someone who never gives up and fights. It has English origins.
8. Fenix:
Fenix name came from the word Phoenix. It is a mythical, fictional bird and symbolizes love, rebirth, and hope. It also means dark red.
9. Gulliver:
Although the exact origins and deriving of the name Gulliver is unknown, the term has gained quite a lot of popularity recently. It has English roots.
10. Hudd:
Hudd means a brave ruler or aristocrat.
11. Hugo:
Hugo means heart or spirit. This pirate name comes from the German language and also symbolizes hug or intimacy.
12. Johann:
Johann’s name is a short form for John, which implies ‘God is Gracious’ The name choice here is derived from the Hebrew language.
13. Lorcan:
In case you are searching for an in-depth name choice, nothing like Lorcan. This means a fierce person. The name is popular in the Irish regions.
14. Nico:
Nico means people’s victory. The name also symbolizes positivity and a spirited personality. It has Greek origins.
15. Oscar:
Oscar means God’s spear. It is already a popular name choice for babies that is ever trending and timeless.
16. Percy:
Percy is derived from the town name, Perci, in English regions. It is a very unique and beautiful short name choice idea for babies.
17. Ronan:
Ronan means to seal or bond. It is a rarely found name choice again for boys. The name is derived from Irish origins.
18. Tarian:
Tarian means shield. It is a Welsh name that is beautiful, short, and less popular.
19. Theo:
This is nowadays a very trending choice for boys. It means the bold person or a brave man. In Greek, Theo or Theodore also represents God’s gift.
20. Zachary:
Zachary is from Hebrew origins, which means ‘remembering our Lord.’ The short form of these names also includes Zack or Zach.
Pirate Names for Girls:
Now, let us move ahead and check out the most lovely, beautiful, and inspirational list of baby girl Pirate inspired name ideas and choices. Here we go with female pirate names and ideas!
21. Adrie:
Adrie has origins from both Roman and Italian; it is such a charming and beautiful name choice for baby girls.
22. Augusta:
Augusta means someone great or venerable. The name is already popular in the aristocratic family of Romans.
23. Belle:
This is another charming and pretty name idea for baby girls. Belle means beautiful. It is a shortcut for several other feminine name choices like Isabelle, Anabelle, and so on.
24. Cataline:
Cataline means pure or sacred. This name has Greek origins.
25. Celeste:
The name takes after the word, Celestial or heavenly. It has originated from Latin and is a graceful, beautiful baby girl name idea.
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26. Cordelia:
Cordelia means the heart of a lion. The name also symbolizes someone who is adventurous and brave, filled with courage.
27. Doria:
Doria means the gift of God. It is also a name for Greek tribes.
28. Evalyn:
Evalyn, meaning in French and German, means wished or desired. Thus, the name symbolizes love and a heart filled with wishes.
29. Freeda:
Freeda or Frida symbolizes peace. It has originated from English and German languages.
30. Iona:
Iona is Scottish, and Hebrew means Island. The name alternatively also symbolizes infinity.
31. Kaia:
Kaia means warmth or pure in Greek mythology. It is a rare and short cute, pretty name idea for girls.
32. Lucia:
This is already a famous and trending name idea for girls. Lucia means light or brightness in Latin origins. It is a vintage and timeless name idea that can never go out of the trend.
33. Marissa:
If you are looking for Modern pirate name ideas for girls, Marissa is perfect. It means someone belonging to the sea.
34. Nadia:
Nadia or Nadiya/Nadya means hope. The name is from Slavic origins. It is a gorgeous, fascinating, and meaningful name choice.
35. Ophelia:
Ophelia means a person who is always helpful. This is another unique name choice for baby girls.
36. Regina:
Regina means queen. This is already a favorite name choice in several English regions.
37. Sandera:
Sandera means warrior or brave fighter. The name has Greek origins and is an ideal choice if you are looking for a classic pirate-perfect name.
38. Skye:
Skye is the name of the place around Scotland. However, given its resemblance to the word Sky, the term also means unlimited, infinity, and serene.
39. Valarie:
As the name suggests, Valarie means someone who is filled with courage or a strong person.
40. Yulla:
Yulla means a sacred woman. It also symbolizes money and wealth. The name is perfect for unique ideas. It derived from Scandinavian origins.
Pirate Unisex and Nicknames:
These unisex pirate-inspired names are ideal and perfect for both boys and girls. They are gender-neutral names and are perfectly suitable for today’s boys and girls.
41. Bellamy:
The name is derived from English origins, which also implies or means Black Sam.
42. Jade:
Jade is a perfect name for both boys and girls, which has Spanish origins.
43. Journey:
The name journey itself means a trip. It also symbolizes a feel or experience. It represents the route pirates prefer.
44. Ocean:
The name Ocean implies and means the term itself – a large body of water. Therefore, another variant for the name Ocean is Oceane.
45. Phoenix:
Phoenix is another latest trending name choice for babies, both boys and girls. It symbolizes Phoenix, the mythical creature. We love this name, how about you?
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46. Sailor:
However obvious the name Sailor may seem, it is a perfect Pirate-inspired baby name choice. Don’t you think so?! This is also among very old popular pirate names.
47. Scout:
Scout means the first explorer. It has American name origins, ideal for boys and girls. You may already have heard this name several times; what do you think?
48. Tori:
Tori means flying high. The name also symbolizes a bird. This name has origins in Asian regions and countries.
49. Zoey:
Zoe or Zoey can be named for both baby girls and boys. It means someone who is eternal. The name has Greek origins.
50. Zheng:
The ancient Pirate Zheng himself inspires the name. It has now become a fascinating unisex Pirate-inspired name idea.
We hope you enjoyed exploring and learning about the Pirate baby name ideas and the list of trending choices. These are beautiful, fascinating, and unique names for baby girls and boys. Did you like any name specifically? If so, let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments below. We love to hear from you!
This is exclusively a guide to learn about Pirate baby names. These are for informative purposes only. The content in this article is provided from research through various sources across the web. The author does not guarantee or promise any accuracy of facts provided in this article.